Computer Science Canada

How to stop a music file after the mouse is clicked? Thx for helping

Author:  lamentoes [ Thu May 29, 2008 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  How to stop a music file after the mouse is clicked? Thx for helping


process DoMusic
      if B = 1 and (X > 402 and X < 499) and (Y > 273 and Y < 347) then
        end if
        Music.PlayFile ("Opening.mp3")
    end loop
end DoMusic
process mouse
        mousewhere (X, Y, B)
        locate (2, 3)
        put X, ",", Y, ",", B
        if B = 1 and (X > 402 and X < 499) and (Y > 273 and Y < 347) then
        end if
    end loop
end mouse

fork DoMusic
fork mouse

this is basically wut i hav but iafter i click the mouse the music does not stop..i think it is because the music is kinda long (1min), so the program is still reading the "Music.PlayFile ("Opening.mp3")" part
is there a way to solve it? please help.
Thanks !

MOD EDIT:Remember your syntax tags!

Author:  andrew. [ Sun Jun 01, 2008 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  RE:How to stop a music file after the mouse is clicked? Thx for helping

I think it's best to combine the two and put them in one loop. Try to avoid forks and processes unless it's for background music.

Author:  Insectoid [ Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:How to stop a music file after the mouse is clicked? Thx for helping

I would not recommend using the mouse in a proccess, that will REALLY screw up the rest of your program.

On to fixing things.

If you click the mouse while the music is playing, DoMusic is still at this point:


Music.PlayFile ("Opening.mp3")

Unless you click exactly when the program is executing the if statement, it will not work.

Andrew- Same thing. If they're in the same loop, it will not execute the Mouse.Where until the song has finished, where you will have less than a second to click.

I think you should find a way to end a process (If that's possible...). If the mouse is clicked, then end DoMusic.
