Computer Science Canada

Where are you came form?

Author:  Dragan [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Where are you came form?

Hi, did you all here people came from Canada? I came form Serbia, do you know where is that country (Serbia)? Smile

Author:  Nick [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

I believe south of Russia, and yes I am Canadian

Author:  Dragan [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

@nick, no, guess again. Smile

Author:  btiffin [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you came form?

Georgian Bay; part of Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes.

Dragan; For a good view of how well North Americans know geography, check out this awesome video, Miss Teen South Carolina. So sad it's hilarious.

I was once involved with interviewing a lady from Bosnia for a COBOL position. She still appreciates getting the job and we chat on a semi-regular basis. (She was the only candidate that could answer my "What is PIC 88 used for?" question.)


Author:  Mackie [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

I live near Toronto.

Author:  Dragan [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

I saw that video and it is hilarious, why you don't learn geography in your schools? In my country I was learnig where are all countries of world and its capital cities.
Question is still here where are you came from and do you know where is Serbia? Smile

ps. @btffin , did she get that job?

Author:  btiffin [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you came form?

And Nick; no personal offence intended. I'm old and I would have responded "yeah, kinda" to the South of Russia answer. Few North Americans have a fair grasp of the world map. imho. So sad it's hilarious. Wink

Only adding this, as when I reread the thread it sounded like I was picking on Nick. Not the intent. I thought he was right (kinda). Sorry Nick.

Author:  CodeMonkey2000 [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you came form?

btiffin @ Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:13 pm wrote:

Dragan; For a good view of how well North Americans know geography, check out this awesome video, Miss Teen South Carolina. So sad it's hilarious.

The worst part was the she went on to the top 5. If I were the judge I would have disqualified her for intellectual incompetence. By the way, I'm from India.

Author:  btiffin [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

Dragan @ Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:29 pm wrote:
I saw that video and it is hilarious, why you don't learn geography in your schools? In my country I was learnig where are all countries of world and its capital cities.
Question is still here where are you came from and do you know where is Serbia? Smile

ps. @btffin , did she get that job?

Yes she did; going on 10 years ago now. Good coder too. And she takes no guff; part of being a good programmer, in my humble opinion. And as I've said; North Americans (I'm Canadian, so I'll say we do a better job than out neighbours to the south, but I'm biased by pride) do a fairly poor job of teaching ourselves world history and geography.


Author:  Dan [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

It should be noted that Canada, the Uninted States and Mexcio are all very diffrent conuntrys and lumping them in to one catgory does not make much sence epstaly if you are crtizing there eudcation systems all together. There is no north amrican union and realy the only collective agrrment btween the conutrys is NAFTA (free trade), the goverments, cluters and education system are very diffrent.

Canada is much more socilasit then the Uninted States and has an education system in canada is more hevealy fundend by the goverment and results in a very diffrent educational experince and cirulem. Mexico is even more radicaly diffrent then the two and is even more reduiceless to put in the same group in terms of education.

The video btiffin links to is from some one from the unitned states and is of a person who is not exctaely repersentive of the avaerge person there. Also the magorty of the users from this site are from canada (a diffrent country tho on the same content) so using that as proof that we don't learn geogrpahy in our schools is even more invaild.

Simpley studing the polictal divdions that defined the boundrys of countrys and there capitals is not that usefull if you totaly ignore the diffrence in scoicities and culters that define them witch you seem to be as if you did you might have know the canadaians easly take offence to being compared the uninted states, epstaly in terms of education, intengelce, goverment or clutercher.

Grouping all of north amrica together and saying why don't you learn geogrpahy would be like grouping all of europe together and asking why you all speak with british acentes.

Also it is unrealstic to think that every person should know exctaly where every country in the world is off the top of there head. A much more imporent geogrpahy realted skill whould be being able to use a map of atalist to find any place on the erath. Obvesly some countyrs and dvidions like contenets are large enought that every one should know, however asking exctaly exctaly where serbia is with out using a map would be like me asking you exctaly where the Yukon (an area almost 5.5 time bigger then serbia) or New Brunswick (an area about the same size of serbia) is with out being fimualr with canada.

Any how thats my rant about it.

Edit: Also Serbia is tehcnaily south of russia if you ignore the west/east compoent..... Tho saying in southeastern europe would be more acurrite.

Author:  btiffin [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

Dan @ Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:04 pm wrote:

Grouping all of north amrica together and saying why don't you learn geogrpahy would be like grouping all of europe together and asking why you all speak with british acentes.

