Turing: | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% ICS 4M %
% March 2007 %
setscreen ("graphics:max;max") %setscreen to full size
setscreen ("offscreenonly") %allows smooth animation
setscreen ("nocursor") %hides cursor
const radius : int := 25
const player1 : int := red
const player2 : int := black
const none : int := white
const space : int := 10
type boardCell :
x : int %x coordinate of cell
y : int %y coordinate of cell
owner : int %colour of cell
end record
var board : array 1 .. 7, 1 .. 6 of boardCell %sets the size of board
procedure introScreen ()
%precondition: none
%postcondition: intro screen is displayed
end introScreen
procedure rules ()
%precondition: none
%postcondition: rules have been displayed
end rules
procedure initBoard (var board : array 1 .. 7, 1 .. 6 of boardCell )
%precondition: board has been declared
%postcondition: sets postion of cells and starts them all empty
for i : 1 .. 7
for j : 1 .. 6
%the next two lines set the locations of the cells
board (i, j ).x := 185 + (i * (2 * radius + space )) - radius
board (i, j ).y := 115 + (j * (2 * radius + space )) - radius
board (i, j ).owner := none %sets cells to empty
end for
end for
end initBoard
procedure drawBoard (board : array 1 .. 7, 1 .. 6 of boardCell )
%precondtion: initBoard had been called
%postcondtion: board has been displayed on output screen
drawbox (185, 115, 615, 485, yellow) %main part of board
for i : 1 .. 7
for j : 1 .. 6
%Outline cells
drawoval (board (i, j ).x, board (i, j ).y, radius, radius, yellow)
end for
locatexy (board (i, 1).x, 100) %displays column numbers below board
put i
end for
drawfill (190, 120, yellow, yellow) %Fills in board yellow
drawfillbox (185, 50, 175, 485, blue) %left leg of board
drawfillbox (615, 50, 625, 485, blue) %right leg of board
drawfillbox (185, 120, 625, 110, blue) %bottom stopper of board
end drawBoard
procedure drawChip (x, y, owner : int)
%precondtion: dropchip has been called
%postcondition: draws chip at location (x,y)
drawfilloval (x, y, radius, radius, owner )
end drawChip
function findHeight (column : int) : int
%precondition: board has been initialized, and row has been entered
%postcondition: determines which row chip must fall to
var cellheight : int
for decreasing j : 6 .. 1
%Find which row the chip needs to fall to
end for
result cellheight
end findHeight
procedure drawPreviousChips ()
%precondition: board has been initialized
%postcondition: draws previously played chips
for i : 1 .. 7
for j : 1 .. 6
%only draw cells that have chip in them (reduces flashing)
%use an if statement to see what chips must be drawn
end for
end for
end drawPreviousChips
procedure dropChip (column, owner : int)
%precondition: isEmpty has been called
%postcondition: animates chip falling down board
var columnX : int
columnX := board (column, 1).x %determines x-coordinate of chip
%animates chip dropping
for decreasing y : 500 .. findHeight (column ) by 2
drawChip (columnX, y, owner )
drawBoard (board )
drawPreviousChips ()
end for
board (column, row ).owner := owner
end dropChip
function isWinner (board : array 1 .. 7, 1 .. 6 of boardCell ) : boolean
%precondition: board has been initialized
%postcondition: determines if there is a winner
% Determines if there is a Horizontal winner
% Determines if there is a Vertical winner
% Determines if there is a Diagonal (up to the right) winner
% Determines if there is a Diagonal (up to the left) winner
%no winner
result false
end isWinner
function isEmpty (row : int) : boolean
%precondition: board has been initialized, and user has entered column
%postcondition: returns true if chip can be played in that row
if board (row, 6).owner = none then %if top cell is open, chip can be played
result true
result false %Column is full
end if
end isEmpty
var cellheight : int %height chip drops to
var turn : int := 0 %keeps track of who's turn it is
var owner : int := 0 %whose chip is being played (colour)
var ownerString : string %whose chip is being played (word)
var count : int %number of chips played
var font1 : int := Font.New ("sans serif:36:bold")
var tempstr : string
introScreen ()
rules ()
%allows to play more than once
size1 := 210
size2 := 210
count := 0
initBoard (board ) %Initialize board
drawBoard (board ) %draws board
%drawStacks (size1, size2)
%loops single game
if turn mod 2 = 0 then %Determines who turn it is
owner := player1 %sets colour of chip
ownerString := "Player 1" %sets name of current player
owner := player2 %sets colour of chip
ownerString := "Player 2" %sets name of current player
end if
getch (input ) %getch() do not need to hit enter
if input = "q" or input = "Q" then %allows players to quit game
end if
row := strint (input ) %change input to an integer value
if row >= 1 and row <= 7 then %makes sure move is valid
if isEmpty (row ) then %checks to see if column is empty
dropChip (row, owner ) %animates chip dropping
drawPreviousChips () %draws previously played chips
turn := turn + 1 %changes it to next player
count := count + 1
end if
if isWinner (board ) then %checks for winner
tempstr := ownerString + " WINS!!!!!!"
Font.Draw (tempstr, maxx div 2 - 200, maxy div 2 + 60, font1, red) %displays winner
exit %exit out of game loop
elsif count = 42 then %No more cells left
put "TIE GAME"
end if
end if
end loop
Font.Draw ("press any key to continue", maxx div 2 - 300, maxy div 2 - 60, font1, black)
getch (input )
Font.Draw ("Do you want to play again (y/n)?", maxx div 2 - 350, maxy div 2 - 60, font1, red)
getch (input )
exit when input = "n" or input = "N" %exits out of program
end loop
Font.Draw ("Thanks for playing!", maxx div 2 - 250, maxy div 2 - 60, font1, black)
Freakman Edit: Added Code tags for readability
here is the code but i need a couple things fixed if anyone can help me out |