Computer Science Canada

Function Check with Tic Tac Toe

Author:  Ennsy_908 [ Wed May 30, 2007 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Function Check with Tic Tac Toe

% Tic Tac Toe %
% Created by: Chris Enns %
% ICS 3M1 %
setscreen ("graphics 200; 200")
proc GameBoard %Draws Game Board
Draw.ThickLine (325, 150, 580, 150, 5, 16) % Bottom Horizontal Line
Draw.ThickLine (410, 65, 410, 320, 5, 16) % Left Vertical Line
Draw.ThickLine (495, 65, 495, 320, 5, 16) % Right Vertical Line
Draw.ThickLine (325, 235, 580, 235, 5, 16) % Top Horizontal Line
end GameBoard
proc XBL % Draws X in bottom left spot
Draw.ThickLine (335, 140, 400, 70, 3, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (335, 70, 400, 140, 3, 12)
end XBL

proc XBM % Draws X in bottom middle spot
Draw.ThickLine (420, 140, 485, 70, 3, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (420, 70, 485, 140, 3, 12)
end XBM

proc XBR % Draws X in bottom right spot
Draw.ThickLine (505, 140, 570, 70, 3, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (505, 70, 570, 140, 3, 12)
end XBR

proc XML % Draws X in middle left spot
Draw.ThickLine (335, 225, 400, 160, 3, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (335, 160, 400, 225, 3, 12)
end XML

proc XM % Draws X in middle spot
Draw.ThickLine (420, 225, 485, 160, 3, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (420, 160, 485, 225, 3, 12)
end XM

proc XMR % Draws X in middle right spot
Draw.ThickLine (505, 225, 580, 160, 3, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (505, 160, 580, 225, 3, 12)
end XMR

proc XTL % Draws X in top left spot
Draw.ThickLine (335, 315, 400, 245, 3, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (335, 246, 400, 315, 3, 12)
end XTL

proc XTM % Draws X in top middle spot
Draw.ThickLine (420, 315, 485, 245, 3, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (420, 245, 485, 315, 3, 12)
end XTM

proc XTR % Draws X in top right spot
Draw.ThickLine (505, 315, 580, 245, 3, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (505, 245, 580, 315, 3, 12)
end XTR

proc OBL % Draw O in bottom left spot
Draw.Oval (367, 107, 30, 30, blue)
Draw.Oval (367, 107, 37, 37, blue)
Draw.Fill (367, 140, blue, blue)
end OBL

proc OBM % Draws O in bottom middle spot
Draw.Oval (452, 107, 30, 30, blue)
Draw.Oval (452, 107, 37, 37, blue)
Draw.Fill (452, 140, blue, blue)
end OBM

proc OBR % Draws O in bottom right spot
Draw.Oval (537, 107, 30, 30, blue)
Draw.Oval (537, 107, 37, 37, blue)
Draw.Fill (537, 140, blue, blue)
end OBR

proc OML % Draws O in middle left spot
Draw.Oval (367, 192, 30, 30, blue)
Draw.Oval (367, 192, 37, 37, blue)
Draw.Fill (367, 223, blue, blue)
end OML

proc OM % Draws O in middle spot
Draw.Oval (452, 192, 30, 30, blue)
Draw.Oval (452, 192, 37, 37, blue)
Draw.Fill (452, 223, blue, blue)
end OM

proc OMR % Draws O in middle right spot
Draw.Oval (537, 192, 30, 30, blue)
Draw.Oval (537, 192, 37, 37, blue)
Draw.Fill (537, 223, blue, blue)
end OMR

proc OTL % Draws O in top left spot
Draw.Oval (367, 277, 30, 30, blue)
Draw.Oval (367, 277, 37, 37, blue)
Draw.Fill (367, 310, blue, blue)
end OTL

proc OTM % Draws O in top middle spot
Draw.Oval (452, 277, 30, 30, blue)
Draw.Oval (452, 277, 37, 37, blue)
Draw.Fill (452, 310, blue, blue)
end OTM

proc OTR % Draws O in top right spot
Draw.Oval (537, 277, 30, 30, blue)
Draw.Oval (537, 277, 37, 37, blue)
Draw.Fill (537, 310, blue, blue)
end OTR

proc DrawX % Draws x in place selected
var x, y, b, r : int
Mouse.Where (x, y, b)

if b = 1 and x > 325 and x < 410
and y > 65 and y < 150 then

exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 410 and x < 495
and y > 65 and y < 150 then
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 495 and x < 580
and y > 65 and y < 150 then
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 325 and x < 410
and y > 150 and y < 235 then
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 410 and x < 495
and y > 150 and y < 235 then
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 495 and x < 580
and y > 150 and y < 235 then
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 325 and x < 410
and y > 235 and y < 320 then
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 410 and x < 495
and y > 235 and y < 320 then
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 495 and x < 580
and y > 235 and y < 320 then
exit when b = 1
end if
end loop
end DrawX

proc DrawO % Draws O in place selected
var x, y, b : int
Mouse.Where (x, y, b)

