This is my sweeeeet game i made last yr in gr 10. fix and fool with it all u want , but u have to repost it so i can see what you have done!!!
Turing: |
% Aaron Hazley
% Amazing pac man
% variables
var name : string
var pac : int
var win, gamewin : int
var keys : array char of boolean % weird variable type needed by Input.KeyDown
var x, y, xSize, ySize : int
var score : int := 0
var r, menu : int
var deltaX, deltaY : int
var count, count1, count2, count3, count4 : int := 0
xSize := 5
ySize := 5
r := 4
x := r + 16
y := maxy div 2 + 185
gamewin := Window.Open ("position:370,370,graphics:640;450,buttonbar,title:A-maze-ing Pac-Man")
colourback (black)
colour (brightgreen)
var timeRunning : int
var startTime : int
% plays music
%process music
%Music.PlayFileLoop ("M:/ICS3/mariomusic.MID")
%end music
%open : pac, "M:\\ICS3\\A-maze-ing Pac-man.txt", mod, seek, put
%seek : pac, *
%put pac
% menu
%fork music
put " Welcome to 'A-maze-ing Pac-man'"
put " "
put " Please Enter a name with no spaces, after that press enter to go to the menu "
get name: *
put "MENU"
put " "
put "Please select 1, 2 or 3 "
put " "
put "1. See instructions and what dots are worth"
put " "
put "2. Start A-maze-ing Pac-Man "
put " "
put "3. Quit"
put ""
get menu
if menu = 1 then
% Instructions
put " Instructions "
put " "
put " You have to get to the brightgreen dot at the end of the maze to complete the game." ..
put " After getting to the green dot it will show your scores and how many times you hit what dot." ..
put " It will also show you how long it took you to complete the maze in seconds"
put " "
put " Arrow keys in the direction you want to go "
put " "
put " Yellow dot, worth 1 score "
put " "
put " Purple dot, worth 10 score"
put " "
put " Brightblue dot, worth 200 score"
put " "
put " red dot, worth -100 score"
put " "
put " Brightgreen dot, worth 100 score. it is also the finish."
put " "
put " Grey Lines are small teleports "
put skip
put "Press 2 to start or 3 to quit."
get menu
end if
if menu = 2 then
% all the dots
Draw.FillOval (30, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (50, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (70, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (90, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (110, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (130, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (150, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (170, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (190, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (200, 385, 1, 1, red)
Draw.FillOval (110, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (130, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (150, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (170, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (190, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (210, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (230, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (250, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (270, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (290, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (310, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (330, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (350, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (370, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (390, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (400, 385, 1, 1, red)
Draw.FillOval (410, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (430, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (450, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (470, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (490, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (510, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (530, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (550, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (570, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (590, 385, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (620, 385, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (620, 365, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (620, 345, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (620, 325, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (620, 305, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (620, 285, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (600, 285, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (580, 285, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (560, 285, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (580, 305, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (580, 325, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (580, 340, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (560, 340, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (540, 340, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (520, 340, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (500, 340, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (480, 340, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (460, 340, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (440, 340, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (420, 340, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (420, 320, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (420, 300, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (420, 280, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (420, 260, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (420, 240, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (390, 210, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (340, 190, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (320, 190, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (300, 190, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (280, 190, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (280, 220, 1, 1, red)
Draw.FillOval (275, 220, 1, 1, red)
Draw.FillOval (275, 245, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (295, 245, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (315, 245, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (335, 245, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (355, 245, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (370, 260, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (370, 280, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (360, 290, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (360, 300, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (360, 310, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (370, 300, 1, 1, red)
Draw.FillOval (380, 290, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (380, 300, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (380, 310, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (370, 320, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (370, 340, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (350, 340, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (330, 340, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (310, 340, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (290, 340, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (270, 340, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (270, 320, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (270, 293, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (250, 293, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (230, 293, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (230, 313, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (230, 333, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (210, 333, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (190, 333, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (170, 333, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (150, 333, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (130, 333, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (110, 333, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (90, 333, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (70, 333, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (50, 333, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (30, 333, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (15, 323, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (15, 303, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (15, 283, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (15, 263, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (15, 243, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (15, 223, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (15, 203, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (35, 203, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (58, 203, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (58, 223, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (58, 243, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (58, 263, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (58, 283, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (78, 283, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (98, 283, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (98, 260, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (98, 240, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (98, 220, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (98, 200, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (118, 200, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (138, 200, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (158, 200, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (170, 200, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (159, 251, 3, 3, brightblue)