Also it is unrealstic to think that every person should know exctaly where every country in the world is off the top of there head. A much more imporent geogrpahy realted skill whould be being able to use a map of atalist to find any place on the erath. Obvesly some countyrs and dvidions like contenets are large enought that every one should know, however asking exctaly exctaly where serbia is with out using a map would be like me asking you exctaly where the Yukon (an area almost 5.5 time bigger then serbia) or New Brunswick (an area about the same size of serbia) is with out being fimualr with canada.

Any how thats my rant about it.

Not that I'm a huge fan of diss'ing entire cultures, but being part of the target of disrespect seems to make it a little more ok.

Not to offend Dan, but yeah I lump all of North America in as a group re World Geography. Like this snippet (limited, probably a little biased but I found it quickly) from a National Geographic Survey from 6 years ago (similar to the more recent poll, but didn't have the same oommph of quote).

Quoted from National Geographic
Americans ages 18 to 24 came in next to last among nine countries in the National Geographic-Roper 2002 Global Geographic Literacy Survey, which quizzed more than 3,000 young adults in Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Sweden, and the United States. Top scorers were young adults in Sweden, Germany, and Italy.

Out of 56 questions that were asked across all countries surveyed, on average young Americans answered 23 questions correctly. Others outside the U.S., most notably young adults in Mexico, also struggled with basic geography facts. Young people in Canada and Great Britain fared almost as poorly as those in the U.S.

We have work to do, imho. And this is partly due to our being blessed with so much fun stuff to do, that we don't rate world History or Geography high on the list.

And the Miss Teen video, excuse the reference; it is the very tip of an iceberg, perhaps not fair ... but still hilarious. Asked today, I'm sure she'd beat most test scores quite soundly as I can only assume the event prompted her to study up a little. Smile

And to be fair to Dragan's thread and hopefully not derail its direction. It's a good question ... where we come from.

Author:  Sean [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you came form?

Sadly, I live in the same town as Mackie. Rolling Eyes

Naw, joking. It's all in good fun.

Mackie, you can tell Gillard that there is a Geocache that she can look for. It's located across the street in the park.

Author:  Dan [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

Your not dissing an entire culture but an entiere content of the world that has many cultures and being part of that content dose not make any better.

So peoleop that come from smaller comuntrys that are srowuned by more countrys know more about there local georgrphy then ones that come from larger countrys that are soruned by one or two countrys? What a shock. As i mentioned befor i wonder if thess students from eurpoe know where the provices of canada or states of amarica are as most are larger in size then the countrys they are being tested on.

This comprason is as vaild as me saying peoleop not from north amarica don't know english. Aren't you guys taught english in school? (And yes i see the irony in me saying this.)

Tho to get back on topic as you sugest i currently live in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. I was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Author:  OneOffDriveByPoster [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you came form?

I am from Scarborough, part of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I was born in Hong Kong. I am currently living elsewhere (attending University).

Author:  md [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

Dragan @ 2008-04-13, 5:06 pm wrote:
@nick, no, guess again. Smile

Actual, right. It IS south of Russia, and a bit to the west. Situated between Bosnia and Romania.
But then, I did the smart thing and confirmed where I thought it was with a map before posting. Even I can't remember exactly where every country is all the time Wink

Author:  CodeMonkey2000 [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

Didn't Canada bomb the crap out of Serbia a while ago?

And Kosovo is recognized as a country by Canadians. What does this mean for Quebec now?

Author:  Nick [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

Well glad to see I was half right. Wink I don't like to look up questions asked, I like to test my knowledge.

I thought the origanal question was what contry so I answered Canada, however being specific, I live in the next town north of Mackie's although I lived in the same city for 14 years, was born there too.

Also I like the irony in Dan's post, but it's not his fault.

Author:  Dan [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

CodeMonkey2000 @ 13th April 2008, 10:08 pm wrote:
Didn't Canada bomb the crap out of Serbia a while ago?

And Kosovo is recognized as a country by Canadians. What does this mean for Quebec now?

Well NATO attacked Yugoslavia and Canada is one of many (about 26) countrys/states that make up NATO, the attack was mostly started and ran by the US but canada did play a minor roll in the conflict (~10% of the acuatal bombing). Also Yugoslavia is now serveral diffrent conutrys/states and serbia is one of them.