if b = 1 and x > 325 and x < 410
and y > 65 and y < 150 then
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 410 and x < 495
and y > 65 and y < 150 then
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 495 and x < 580
and y > 65 and y < 150 then
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 325 and x < 410
and y > 150 and y < 235 then
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 410 and x < 495
and y > 150 and y < 235 then
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 495 and x < 580
and y > 150 and y < 235 then
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 325 and x < 410
and y > 235 and y < 320 then
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 410 and x < 495
and y > 235 and y < 320 then
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 495 and x < 580
and y > 235 and y < 320 then
exit when b = 1
end if
end loop
end DrawO

var Check : array 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3 of int := init (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

function Win : boolean
for i : 1 .. 3
if Check (i, 1) not= 0 and Check (i, 1) = Check (i, 2)
and Check (i, 1) = Check (i, 3) then
result true
end if

if Check (1, i) not= 0 and Check (1, i) = Check (2, i)
and Check (1, i) = Check (3, i) then
put " win 2"
result true
end if
if Check (2, 2) not= 0 and Check (1, 1) = Check (2, 2)
and Check (2, 2) = Check (3, 3) then
put "Win 3"
result true

elsif Check (2, 2) not= 0 and Check (1, 3) = Check (2, 2)
and Check (2, 2) = Check (3, 1) then
put " Win 4"
result true
end if
result false
end for
end Win
put "X starts"
put ""
put "Click were you want to put an X or O"
delay (500)

delay (500)
delay (500)
delay (500)
delay (500)
delay (500)
put Win
delay (500)
put Win
delay (500)
put Win
delay (500)
put Win
delay (500)
put Win

I Can't Figure out why the Check Doesn't Work

When I run it it comes up as false

Author:  Albrecd [ Wed May 30, 2007 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Function Check with Tic Tac Toe

The reason your check won't work is that you never change the array Check after it is declared. Every time an X or an O is drawn you need to change the value of the proper element of Check; otherwise, your checking function will always return false.

Author:  agnivohneb [ Wed May 30, 2007 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Function Check with Tic Tac Toe

Your program is to complex. I made a Tic Tac Toe game last semester for my ICS 3O1 summative and it is 138 lines, nearly half of what yours is and i added the feature to save and load games, and set usernames. I got 95% on it. Keep working at it. Plan how your going to set up your functions and procedures.

I'm not trying to put you down, just trying to help you make a better program.

At the end of the semester I will post mine (I'm not posting now you will cheat) and we can see who is better.


Author:  Ennsy_908 [ Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Function Check with Tic Tac Toe

% Tic Tac Toe %
% Created by: Chris Enns %
% ICS 3M1 %
var Check : array 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3 of int := init (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
var x, y, b : int
% Instructions
put " TicTacToe"
put "The object of the game is to get a row of X's or a row of O's before your"
put "opponent. These rows can be vertical, horizontal, or diagonal. Click Where"
put " you want to place an X or an O"
put ""
put "********************************************************************************"
put ""
put ""
put "********************************************************************************"
put ""
put " Click anywhere to play"
Mouse.Where (x, y, b)
if b = 1 then
exit when b = 1
end if
end loop
proc GameBoard %Draws Game Board
Draw.ThickLine (325, 150, 580, 150, 5, 16) % Bottom Horizontal Line
Draw.ThickLine (410, 65, 410, 320, 5, 16) % Left Vertical Line
Draw.ThickLine (495, 65, 495, 320, 5, 16) % Right Vertical Line
Draw.ThickLine (325, 235, 580, 235, 5, 16) % Top Horizontal Line
end GameBoard

proc XBL % Draws X in bottom left spot
Draw.ThickLine (335, 140, 400, 70, 3, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (335, 70, 400, 140, 3, 12)
end XBL

proc XBM % Draws X in bottom middle spot
Draw.ThickLine (420, 140, 485, 70, 3, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (420, 70, 485, 140, 3, 12)
end XBM

proc XBR % Draws X in bottom right spot
Draw.ThickLine (505, 140, 570, 70, 3, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (505, 70, 570, 140, 3, 12)
end XBR

proc XML % Draws X in middle left spot
Draw.ThickLine (335, 225, 400, 160, 3, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (335, 160, 400, 225, 3, 12)
end XML

proc XM % Draws X in middle spot
Draw.ThickLine (420, 225, 485, 160, 3, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (420, 160, 485, 225, 3, 12)
end XM

proc XMR % Draws X in middle right spot
Draw.ThickLine (505, 225, 580, 160, 3, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (505, 160, 580, 225, 3, 12)
end XMR

proc XTL % Draws X in top left spot
Draw.ThickLine (335, 315, 400, 245, 3, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (335, 246, 400, 315, 3, 12)
end XTL

proc XTM % Draws X in top middle spot
Draw.ThickLine (420, 315, 485, 245, 3, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (420, 245, 485, 315, 3, 12)
end XTM

proc XTR % Draws X in top right spot
Draw.ThickLine (505, 315, 580, 245, 3, 12)
Draw.ThickLine (505, 245, 580, 315, 3, 12)
end XTR

