Computer Science Canada

[FP] My jetman game completly finished and done.

Author:  adigamov [ Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  [FP] My jetman game completly finished and done.

thank you Compsci community. you have helped me a great deal in my game.
I just got back my mark for the game and i got a 100. Thank you all and now
here is my game for you to try.

BTW i would like it to be rated based on bits and everything. I worked really hard on this and would like to be criticized.

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Author:  Carey [ Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  RE:[FP] My jetman game completly finished and done.

There is a problem with the arrow sprite. It creates a bunch of black lines under it when you move up (@speed 5+). Also you should add velocity to the calculations so the jet behaves more like a jet (flows smoothly up and down instead of jerkily). Your grammar could also use some work. So there's my criticism. Overall not a bad game. I made one of these myself a while ago. Its somewhere on this site.

Author:  fishtastic [ Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [FP] My jetman game completly finished and done.

Cool, played this game somewhere before.

Use picmerge instead of piccopy so the things wouldn't show a rectangle.

Author:  Carey [ Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:[FP] My jetman game completly finished and done.

a white rectangle around the sprites he means. Be careful, this could cause your game to slow down.