As for the Kosovo/Quebec comprason it is not realy vaild if you look that the hisotry behind both and the support for it with in each state/country/provience. Yugoslavia tryed to ethincal cleanse Kosovo (witch is why NATO atacked), Kosovo was placed under UN control affter that and the kosovo plarment uanamisesly voted (109 for to 0 against) to sperate from serbia and sent letters to all conutrys to support them. The UN doses not recongize Kosovo due to the seucrity console, where russia and china refuses to recogize it (mostly for there own reasons). As you can obvesly see this bears litte or not reseblence to the Canada/Quebec issue where the magority of quebecers do not want to spereate and there have been referuedeums that failed to sperate. Also Quebec is obvesly not sending letters to countrys asking for regoiention and deftaly not asking the UN for support as there citzensts don't want it and the situtaion is nothing like Kozvo (esptaly since north amarica has yet to ehtical cleasne Quebec and our conflict with them if limited to making frech canadina jokes and some complaints about the amount of tax and reveune they have to give to the feduaral goverment).

Note: This post was edited many times as it seemed to insualting the first few trys.

Author:  Dragan [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

If you say Serbia is south of Russia, that is very very unprecisely, like "Argentina is south of Canada".
@md gave precisly answer.

Dan wrote:

I wonder if thess students from eurpoe know where the provices of canada or states of amarica are as most are larger in size then the countrys they are being tested on.

We learn where are all states of America and provinces of Canada, of Spain, of France, of Germany...
We have very strong educational system.

Dan @ Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:06 am wrote:
Yugoslavia tryed to ethincal cleanse Kosovo

You hear that on tv, do you belive in that?

And question for all people here still is "Where do you came from?"

Author:  Dan [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

Dragan @ 14th April 2008, 4:15 am wrote:

We learn where are all states of America and provinces of Canada, of Spain, of France, of Germany...
We have very strong educational system.

I would say that is more of a wast of time then education. It would be infentatly better to learn how to use an atlas effectely and how to read all kinds of maps. Also social studys of the aucatal countrys would be infenteatly more imporent then there provicenes. And as i side befor the comprason is like asking you why they don't teach english (witch would aucatly also be more usefull then the location of provicnes).

Dragan @ 14th April 2008, 4:15 am wrote:

Dan @ Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:06 am wrote:
Yugoslavia tryed to ethincal cleanse Kosovo

You hear that on tv, do you belive in that?

You mean do i blive the UN, NATO, the canadain goverment, the US goverment ( ), Belgium, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, kosovo, the peacekeepers involded, every cerdiable (and incrediable) north amraican news sorce (and many 1st world news sorces around the world), the Red Cross ( ), the American Association for the Advancement of Science ( ), the Human Rights Watch ( ), the videos on t.v. of it acuatal happening at the time and the images of pies of dead bodys?

Yes.... Do you think NATO attacked Yugoslavia for fun?

Weather the bombings where a good idea and if NATO scrwed up the oepration (killing more cilivans then nessary) are diffrent questions, but there deftaly was ethinic cleansing going on.

Author:  haskell [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

Heh... I learned about Serbia when I took Canadian History... One of the places that can be accredited with starting World War 1 is Serbia.

I have to say, in my World Geography course we don't learn about all the countries of the world and their cities/sub-sections. We learn about how the geography of the area affects the people, industry, and etc.... In my opinion, learning actual geography and applying your knowledge to solve problems and extrapolate an opinion(which is done through large case studies, which are worth 50% of the final exam. The final exam is worth 50% of the course. Thus, 25% of the course is based on that particular ability), and prove your stance.

It's like how in World History you don't learn each date of each major event in history. You learn about a couple dozen events. Sure, you know the dates that are relevent to them, but it's focused on higher-order questions, not memorization. Which can be said of every course I've ever taken in high school.

Author:  Dragan [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

Dan @ Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:56 am wrote:
It would be infentatly better to learn how to use an atlas effectely and how to read all kinds of maps

What is more usefull to know is another question, if you (people in USA and Canada) don't know to read maps that is your problem, we know to read maps.

Dan wrote:
You mean do i blive the UN, NATO, the canadain goverment, the US goverment...

All that goverment and American news said that Iraq have biological weapon (that was reason to start war in Iraq),
did they find that weapon?
No! Why? Becaose that weapon is not existed, reason for attack Iraq is that USA want cheap oil (as you know Iraque have oil fields).
Did I need to tell you how many civilians is killed in Iraq, and killing is still present? Because of that I don't bilive in USA an NATO news.

