Computer Science Canada Help On Password Program |
Author: | ParanoidBacon [ Sat Mar 15, 2008 1:50 pm ] |
Post subject: | Help On Password Program |
I'm trying to go through the projects in my VB 6.0 Textbook as fast as i can but i ran into a little snag. The program essentially just have you input name, password and date and the output would display what you entered in each field. My dilemma is on the password part. I don't remember reading anything about this within the chapter but what I am supposed to do is... "As characters are typed into the second text box[the field for the password], the key press event should be used to capture the character typed, store it in an invisible label, and replace it in the text box with an asterisk". Thats basically what i need help with, i made the text box a key press event and a made an additional label and I'm not sure how to progress from here. |
Author: | ParanoidBacon [ Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:34 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:Help On Password Program |
Option Explicit Private Sub cmdOut_Click() Dim day As String, strDate As String, strName As String, n As Integer, m As Integer, first As String, last As String strName = txtName.Text m = InStr(strName, ",") first = Right(strName, m - 1) last = Left(strName, m - 1) picOut.Print "Your name Is "; first; " "; last picOut.Print "Your Password is "; txtPass.Text strDate = FormatDateTime(txtDate.Text, vbLongDate) n = InStr(strDate, ",") day = Left(strDate, n - 1) picOut.Print "You were born on a "; day; "." End Sub Private Sub cmdOut_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) End Sub |
Author: | ParanoidBacon [ Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:40 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help On Password Program |
![]() Posted my code and the program in runtime with everything else except the password portion, just to see if this would help your guys help me |
Author: | Dan [ Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:45 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:Help On Password Program |
If i rember right VB has a password text field that will do this for you, or at least there is an option for text fileds to replace all chars with the char of your choice. However if you have to use the method desribled above the process would be to check for a key press, then if and only if the password filed is in fouces add the char pressed into a hidden field and add a '*' char to the acutal password field. If backspace is hit, and if and only if the password field is in fouces remove the last char from the hidden field and the last '*' from the password field. Unfrontly i am not very fimualr with VB syntext so some one else will have to help you with the aucatal coding if you need more help. |
Author: | nike52 [ Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:49 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help On Password Program |
Private Sub Text2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Label6.Caption = Label6.Caption + "*" End Sub You wanna do this right? Every time they press a key it'll add a * I'm guessing they're storing the char as an Ascii, you how every key like "a" is represented by a number. You simply got to convert the int to Ascii, check out Ascii in your textbook somewhere and you should be good to go:). |
Author: | ParanoidBacon [ Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:30 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help On Password Program | problem was that i was stuck on the "keypress Event" part, but i don't think that is what i was supposed to do, it works fine without making a keypress Event. Heres the code for those that are interested. Option Explicit Private Sub cmdOut_Click() Dim day As String, strDate As String, l As Integer, strName As String, n As Integer, m As Integer, first As String, last As String strName = txtName.Text l = Len(strName) - 1 m = InStr(strName, ",") first = Right(strName, l - m) last = Left(strName, m - 1) picOut.Print "Your name Is "; first; " "; last picOut.Print "Your Password is "; lblhid.Caption strDate = FormatDateTime(txtDate.Text, vbLongDate) n = InStr(strDate, ",") day = Left(strDate, n - 1) picOut.Print "You were born on a "; day; "." End Sub Private Sub txtPass_Change() Dim password As String password = txtPass.Text txtPass.Text = "" + txtPass.Text txtPass.PasswordChar = "*" lblhid.Caption = password End Sub |
Author: | MysticVegeta [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:25 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:Help On Password Program |
I think this whole question is stupid. Why recreate something that already exists? The password char property already exists, so its stupid. Anyways, but thats me. I think a better way to train for the keypress event would be making some sort of a graphical ball move or something |