Computer Science Canada

Word pyramid help

Author:  noteric [ Tue Oct 02, 2007 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Word pyramid help

we are trying to make a word pyramid for our grade 10 turing class. Using this code:

var len : int
var word : string
var len2 : int

put "Enter a word : " ..
get word:*
len := length (word)

for i : 1 .. len
len2 := (80 - i)div 2

put "" : len2, word (1 .. i)

end for

we end up with something that is to the effect of :

We have concluded that is is like that because we can't put spaces in between the characters.

So I am asking for help, on inserting spaces in between every character.

Any help whatsoever is appreciated

Author:  Tony [ Tue Oct 02, 2007 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Word pyramid help

From your code I can see that you're already familiar with for loops, and substrings. You should be able to loop through every character in a word, and insert a space in between.
