Computer Science Canada

Negative Space

Author:  Jerrik [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Negative Space

I decided to take a break from editing and revising my pointer tutorial. I came across something I hadn't seen in quite awhile, the idea of 'Negative Space'. The link is here.

Brief Summery of Defining Points:
The space you move through is solid to a player of the opposite color.
The space solid to you, is open to them.
Two opposite colors (monochrome, white and black) can pass through each other.
This can create a very unique puzzle game, where both colors work together to get through certain areas to reach a goal. If a black player runs into a black wall on the map he can't move through it because its the same color, but the white player can. If the white player makes himself into a bridge, the black player can pass through the wall, since there is a white area between it.
Players could also compete against each other, or control multiple characters and attempt to make it through complicated level designs.

If your not into puzzles, there is also a very unique atmosphere of combat if you read the third page, "Neg-space Wars." Although, that in itself could be a very complicated puzzle if a programmer chose it to be.

I got the same feel out of this idea as I did the first time I saw the idea for "Portals" by Valve (Half Life). It was a very unique idea. I thought so anyways.

I decided to gauge the difficulty in programming it, by programming it (I view that as a sure way to figure out the riddle of difficulty). I have deemed it as complicated as you want it to be on the following basis;

The program I am uploading could be done rather easily by most programmers, a grade 10 or 11 programmer could pull off the task in a short period of time. However, writing a program to manipulate the space in complex ways efficiently, over a network with...lets say, eight players at least, could prove to be a fun little challenge (ie, difficult).

There are two reasons for not uploading the source code. First of all, as a rule I never release source until I am finished with it, and second of all; its six separate programs (There is more to the program than can be seen, including but not limited to, stuff).

WASD -> Moves the Black Player
Arrows Keys -> Moves the White Player

Mission Statement: The purpose of this submission is to share with the people of Compsci the unique and wonderful idea of Negative Space in programming, as well as inspire discussion and influence the growth of ideas regarding Negative Space. This is by no means an elite submission, and should be considered nothing more then a simple, fun toy. The goal is to reach the flags, but nothing happens if you do. Explore the space, write your own program with unique ideas, and share with the rest of us.

Ideas Submitted by Compsci Members:

Author:  Jerrik [ Sat Jun 16, 2007 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Gravity

New features: Gravity, character design, and new controls (removed down; up_arrow and 'w' make your character jump, if possible).

If you find any glitches, please let me know. One of my favorite aspects was being able to barely go over an edge, start falling, and then stop because you grab unto the ledge. Its not something that was added, its just how the 'physics' work.

All collision is handled on a simple idea. Black can't go on its negative (white) space and white can't go one its negative (black) space. All 167 pixels of your characters exist in their space as solid objects.

Known Glitches:
You can't travel up slopes unless you jump.
Steep slopes won't let you jump unless you move back because the jump causes collision with the space.
Hitting an angled surface (point, sloped ceiling) cause a character to become 'stuck', although a player can still move, but they must do so in the opposite direction.

Author:  Dan [ Sat Jun 16, 2007 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Negative Space

Very interesting game, would be fun if you added more levels and elements to the game play.

Also it is alot easyer to zip exe files then change the extesnsion on them. However we whould perfure that peoleop post sorce rather then exe files any how.
