Computer Science Canada

Linux file backup

Author:  PaulButler [ Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Linux file backup

Has anyone come across something like Mozy or Carbonite for Linux? A small fee would be ok but I don't want to pay small-business prices if it is cheaper to rig up an SFTP server somewhere and do it myself.

I currently have an Ubuntu laptop with lots of work and no backup. The though of losing it all to theft or hard-drive failure is quite scary.

Author:  md [ Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Linux file backup

I've heard of some backup setups using rsync... but they tend to be custom written (not hard to do). I personally backup important things to CD every month or so, and backup everything on my laptop to my workstation. The workstation is safe from a single drive failure thanks to a couple of RAID5s, however right now I am a drive down since one did fail.

/me recommends avoiding western digital.
