Computer Science Canada

selecting single or multiple letters in a string type variable

Author:  timtimpei [ Thu May 01, 2008 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  selecting single or multiple letters in a string type variable

i was wondering how would you select a single or multiple letters/characters from a string type variable.

for example:

var name : string := "PETER"

and i only want to display the second letter of this name, in this case, the E.

is it possible? if not, wat is another solution?

Author:  The_Bean [ Thu May 01, 2008 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: selecting single or multiple letters in a string type variable

strings can be used like arrays in which every letter has a spot in the string. So to only call the second letter in the string use " name(2)"
you can also look into the "index" function in the turing help files for other string manipulation technics.
