Computer Science Canada

Perimeter Institute; Quantum Mechanics and Dark Energy

Author:  btiffin [ Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Perimeter Institute; Quantum Mechanics and Dark Energy

So, the more I hear, the more I tend to believe in my theory of twisted number lines where 0 is the same as infinity.

The scientist talking on tonight's show is discussing the theory that Dark Energy will "win". Our future is destined to end in Dark Energy. I opine that that "end-game" is the same spacetime point as the infinitely dense pre-Big Bang, only from the other end of the "mobius spacetime twist" (for lack of a better expression).

The square-root of minus 1 and imaginary numbers are just those numbers on the "flip side" of our supposed flat and linear number lines. I propose that number lines cannot be flat and linear but (slowly) twist in on themselves and the end is the beginning, open infinity becomes closed infinity in my as yet to be determined mathematics.

The 10 dimensional space theories are actually in the current math, as I think x,y,z,t,h are twisted to x,x',y,y',z,z',t,t',h,h'
(where h is the Quantum Hologram dimension that allows our 4D spacetime to "run"). And the "run" is simply the twist and what our currently feeble little brain/quantum hologram detectors allow us to "think" about.

Every second the edge of our Universe expands a light-second. If not a light beam we send out would hit that edge eventually and become imaginary, and I'm still of the opinion that that edge determines what the speed of light is. c isn't constant. As more space is opened, light is free to move a little faster. Until it gets to the edge (at speed 0, twisted about itself back to its own beginning having travelled some 15? billion light years in zero time).

Sorry for the rant, but I gotta dump these thoughts every once in awhile...or I fear they will build up and eventually the flying purple space monkeys will be forced to come down from the Dark Side of the Moon to explain gravity to us. That would be bad. Wink


Author:  isaiahk9 [ Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perimeter Institute; Quantum Mechanics and Dark Energy

That would be bad.

As for the theory that dark energy will end us all, I think that's bogus (sorry). I mean, when dark matter comes in contact with out "normal" energy, all that comes out is an explosion. Now, if dark matter would be coming at us, why hasn't it arrived? This universe has been existing for (the amount of years you believe the universe has existed, which should be a lot) and the earth for (whatever you believe the earth has existed for, which is still pretty large) years.
So if we this has all existed for so long, how come we have never been blotted out before?
And lastly, why in the world would Dark energy reign supreme? Dark energy exists in your house, room, even in your body. Why is this going to destroy us? It forces planets apart (although some people say that this is the result of mono-poles), and will not suddenly turn into a nuclear force ripping everything apart.
I just don't understand how anyone can believe that. Please enlighten me, I must be missing something.

Author:  Insectoid [ Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Perimeter Institute; Quantum Mechanics and Dark Energy

But numbers DO run in a circle! In Java at least, if you keep adding 1 to an integer, it will eventually reach it's max size (256 bits?) and suddenly become negative! Then keep adding 1, eventually you'll hit zero, then the max integer (I've been told this has to do with the first bit being the positive/negative bit in the number and it flips on you when you get to big, but whatever (For those who didn't catch the sarcasm (highly likely), I do know why that happens)).

Author:  btiffin [ Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Perimeter Institute; Quantum Mechanics and Dark Energy

isaiahk9; I'd like to say I understood what he was saying from a "deep" scientific stance. But I can't. I look at quantum physics from the purple flying space monkey perspective. Zero details and much voodoo.

But, the principles he was discussing had to do with how the current theories, wound back to the (assumed) infinite density of pre-Big Bang through what we observe today with all the missing mass and the "flatness" of the cosmological constants and extrapolating to the future. (And I'm talkin' out my arse right now - so don't take my word for any of this).


Author:  isaiahk9 [ Fri Oct 31, 2008 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Perimeter Institute; Quantum Mechanics and Dark Energy

"sounds about right, most of what I said was from 2 books I read." - I could say that, but that would just be me talkin' out of my arse right now.

Author:  Insectoid [ Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Perimeter Institute; Quantum Mechanics and Dark Energy

hmm, btiffin, you might like to take a look at quantum computing. It's like regular cuputing, except a 2 is thrown into the mix of zeros and ones (actually, from what I understand, which is litle, it's more like a 0.5)

Author:  btiffin [ Sat Nov 01, 2008 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Perimeter Institute; Quantum Mechanics and Dark Energy

Thanks insectoid, I've only glanced at the science of QC, perhaps it's time for another dive in.

Years ago, Japan announced a trinary chip, but I've heard little news and haven't looked to see where that went. -5v, +5v and off. For a few days I was spewing to my friends about us needing to get ready for TAND, TOR, TNOR ... oh well, not yet. Wink


Author:  Zeroth [ Sat Nov 01, 2008 1:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Perimeter Institute; Quantum Mechanics and Dark Energy

Well, no, the deal with quantum computing is that each qubit is, and this is the really freaky part, simultaneously a 0 or a 1. Think about a photon of light. It is possible to spit that photon at whats called a collimater, which will send the photon in one of two directions with equal chance. In each direction is a mirror. The mirrors will redirect the photon to a single collector. The photon will take both paths. Every time. At the same time. But at the same time, a photon cannot be divided... what happens is the photon becomes a wave function, and exists dually. Some really freaky stuff in there. Quantum computers take advantage of this simultaneity to run every possible variation of a calculation at once. The hard part is finding the correct answer from the millions of attempts.

This explains it much better than I can:

Author:  Insectoid [ Sat Nov 01, 2008 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Perimeter Institute; Quantum Mechanics and Dark Energy

Well, that's why I called it '0.5'. a combination of 1 and 0.
