Computer Science Canada

Making and filling in polygons and other things - for a summitive [Help]

Author:  sarnas [ Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Making and filling in polygons and other things - for a summitive [Help]

Hellow guys.

My summitive for school involves things like making and filling polygons (Which in a loop will cycle through every color and then exit) making a chaos game (What is a chaos game?) and other things, most of which I understand.

My major questions are:
1) How do I make and fill polygons?
2) How do I change the fonts (To get all the fonts and output them in a loop)
3) what is a chaos game? Teachers explanation is vauge at best.

Thanks so much guys. I have little more than a week to do this, so any help is appreciated!

Author:  Tony [ Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:48 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Making and filling in polygons and other things - for a summitive [Help]

1) Check out all the available options for the Turing's draw module, I think it has something like Draw.FillPolygon. You would need two arrays for the X/Y pairs of each vertex.

2) look into Font.Draw

3) no idea. Wikipedia says something about factorials, and I don't think it's actually a "game". Though a game full of chaos would be so much more fun Wink
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