Computer Science Canada

My final project Escape-Ship Turing game

Author:  gokuasd [ Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  My final project Escape-Ship Turing game

Hello, hopefully this game gives you an idea of making your own game..
It contains almost all the important things you need to know in grade 10.-Hopefully you can learn something....
Well, not going to annoy you guys... Have fun!

The music and background is erased however....
The Code is right here:

%Music is loaded.
process PlayBackgroundMusic (file : string)
Music.PlayFile (file)
end loop

end PlayBackgroundMusic
fork PlayBackgroundMusic ("Your music.mp3")

The background:
var soundeffects : string (1)
put "Do you want sound and music Y/N? "
getch (soundeffects)
if soundeffects = "y" then

%Play the background music while loading the pictures.
fork PlayBackgroundMusic ("fire.mp3")
end if

Instruction is in the game....
By the way, call me Rachel.

Author:  Insectoid [ Thu Jun 12, 2008 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:My final project Escape-Ship Turing game

Welcome to compsci, rachel!

Why couldn't you zip the file? All school computerw will allow this (except macs, don't know about them...) and then we don't have to be annoyed with having to do extra work.

Author:  Tony [ Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:My final project Escape-Ship Turing game

there could be a number of reasons for not including the music file. Either way, simply choosing not to play the file should make the rest of it work anyway.

@insectoid -- why would you even bring up macs if you don't know about them?

@Rachel -- this looks like an impressive project for grade 10. Though I have a pet peeve about fake loading screens.

Author:  Insectoid [ Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:My final project Escape-Ship Turing game

'All school computers' would include macs. If I did not mention them, and I was wrong, then I would be lying, wouldn't I?
