Computer Science Canada

Any Konqueror pros here?

Author:  btiffin [ Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Any Konqueror pros here?

I'm looking for a way to call up konqueror from the command line so that it opens a new tab in an existing instance if one is running. Any clues?

The goal is to able to
$ konqueror --somemagicoption newurl

from within the embedded terminal window. I'm finding the combination to be a power house productivity boost, but now I'm jonesin' to wrap something so the REBOL BROWSE function will call up the konq and add a tab and not create a new instance.

I'll be experimenting with the --profile cli args, but I thought I'd ask here first. (Any info you smarties may have on DCOP and the kioslaves would also be appreciated). Again, I'll RTFM but I'm also a fan a AAFH Ask A Friendly Human sometimes. 3.5.9 by the way.

P.S. Anyone jonesin' to break into the Open Source world, the user guide to Konqueror is woefully incomplete. Wink

Author:  Unforgiven [ Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Any Konqueror pros here?

I played with this a while, but I didn't see anything - odd, I really was surprised it isn't obvious. I'm going to pass this along to some friends, we'll see if we can find some answers.