Draw.FillOval (130, 243, 1, 1, red)
Draw.FillOval (130, 223, 1, 1, red)
Draw.FillOval (150, 223, 1, 1, red)
Draw.FillOval (140, 233, 1, 1, red)
Draw.FillOval (118, 283, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (138, 283, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (158, 283, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (178, 283, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (188, 263, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (188, 243, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (188, 223, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (188, 203, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (188, 155, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (188, 183, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (168, 155, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (148, 155, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (128, 155, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (108, 155, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (88, 155, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (68, 155, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (48, 155, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (18, 155, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (18, 135, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (18, 115, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (18, 95, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (18, 75, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (18, 55, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (18, 35, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (18, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (38, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (58, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (58, 35, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (58, 55, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (58, 75, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (58, 95, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (80, 110, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (100, 95, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (100, 75, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (100, 55, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (100, 35, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (100, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (120, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (140, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (140, 35, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (140, 55, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (140, 75, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (140, 95, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (160, 110, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (180, 95, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (180, 75, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (180, 55, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (180, 35, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (180, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (200, 15, 3, 3, brightblue)
Draw.FillOval (218, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (218, 35, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (218, 55, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (218, 75, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (218, 95, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (240, 110, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (260, 95, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (260, 75, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (260, 55, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (260, 35, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (260, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (280, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (300, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (300, 35, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (300, 55, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (300, 75, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (300, 95, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (320, 110, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (340, 95, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (340, 75, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (340, 55, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (340, 35, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (340, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (360, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (380, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (400, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (420, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (440, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (460, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (480, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (500, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (520, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (540, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (560, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (580, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (600, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (620, 15, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (600, 35, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (620, 55, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (600, 75, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (620, 95, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (600, 115, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (620, 135, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (600, 155, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (620, 175, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (600, 185, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (580, 185, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (560, 185, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (540, 185, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (520, 185, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (500, 185, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (480, 175, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (460, 160, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (440, 145, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (420, 130, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (400, 115, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (380, 100, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (380, 80, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (380, 60, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (400, 60, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (420, 60, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (440, 60, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (460, 60, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (480, 60, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (500, 60, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (520, 60, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (540, 60, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (560, 60, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (560, 80, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (560, 100, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (560, 120, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (560, 140, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (540, 140, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (520, 140, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (500, 140, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (440, 105, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (230, 270, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (230, 250, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (230, 230, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (230, 210, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (230, 190, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (230, 170, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (230, 150, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (270, 145, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (310, 145, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (350, 145, 1, 1, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (460, 210, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (460, 240, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (460, 270, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (460, 300, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (480, 300, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (500, 300, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (520, 300, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (535, 300, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (535, 270, 2, 2, purple)