Dan wrote:
Do you think NATO attacked Yugoslavia for fun?

No for fun, they wanted own military base in our teritory (we (serbian people) didn't want that and ethnical cleaning is constucted for that reason), and also Kosovo have coal fields.
Bonstil is military base of USA on Kosovo, why after bombing thay didnt go home? USA militari stay on kosovo, UN militari to be on kosovo is OK. but NATO no.
NATO isn't UN, NATO is military organisation.

Dan wrote:
Weather the bombings where a good idea and if NATO scrwed up the oepration (killing more cilivans then nessary) are diffrent questions,

"MORE THEN NESSARY" how many is nessary?, wich number of civilian is ok. to be killed?

Author:  Nick [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

Dragan @ Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:22 am wrote:
What is more usefull to know is another question, if you (people in USA and Canada) don't know to read maps that is your problem, we know to read maps.

We definatly can use maps and atlases, which is the reason why it's not important learning precise locations on the map, instead our time and money is better used learning what's going on at those places instead, I think that's what dan is trying to get across.

Author:  Dragan [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

nick @ Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:28 pm wrote:
Dragan @ Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:22 am wrote:
What is more usefull to know is another question, if you (people in USA and Canada) don't know to read maps that is your problem, we know to read maps.

We definatly can use maps and atlases, which is the reason why it's not important learning precise locations on the map, instead our time and money is better used learning what's going on at those places instead, I think that's what dan is trying to get across.

I agree with you and @Dan in that part, but I didn't loose much time to learn where all world coutries are.

Author:  StealthArcher [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

All that goverment and American news said that Iraq have biological weapon (that was reason to start war in Iraq),
did they find that weapon?

That information came from a refugee looking for safe status, turns out he was saying whatever came to mind to get out of Iraq.


Why? Becaose that weapon is not existed, reason for attack Iraq is that USA want cheap oil (as you know Iraque have oil fields).

Or maybe it's because as you say below, Saddam was killing off civilians by the thousands. By the way, by setting up Iraq for a democratic government, their oil becomes more expensive.

Did I need to tell you how many civilians is killed in Iraq, and killing is still present? Because of that I don't bilive in USA an NATO news.

Yes, except you seem to confuse those there to prevent it with the murderers.

Author:  Tallguy [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

i'm from east of ottawa, a small town named 'clarence creek'

Author:  jernst [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you came form?

<- from Waterloo, ON

Author:  Dragan [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

StealthArcher @ Mon Apr 14, 2008 1:26 pm wrote:
Saddam was killing off civilians by the thousands.

Do you know that mor civilians are killed after NATO attack?

@StealthArcher oil becomes more expensive maybe for you and me, but USA military get that oli now for free.
I know what happened on Kosovo because I live there and I know what lies you get from bbc, sky news and all NATO news (news from USA, Great Britain...), did you read sometimes Russia news or some no NATO news.

OK. I came from Serbia and CodeMonkey2000 from India other from Canada, is anybody came from some other country?

Author:  zylum [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

My background is polish but was born in Italy. I only lived there for a short while (no memories) before we moved to Canada.

Author:  StealthArcher [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

Dragan @ Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:36 am wrote:
StealthArcher @ Mon Apr 14, 2008 1:26 pm wrote:
Saddam was killing off civilians by the thousands.

Do you know that mor civilians are killed after NATO attack?

Regardless of such, is it NATO killing them, as you seem to imply?

Obviously not. And the U.S Military does not get it's oil for free. Your sound like you are starting to BS like the MSM you complain about so harshly. Show me proof of that before you claim as ultimate truth.

Author:  HellblazerX [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you came form?

I'm from China, which is actually south of Russia Wink

Author:  Dan [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

Dragan @ 14th April 2008, 6:22 am wrote:
Dan @ Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:56 am wrote:
It would be infentatly better to learn how to use an atlas effectely and how to read all kinds of maps

What is more usefull to know is another question, if you (people in USA and Canada) don't know to read maps that is your problem, we know to read maps.

Again you grouped USA and Canada together, i am starting to think you lack any kind of social studys education. Obvesly they teach how to use a map and alatais and about the socialites of the countrys being studety rather then fouces on the potical borders.

