Computer Science Canada

Online Computer Science Learning Idea

Author:  agnivohneb [ Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Online Computer Science Learning Idea

I had a idea of creating a all in one learning HQ for all of those programing languages that exist... well there are to many so only the main ones. I plan to use moodle, that free php teaching app. I was just wondering if anyone was interested in contributing there time to write up tutorials and example programs. I was thinking of starting with something simple to start like turing and work up to others like php or java or C. I will have to use my home server to get things started, and it is slow, but I have been thinking of buying space somewhere later on.
Anyone interested in getting this project going then reply to this thread.

Author:  alex.john95 [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Online Computer Science Learning Idea

Good Idea Dude..
