Computer Science Canada

Omelette Defender (Geopets)

Author:  Wing_Wing [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Omelette Defender (Geopets)

K well this is my final project for grade 11 compsci. It's due in about 24 hours. This game is basically based on a Neopets game called "Omelette Defender" which was made about a few years ago. I liked that game, so I decided to make another version of it...

Arrow Keys to move
Space bar to deal damage

Certain coloured bad guys can only be killed with certain coloured powerups. The black coloured bad guy can be killed with the silver powerup. If you hold space bar while there is no bad guy, then you deal damage to yourself. BTW it is advised that you kill the omelette eaters first because you need to protect the omelette...

w/e enuff said, have phun

pl0x comment if you find any errors/bugs/glitches ty

Author:  Wing_Wing [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Omelette Defender (Geopets)

comment wut u think pl0s