Dragan @ 14th April 2008, 6:22 am wrote:

All that goverment and American news said that Iraq have biological weapon (that was reason to start war in Iraq),
did they find that weapon?
No! Why? Becaose that weapon is not existed, reason for attack Iraq is that USA want cheap oil (as you know Iraque have oil fields).
Did I need to tell you how many civilians is killed in Iraq, and killing is still present? Because of that I don't bilive in USA an NATO news.

There are so many things wrong with this stament. Firstly you now group all NATO nations as one and seem to blive all NATO nations share the same news and media and that NATO has it's own news channel. In fact canada rejected the proof the USA gave for there being weponds as did many other NATO nations witch is why the USA atacked iraq and not NATO. Honstly it is sounding more and more hyptical for you to be critzing north amraica for not knowing world history when you seem to lack such knowalge and social studys education.

Also i have no idea what this has to do with iraq, NATO != USA and Kosvo != iraq. There is no oil that i know of in Kosvo and the fac that Kosvo was being ethical kelesnes was verfied by many many diffrent indentpent sorces, i listed alot in my last post but some notable ones indule the red corss and the hummans right watch.

Dragan @ 14th April 2008, 6:22 am wrote:

No for fun, they wanted own military base in our teritory (we (serbian people) didn't want that and ethnical cleaning is constucted for that reason), and also Kosovo have coal fields.
Bonstil is military base of USA on Kosovo, why after bombing thay didnt go home? USA militari stay on kosovo, UN militari to be on kosovo is OK. but NATO no.
NATO isn't UN, NATO is military organisation.

If they wanted there own military base they fialed masive as it is ran by the UN and an internatin pecekeeping force, and not the USA. And once again NATO != USA != Canada != North Amarica != UN. The reason why there are UN and peacekeeping bases there is to pervent Kosovo from being ethincaly cleansed again. There realy is no stegitice or mitalaly value in having bases in Kosvo behond that.

Dragan @ 14th April 2008, 6:22 am wrote:

"MORE THEN NESSARY" how many is nessary?, wich number of civilian is ok. to be killed?

More then nessary is more then the minum amount of casualits of war needed to stop the ethnic clenasesing and murder of insentent cilvians that was going on befor NATO got there.

Dragan wrote:

Do you know that mor civilians are killed after NATO attack?

If you mean that more civilains where killed by NATO's attack then by the ethic cleansing, this is deftaly not ture and all of the sorces in my last post say it. At most about 800 cvilvans where killed by NATO acidently (this a very inflated number with is closer to 500) and at least 2,500 cilivalns where killed befor the attack by ehtic cleansing (this is a very low esitment with some offical ones being as high as 5,000 or 10,000). Also you don't seem to see the diffrene between adicently killing peoleop when trying to save the rest of the provicen and going out and buring peoleop and vialges alive or exucuting them.

If you mean that civilains where ehtical cleansed affter NATO's attack ended, thats tragic, but just justices the conflict even more.

Dragan wrote:

@StealthArcher oil becomes more expensive maybe for you and me, but USA military get that oli now for free.
I know what happened on Kosovo because I live there and I know what lies you get from bbc, sky news and all NATO news (news from USA, Great Britain...), did you read sometimes Russia news or some no NATO news.

Well as i mentioned befor the iraq war has nothing to do with this war and Canada dose not support the iraq war and many other NATO nations do not support the war.

Also the amrican news agiences may be untrustworthy but once again Canada is not the USA and our news agances are about the truth. Saying that russian news has the truth is reduciless as there baises are clear and they have never supported freedom of the the press. And again NATO dose not have some kind of joint news agance where we can only show NATO news, each conturty has it's own news sorces and media and almost all of them have ture freedom of the press. Also the news agsineces are just one of tones of sorces, i will blive the red corss, the humman rights watch and the UN any day over you for reporting hummans rights abuses and war crimes.

Author:  StealthArcher [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

Dragan @ Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:36 am wrote:

I know what happened on Kosovo because I live there and I know what lies you get from bbc, sky news and all NATO news (news from USA, Great Britain...), did you read sometimes Russia news or some no NATO news.

Seeing as someone already replied before I formulated this response...

First off, I never renounced what you said happened in Kosovo, you're going on the defensive before an accusation, which often makes you sound like a liar. No offense meant, but many will take it that way. Otherwise you're recommending Russian news over NATO has no bearing other than your own preference, I personally prefer my news from non-socialists. And yes, the BBC, CNN, etc. have their problems, I mostly read smaller independant news, or blogs by military members or other people.

