Computer Science Canada

ftp upload?

Author:  uberwalla [ Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  ftp upload?

Hey i was wondering if anybody had a simple ftp script. one thats easily understandable for a beginner. I am not a total c++ beginner I have quite a long range of programming background so i am learning quick. but i am making a program that writes to a text file and i want a way to upload that file to my webserver through ftp.

Anyways i have seen a few scripts through google, but they were way too long to look through and understand, and i didn't know what was in it so it wasn't somthing i would wanna put my ftp info into. All i need is a simple ftp upload only that logins in using server, username, password and can take a certain file from my computer and put it into a certain directory.

Well any help would be appreciated. thanks

Author:  md [ Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:ftp upload?

The correct word is program, not script.

And no, an FTP client is complicated by virtue of what it does. You'll be hard pressed to find a simple one.

Unless of course you mean a shell script that calls ftp, in which case you got the wrong forum.

Author:  uberwalla [ Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ftp upload?

ok well i'll see what i can do. my friend had made one using sockets, and i couldn't get it to work. so was just seeing if there were other ways. I'll try to get him to fix it.

