Computer Science Canada

Test my generic linked list class please.

Author:  Cinjection [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Test my generic linked list class please.

Hey. I just finished my generic single linked list class. I'm using it for a lightweight template should I ever need to use a linked list. In any case, could you guys:

a) Look over the source to make sure I didn't goof anywhere with something like a memory leak (or anything else really).
b) Test the class itself.

I posted the class itself and a little app that is used for testing the list. Just compile (Note: name the SList class as SList.hpp )and run. It compiles with MSC++, but it should work with all compilers. If it doesn't let me know, and I can (hopefully) fix it

Thanks for your time.