Author:  Dragan [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

Dan @ Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:52 pm wrote:
Dragan @ 14th April 2008, 6:22 am wrote:
Dan @ Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:56 am wrote:
It would be infentatly better to learn how to use an atlas effectely and how to read all kinds of maps

What is more usefull to know is another question, if you (people in USA and Canada) don't know to read maps that is your problem, we know to read maps.

Again you grouped USA and Canada together, i am starting to think you lack any kind of social studys education. Obvesly they teach how to use a map and alatais and about the socialites of the countrys being studety rather then fouces on the potical borders.

I understud that someone here said that you in Canada don't know to read maps, if it is not correct sorry, my mistake.

Dragan @ 14th April 2008, 6:22 am wrote:

All that goverment and American news said that Iraq have biological weapon (that was reason to start war in Iraq),
did they find that weapon?
No! Why? Becaose that weapon is not existed, reason for attack Iraq is that USA want cheap oil (as you know Iraque have oil fields).
Did I need to tell you how many civilians is killed in Iraq, and killing is still present? Because of that I don't bilive in USA an NATO news.

Dan wrote:

There are so many things wrong with this stament. Firstly you now group all NATO nations as one and seem to blive all NATO nations share the same news

not same but very i similar

Dan wrote:
NATO has it's own news channel

I didnt say that, NATO dont have own news channel, I wanted to say that all NATO countries have very similar news.

Dan wrote:
Kosvo was being ethical kelesnes

No, that is not truth, I know that because I live there, do you think that you can better know about kosovo than me, and yes Kosovo now is ethnical clean - there serbian people don't live anymore (after nato bombing)

Dan wrote:

If they wanted there own military base they fialed masive as it is ran by the UN and an internatin pecekeeping force, and not the USA. And once again NATO != USA != Canada != North Amarica != UN. The reason why there are UN and peacekeeping bases there is to pervent Kosovo from being ethincaly cleansed again. There realy is no stegitice or mitalaly value in having bases in Kosvo behond that.

Why NATO is bombing Serbia? NATO is military organisation of several countries but not of all world, bombing of Serbia is not allowed by UN

Dan wrote:

Dragan wrote:

Do you know that mor civilians are killed after NATO attack?

If you mean that more civilains where killed by NATO's attack then by the ethic cleansing, this is deftaly not ture and all of the sorces in my last post say it. At most about 800 cvilvans where killed by NATO acidently (this a very inflated number with is closer to 500) and at least 2,500 cilivalns where killed befor the attack by ehtic cleansing (this is a very low esitment with some offical ones being as high as 5,000 or 10,000). Also you don't seem to see the diffrene between adicently killing peoleop when trying to save the rest of the provicen and going out and buring peoleop and vialges alive or exucuting them.

If you mean that civilains where ehtical cleansed affter NATO's attack ended, thats tragic, but just justices the conflict even more.

I am talking here about Iraq, not kosovo.

Dan wrote:

Also the amrican news agiences may be untrustworthy but once again Canada is not the USA and our news agances are about the truth. Saying that russian news has the truth is reduciless as there baises are clear and they have never supported freedom of the the press. And again NATO dose not have some kind of joint news agance where we can only show NATO news, each conturty has it's own news sorces and media and almost all of them have ture freedom of the press. Also the news agsineces are just one of tones of sorces, i will blive the red corss, the humman rights watch and the UN any day over you for reporting hummans rights abuses and war crimes.

If you believe in everithing what you hear, ok. but hear sometimes and another side of story, ask sometimes people in Serbia, Iraq what they think about NATO, and did NATO give a peace.

Author:  Dan [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

Dragan @ 14th April 2008, 6:03 pm wrote:

No, that is not truth, I know that because I live there, do you think that you can better know about kosovo than me, and yes Kosovo now is ethnical clean - there serbian people don't live anymore (after nato bombing)

This stament seems to be self contudictry. Kozovo was not ethnical cleased but is some how ethnical claen? Unless you are trying to say NATO ethnicaly cleansed Kozovo witch is just crazy...

Dragan @ 14th April 2008, 6:03 pm wrote:

Why NATO is bombing Serbia? NATO is military organisation of several countries but not of all world, bombing of Serbia is not allowed by UN

I never side that the UN boombed any one or that the world did. What i did say is that the UN says there was ehtic cleasning going on and that UN now runs and has peace keepers in Kozovo. The UN did not aprove of the bombing (becues of russia and chain on the seucirty concules vetoing any motions about it) however it also side the attack was legeal as Yugoslavia was not a UN member nation at the time.

