Computer Science Canada

Problem designing bouncy ball program

Author:  amear [ Wed Dec 11, 2002 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Problem designing bouncy ball program

For the past while I have been trying to come up with a program containing a ball bouncing across a screen, with gravity taken into consideration. This is as far as I've gotten:

setscreen ("graphics:vga")

const midx := maxx div 2
const midy := maxy div 2
const a := 1
var yy : real
var x, y, t : int := 0

for i : 1 .. 28
t := i
x += 10
y := maxy - ( (a * t * t) div 2)
drawfilloval (x, y, 14, 14, red)
delay (30)
end for
const b := 1
for i : 27 .. 40
t := 28
x += 10
y := maxy - ( (b * t* t) div 2)
drawfilloval (x, y, 14, 14, red)
delay (30)
end for

I was wondering is there was an easier way, or how to continue this, and if anyone knows, how? Thanks
Alex alexbarker49@hotmail

Author:  Tony [ Wed Dec 11, 2002 11:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

well this is just animation, so you'd have to continue drawing each frame manually... unless you actually design a single function using velocity (as in speed with direction).

I made a tutorial about pool game, it has to do with balls hitting each other and stuff... See if that helps. Atleast that describes how to use velocity.