proc OBL % Draw O in bottom left spot
Draw.Oval (367, 107, 30, 30, blue)
Draw.Oval (367, 107, 37, 37, blue)
Draw.Fill (367, 140, blue, blue)
end OBL

proc OBM % Draws O in bottom middle spot
Draw.Oval (452, 107, 30, 30, blue)
Draw.Oval (452, 107, 37, 37, blue)
Draw.Fill (452, 140, blue, blue)
end OBM

proc OBR % Draws O in bottom right spot
Draw.Oval (537, 107, 30, 30, blue)
Draw.Oval (537, 107, 37, 37, blue)
Draw.Fill (537, 140, blue, blue)
end OBR

proc OML % Draws O in middle left spot
Draw.Oval (367, 192, 30, 30, blue)
Draw.Oval (367, 192, 37, 37, blue)
Draw.Fill (367, 223, blue, blue)
end OML

proc OM % Draws O in middle spot
Draw.Oval (452, 192, 30, 30, blue)
Draw.Oval (452, 192, 37, 37, blue)
Draw.Fill (452, 223, blue, blue)
end OM

proc OMR % Draws O in middle right spot
Draw.Oval (537, 192, 30, 30, blue)
Draw.Oval (537, 192, 37, 37, blue)
Draw.Fill (537, 223, blue, blue)
end OMR

proc OTL % Draws O in top left spot
Draw.Oval (367, 277, 30, 30, blue)
Draw.Oval (367, 277, 37, 37, blue)
Draw.Fill (367, 310, blue, blue)
end OTL

proc OTM % Draws O in top middle spot
Draw.Oval (452, 277, 30, 30, blue)
Draw.Oval (452, 277, 37, 37, blue)
Draw.Fill (452, 310, blue, blue)
end OTM

proc OTR % Draws O in top right spot
Draw.Oval (537, 277, 30, 30, blue)
Draw.Oval (537, 277, 37, 37, blue)
Draw.Fill (537, 310, blue, blue)
end OTR

proc DrawX % Draws x in place selected

Mouse.Where (x, y, b)

if b = 1 and x > 325 and x < 410
and y > 65 and y < 150 then
Check (1, 1) := 1
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 410 and x < 495
and y > 65 and y < 150 then
Check (1, 2) := 1
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 495 and x < 580
and y > 65 and y < 150 then
Check (1, 3) := 1
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 325 and x < 410
and y > 150 and y < 235 then
Check (2, 1) := 1
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 410 and x < 495
and y > 150 and y < 235 then
Check (2, 2) := 1
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 495 and x < 580
and y > 150 and y < 235 then
Check (2, 3) := 1
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 325 and x < 410
and y > 235 and y < 320 then
Check (3, 1) := 1
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 410 and x < 495
and y > 235 and y < 320 then
Check (3, 2) := 1
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 495 and x < 580
and y > 235 and y < 320 then
Check (3, 3) := 1
exit when b = 1
end if
end loop
end DrawX

proc DrawO % Draws O in place selected
var x, y, b : int
Mouse.Where (x, y, b)

if b = 1 and x > 325 and x < 410
and y > 65 and y < 150 then
Check (1, 1) := 2
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 410 and x < 495
and y > 65 and y < 150 then
Check (1, 2) := 2
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 495 and x < 580
and y > 65 and y < 150 then
Check (1, 3) := 2
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 325 and x < 410
and y > 150 and y < 235 then
Check (2, 1) := 2
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 410 and x < 495
and y > 150 and y < 235 then
Check (2, 2) := 2
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 495 and x < 580
and y > 150 and y < 235 then
Check (2, 3) := 2
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 325 and x < 410
and y > 235 and y < 320 then
Check (3, 1) := 2
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 410 and x < 495
and y > 235 and y < 320 then
Check (3, 2) := 2
exit when b = 1
elsif b = 1 and x > 495 and x < 580
and y > 235 and y < 320 then
Check (3, 3) := 2
exit when b = 1
end if
end loop
end DrawO

function Win : boolean
for i : 1 .. 3

if Check (i, 1) not= 0 and Check (i, 1) = Check (i, 2)
and Check (i, 1) = Check (i, 3) then
result true
end if

if Check (1, i) not= 0 and Check (1, i) = Check (2, i)
and Check (1, i) = Check (3, i) then
result true
end if
if Check (2, 2) not= 0 and Check (1, 1) = Check (2, 2)
and Check (2, 2) = Check (3, 3) then
result true

elsif Check (2, 2) not= 0 and Check (1, 3) = Check (2, 2)
and Check (2, 2) = Check (3, 1) then
result true
end if
result false
end for
end Win

delay (500)
delay (500)
delay (500)
delay (500)
delay (500)
if Win then
put " winner"
end if
delay (500)
if Win then
put " winner"
end if
put Win
delay (500)
if Win then
put " winner"
end if
put Win
delay (500)
if Win then
put " winner"
end if
put Win
delay (500)
if Win then
put " winner"
end if
put Win

I am now giving a value to check but now only a few of the checks work and i have no idea how to fix it