Dragan wrote:

I am talking here about Iraq, not kosovo.

Thats my point, there are no simulairtys between iraq and kosovo. NATO had no (or litte part) in iraq and the only country that blived in the WMD was the USA. Trying to say that the NATO countrys other then the USA had any part in iraq or that motives for the wars is the same is just silly. Also the amount of proof that ehtic cleansing was going on was masively greater then for the iraq war. The question in the Kosovo war is not if there was ehtinc cleansing but if NATOs path was the best choice of acuation in repsonece to it.

Dragan wrote:

If you believe in everithing what you hear, ok. but hear sometimes and another side of story, ask sometimes people in Serbia, Iraq what they think about NATO, and did NATO give a peace.

Well my arugment is not about if NATO did the right thing or if they gave peace but if ethicn cleansing took place. As for belife, i blive a news sotry if it is supported by muptile reliable sorces (russian news papers or papers in countrys with out free press are not relibale), origansastions, peoleop and staments. In this case it was and in the case of iraq with WMD it was not so i, like most canadians and every one but the USA and briten goverment, did not blive it. (See the infamuse line by jean ceration about proofs.)

Dragan wrote:

Dan wrote:

There are so many things wrong with this stament. Firstly you now group all NATO nations as one and seem to blive all NATO nations share the same news

not same but very i similar

Thats not true at all, and is compltey baseless. About the only thing the same between them is they are NATO nations, first world countrys and for the most part have freedom of the press. Just the diffrences between Canadian and USA news is enought to prove that your point is wrong. Also your impleying that 26 countrys news and media soruces are all worng or part of some masive conspricey, i find that unlikey.

Author:  haskell [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

And there we have it. Anti-NATO Serbs, another sterotype proven correct. Biased hatred and irrational statements, the characteristics of an extremist. We aren't censored, the internet makes sure of that. That's all I'm going to say.

Author:  Dragan [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

Dan @ Tue Apr 15, 2008 12:24 am wrote:
Dragan @ 14th April 2008, 6:03 pm wrote:

No, that is not truth, I know that because I live there, do you think that you can better know about kosovo than me, and yes Kosovo now is ethnical clean - there serbian people don't live anymore (after nato bombing)

This stament seems to be self contudictry. Kozovo was not ethnical cleased but is some how ethnical claen? Unless you are trying to say NATO ethnicaly cleansed Kozovo witch is just crazy...

NATO with albanian separatist are claned Kosovo, there serbian people don't live anymore, I said you believe in what ever you want believe, but remember I was leaving in Kosovo ( now I leave in other part of Serbia) and I better know why I dont live in my home on Kosovo now.

Dan wrote:
however it also side the attack was legeal as Yugoslavia was not a UN member nation at the time.

This is so humiliating. Why Nato is bombing Serbia? NATO (26 countries) are decide to attack Serbia, but in world existe 196 countries, is anybody ask them (other 170 countries) is bombing Serbia right think? Is NATO world policeman?

Author:  OneOffDriveByPoster [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you came form?

I would say that despite not having a mention of Hitler, this thread is past the point where Godwin's law would apply.

Author:  StealthArcher [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

Sad, how true that law has proven to be.

Author:  Dan [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

Agreed with OneOffDriveByPoster, i don't know any logical counter to to somthing as ilogical as saying NATO is ehtical clenasing peoleop any how.

Author:  StealthArcher [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

*Locked* anyone?

Author:  Dan [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

StealthArcher @ 14th April 2008, 7:27 pm wrote:
*Locked* anyone?

Well lets see if we can get this back on topic first.

Where are your ancestors from?

Author:  Nick [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

Ireland, they came to Newfoundland, then moved here (well most)

Author:  Mackie [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

Scotland, they came to Prince Edward Island, then moved here (well most)

Author:  StealthArcher [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

Mix of Irish/Scottish(Adair, Father)

and Ukrainian (Litvenenko, later Lawrance, Mother.

Author:  OneOffDriveByPoster [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you came form?

I am a first-generation immigrant. As far as I know, my parents are both Chinese.

Author:  syntax_error [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?


Author:  apomb [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

Parents born in My hometown: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada.

Author:  md [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

England/Scotland in the late 1700s and early 1800s to Newfoundland. Then very recently Canadian through joining confederation.

