Computer Science Canada

Legend of Zelda: The lost tales Alpha V2.0

Author:  Barda4 [ Sun Aug 03, 2008 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Legend of Zelda: The lost tales Alpha V2.0

I haven't done any programming since I put the first version up, and so a couple of days ago I started up again and I've fixed alot of stuff, so it runs alot smoother.

I fixed the animations so that link doesn't remeber the last directions that he swung and would swing in the direction.
Link takes a step when he swings his sword when the sword is at the middle animation and steps back at the last animation.
I also fixed it so that you can't see the white background behind the level picture.
I made the animation of link walking slower as well as his swing slower, it helps with the white box
I added borders to the tree and the outer ridges of the level, however if u follow the path to the evil side there is no border since I plan to place a level changers there
If you wish to change the speed of link press your 's' button and he will walk 4 times as fast

I still have to fix the sign problem and start working on the enemies, as soon as I fix thoes two problems I'll start to work on other levels.
Feel free to post any bugs, or personal opinions, or ideas to make the game better.
I want to fix all of the bugs before I start on other levels.

I hope you enjoy Mr. Green

Author:  Aziz [ Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:27 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Legend of Zelda: The lost tales Alpha V2.0

"An error occured while attempting to install WindowsApplication1" on XP SP3

Also, please name it something other than "" and "setup.exe".

Author:  Barda4 [ Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Legend of Zelda: The lost tales Alpha V2.0

ok here's the straight game in zip format, if it doesn't work then it cause I made it on windows vista, and vista royally suks!
