Computer Science Canada

My RPG: Land of Norrayth

Author:  maiku [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  My RPG: Land of Norrayth

Ok, so this is was my grade 11 programing summative, im posting it here, compiled. I wanna know what people think. its not half as complicatedas you tihnk

Author:  StealthArcher [ Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My RPG: Land of Norrayth

Alright, probably a little late to bring it up, but basic is dead anyways.

My review:

Gameplay: 5.3

Overall a little lowend here, could've used a couple of special moves to differentiate the classes, the only diff i found was which of the three bottom stats to spam.

Story: 1

Not even a part of the actual game, you have to read the readme, or the instructions to get it.

Overall, a little undone, you definitely should not be able to kill the fb so many times.

More moves would be good.
Random enemies, instead of one or two per slot.

Some story.

Other than that nice job.

Oh almost forgot: +8 bits