I have my family tree going all the way back to the 1700s, very cool.

Author:  Dragan [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:54 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

@Dan, ok. I said bealive in what ever you want bealive, maybe you will understand some day about what I was talking. I dont want to talk about politics here any more, and please no more politics, lets back on topic "Where do you came from?"

@OneOffDriveByPoster did you ever were in China or just your parents? I asking becuse I never talk with someone form China.

Author:  Nick [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:49 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

@dragan we are on topic

@md Newfie!! yay!

Author:  Sean [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you came form?

My family tree is a lot harder to track down, although I got some accurate past lines.

They were known as the Kings of Scottland long ago for some period of time (Couldn't track down the exact date), known as the Children of the Mist, and they were from thieves, to knights, to kings.

Even though, those are my grandparent's roots, I am still Canadian like my parents.

Author:  OneOffDriveByPoster [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

Dragan @ Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:54 am wrote:
@OneOffDriveByPoster did you ever were in China or just your parents? I asking becuse I never talk with someone form China.
I'm from Hong Kong and so are my parents. I think some of my grandparents may have been from Mainland China. I came to Canada when I was young though.

Author:  md [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you came form?

Sean @ 2008-04-15, 7:00 am wrote:
My family tree is a lot harder to track down, although I got some accurate past lines.

They were known as the Kings of Scottland long ago for some period of time (Couldn't track down the exact date), known as the Children of the Mist, and they were from thieves, to knights, to kings.

Even though, those are my grandparent's roots, I am still Canadian like my parents.

That's not a family tree, that's family rumour!

/me demands accurate "this person born of this person born of this person" decedents! Otherwise no kings for you Wink

Author:  md [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

Aw, crap. Another double post... oh well.

Anyone know of some good software for making a family tree? I have mine in 6 different text files (covers different branches) and I would really like to merge them.

Author:  Nick [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

make a tree chart in excel?

Author:  md [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

I lack excel, plus it sounds like a very poor method.

Author:  Clayton [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

This seems like a decent option. I haven't used it, but I've heard some good things from friends before. I'm sure if you look hard enough, you can go beyond the free trial as well.

Author:  Dragan [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

@md, maybe this applications can help, I didn't try it.

Author:  btiffin [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:Where are you came form?

md @ Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:04 am wrote:
Anyone know of some good software for making a family tree? I have mine in 6 different text files (covers different branches) and I would really like to merge them.

Google mormon genealogy you'll find lots of options.


Author:  A.J [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you came form?

Although I was born in India, I lived int the UAE (that's United Arab Emirates for all you non-geographical people out there Wink)
at Abu Dhabi for almost all my life (as I moved to UAE from India when I was 1 year old).

I moved to Canada 2006 September and I started programming about October 2007 from scratch...

Author:  btiffin [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you came form?

A.J @ Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:36 pm wrote:
Although I was born in India, I lived int the UAE (that's United Arab Emirates for all you non-geographical people out there Wink)
at Abu Dhabi for almost all my life (as I moved to UAE from India when I was 1 year old).

I moved to Canada 2006 September and I started programming about October 2007 from scratch...

A.J; Have you ever been to Dubai? Dubai City in particular? I'm fascinated by Dubai. 25% of the world's heavy construction equipment in one city. Must be quite the place.


Author:  jernst [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you came form?

btiffin @ Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:38 pm wrote:
A.J @ Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:36 pm wrote:
Although I was born in India, I lived int the UAE (that's United Arab Emirates for all you non-geographical people out there Wink)
at Abu Dhabi for almost all my life (as I moved to UAE from India when I was 1 year old).

I moved to Canada 2006 September and I started programming about October 2007 from scratch...

A.J; Have you ever been to Dubai? Dubai City in particular? I'm fascinated by Dubai. 25% of the world's heavy construction equipment in one city. Must be quite the place.


I wanna visit Dubai sometime, they have the world tallest building and that crazy islands of the world or something don't they?

Author:  btiffin [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you came form?

jernst @ Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:23 pm wrote:
I wanna visit Dubai sometime, they have the world tallest building and that crazy islands of the world or something don't they?

Huge. Palm Island, The Globe. Many others and more on the way. Well worth a google.

Author:  tenniscrazy [ Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

i was born in Canada, but i lived in Saipan (an island in the pacific) for three years. Anyone been there or heard of it?

Author:  Dragan [ Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Where are you came form?

My dream is to visit Dubai, I see photos of Dubai, it look like paradise.
