Computer Science Canada

Gussin game

Author:  Crazya [ Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Gussin game

%Aaron Hazley

var b : int
var a : int
put " Please enter any number in the world and i will guess it "
put " NOW DO IT!"
get b

a := 57
a := a + 1
View.Set ("graphics")

colorback (black)
Text.Color (Rand.Int (1, 200))

put "Guessing"

Text.Color (Rand.Int (1, 200))

Draw.Box (583, 385, 57, 400, Rand.Int (1, 200))

delay (10)
a := a + 1

Draw.FillBox (57, 385, a, 400, Rand.Int (1, 200))
exit when a > 582
end loop
Text.Color (Rand.Int (1, 100))

put " your number is ", b
put " Dam Right BOI!!!!"
