Computer Science Canada

Count error. Basic starting program.

Author:  Vertico [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Count error. Basic starting program.

Schools in and I could use some help. I have never touched C before so forgive me if I have done something stupidly wrong.

Basically its a math error that I cant seem to figure out. I know something is wrong with the count variable. It jumps up to 50 for some reason I am unaware of. Can someone help me out here, I am pretty new to C so I assume I just declared something wrong perhaps? Or perhaps its just the compiler? I am useing VS2005

/*Displays a-z on the left hand side, and a running average of the letters to the right. When the left
hand letter reaches B it will display the average as a number instead of a letter.*/


int main (void)
char letter = 'a';
char average = 'a';
char count = '2';


printf("%c %d\n",letter++, average);
printf("%c %c\n",letter++, average);

//Calculates the running average by adding the last average and current letter, then dividing all by count
average= (average + letter)/count;

}//ends while

printf("Press any key to continue%a\n");
return 0;

The final output should look like this:

a a
b 97
c b
d b
e c
f c
g d

instead i get:

a a
b 3
c Smile
d Smile
e Smile
f Smile

Author:  Saad [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Count error. Basic starting program.

The problem is that using a char to represent 2.
When you assign '2' to char it stores the ascii value of '2' which is 50. Use int to represent count

Author:  Vertico [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Count error. Basic starting program.

Ok, so that does explain the 50, but after changing count to an int, I still get absurd numbers in the count variable.

Author:  Tony [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Count error. Basic starting program.

does your new line of code look _exactly_ like

int count = 2;

Author:  Saad [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Count error. Basic starting program.

You should learn the basic data types C uses.

int - Used to represent an intger number
eg int count = 5;

float - Used to represent floating point numbers
eg float foo = 1.2f;

double - Used to represent big floating point number double PI = 3.14159265

char - Used to represent a character
eg char letter = 'a';

The problem you have is you're using char to store the average, you should be using float.

Author:  md [ Mon Sep 17, 2007 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Count error. Basic starting program.

You're also doing your calculations after your output; if you move it so you update the average and count before you output anything it may work closer to how you want it to.

Author:  Vertico [ Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Count error. Basic starting program.

I got the code working, thank you for your assistance. After that first error with the char, everything was fine except the VB2005 I was using on my laptop had some screws loose. Gave me some crazy outputs like I mentioned above, but the same compiler on the computer in class worked perfectly.
