Computer Science Canada

Computer Science at Brock?

Author:  nX07 [ Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Computer Science at Brock?

Does anyone have any insight on the CS program in brock? I read the blog's post and was wondering if anyone else had anything to add.

If not, would you be able to reccomend between Brock and Carleton for Computer Science?[/url]

In terms of location/cost, that is of no concern for me. I like both places equally, and I've saved enough for both programs.

Thanks for any insight,

Author:  Tony [ Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Computer Science at Brock?

based on what I saw while writing the blog posts on Brock and Carleton, I would definitely go for Carleton.

Author:  nX07 [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Computer Science at Brock?

I got to visit Carleton but unfortunately I don't have that luxury with Brock since I cannot get there in time before my offer expires (they gave me it last week and it expires in less than a week today). The one thing that attracts me to Brock is that I'll be an Hons. student with co-op, but at Carleton I will be a general comp sci student (it's still a 4yr BCS, just w/o Honours or the opportunity for co-op).

What did you notice that comes to to mind that made you feel Carleton was the better choice? Was it the facilities, the faculty, location, or other things?