Draw.FillOval (535, 240, 2, 2, purple)
startTime := Time.Elapsed
timeRunning := Time.Elapsed - startTime % puts the time from the start of the process and minus' the start of the game process
% hidden pop up objects
if timeRunning > 10000 then
Draw.FillOval (635, 237, 3, 3, brightblue)
end if
if timeRunning > 20000 then
Draw.ThickLine (635, 260, 635, 210, 10, brightwhite)
end if
if timeRunning > 2500 then
Draw.ThickLine (0, 362, 0, 400, 12, brightwhite)
end if
if timeRunning > 2000 then
Draw.FillOval (0, 385, 3, 3, brightblue)
end if
View.Set ("offscreenonly")
Draw.FillOval (x, y, r, r, black)
% Key input to move the 'pac-man'
Input.KeyDown (keys )
if keys (KEY_UP_ARROW) and whatdotcolour (x, y + r + 1) ~ = brightred and y < maxy - ySize then
y := y + 3
end if
if keys (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and whatdotcolour (x - r - 1, y ) ~ = brightred and x > 0 then
x := x - 3
end if
if keys (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and whatdotcolour (x + r + 1, y ) ~ = brightred and x < maxx - xSize then
x := x + 3
end if
if keys (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and whatdotcolour (x, y - r - 1) ~ = brightred and y > ySize then
y := y - 3
end if
Draw.FillOval (x, y, r, r, black)
% colour scores and boundries
if whatdotcolour (x + r + 2, y ) = brightgreen then
score + = 100
%Music.PlayFileLoop ("M:/TIK2/1up.MID")
%Music.PlayFileLoop ("M:/ICS3/finalSMB.MID")
end if
if whatdotcolour (x - r - 2, y ) = brightwhite then
x := y + 240
end if
if whatdotcolour (x - r + 2, y ) = brightwhite then
x := x + 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x, y + r + 2) = brightwhite then
x := y - 2
end if
if whatdotcolour (x, y - r - 2) = brightwhite then
y := y + 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x - r - 2, y ) = red then
score - = 100
count1 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x + r + 2, y ) = red then
score - = 100
count1 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x - r - 2, y ) = brightblue then
score + = 200
count2 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x + r + 2, y ) = brightblue then
score + = 200
count2 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x, y + r + 2) = brightblue then
score + = 200
count3 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x, y - r - 2) = brightblue then
score + = 200
count3 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x - r - 2, y ) = purple then
score + = 10
count3 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x + r + 2, y ) = purple then
score + = 10
count3 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x, y + r + 2) = purple then
score + = 10
count3 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x, y - r - 2) = purple then
score + = 10
count3 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x - r - 2, y ) = yellow then
score + = 1
count4 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x + r + 2, y ) = yellow then
score + = 1
count4 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x, y + r + 2) = yellow then
score + = 1
count4 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x, y - r - 2) = yellow then
score + = 1
count4 + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x + r + 2, y ) = brightred then
score - = 1
count + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x - r - 2, y ) = brightred then
score - = 1
count + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x, y + r + 2) = brightred then
score - = 1
count + = 1
end if
if whatdotcolour (x, y - r - 2) = brightred then
score - = 1
count + = 1
end if
%inside maze
Draw.ThickLine (0, 360, 600, 360, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (600, 300, 600, 360, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (640, 260, 560, 260, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (560, 320, 560, 260, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (560, 320, 440, 320, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (440, 320, 440, 220, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (400, 360, 400, 260, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (360, 220, 400, 260, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (350, 160, 440, 220, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (300, 220, 360, 220, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (250, 160, 350, 160, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (250, 160, 250, 270, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (250, 270, 340, 270, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (340, 320, 340, 270, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (300, 320, 340, 320, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (250, 310, 250, 360, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (300, 320, 300, 270, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (40, 310, 210, 310, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (210, 310, 210, 270, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (210, 130, 210, 270, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (210, 130, 370, 130, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (480, 200, 370, 130, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (480, 280, 480, 200, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (480, 280, 510, 280, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (510, 210, 510, 280, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (510, 210, 640, 210, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (40, 310, 40, 230, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (0, 180, 80, 180, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (80, 180, 170, 180, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (80, 180, 80, 260, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (110, 260, 170, 260, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (170, 210, 170, 260, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (40, 130, 210, 130, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (40, 130, 40, 40, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (80, 0, 80, 90, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (120, 40, 120, 130, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (160, 0, 160, 90, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (200, 40, 200, 130, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (240, 0, 240, 90, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (280, 40, 280, 130, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (320, 0, 320, 90, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (360, 40, 360, 130, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (360, 40, 580, 40, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (580, 40, 580, 160, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (500, 160, 580, 160, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (500, 160, 420, 100, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (420, 100, 530, 80, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (540, 120, 530, 80, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (510, 120, 540, 120, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (0, 408, 640, 408, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (0, 10, 0, 0, 10, brightwhite)
Draw.ThickLine (286, 122, 286, 119, 10, brightwhite)
% end circle
Draw.FillOval (515, 102, 10, 10, brightgreen)
Draw.FillOval (x, y, r, r, yellow)
delay (6)
% score and time at the top of the game ren window
locate (1, 1)
put "Score: ", score
put "Time: ", timeRunning / 1000 : 1 : 1, " seconds "
end loop
end if
if menu = 3 then
quit % you must of hit 3 to quit
end if
% Final page after hit brightgreen
put " You made it to the end Congrats"
put " "
put " ",name
put " "
put " Your score is ", score
put " "
put " You hit the wall ", count, " time(s) "
put " "
put " You hit the yellow dot(s) ", count4, " time(s) "
put " "
put " You hit the red dot(s) (ghosts) ", count1, " time(s)"
put " "
put " You hit the purple dot(s) ( fruit( grapes )) ", count3, " time(s)"
put " "
put " You hit the brightblue circle(s) ( bonus spots ) ", count2, " time(s) "
put " "
put " It took you ", timeRunning / 1000 : 1 : 1, " seconds to get to the end"
%put : pac, " "
%put : pac, name
%put : pac, "Your score was ", score, " and your time was ", timeRunning / 1000 : 1 : 1
%close : pac
Cervantes says: please use code or syntax tags next time. |