code: | procedure checkHorizontal
for decreasing row : 5 .. 0
for column : 0 .. 3
if grid (row, column) = check and grid (row, column + 1) = check and grid (row, column + 2) = check and grid (row, column + 3) = check then
fourLine := true
end if
end for
end for
end checkHorizontal |
This is my working code for a horizontal win, but i'm wondering why my original checking method never works...I just finished G10 programming last semester.
code: | procedure checkHorizontal
for decreasing row : 5 .. 0
for column : 0 .. 3
if grid (row, column) = check then
fourLine (1) := true
elsif grid (row, column + 1) = check then
fourLine (2) := true
elsif grid (row, column + 2) = check then
fourLine (3) := true
elsif grid (row, column + 3) = check then
fourLine (4) := true
end if
end for
end for
end checkHorizontal |
*Note, the checking system is still very basic, i just need it to work first before i continue on with the winning page and looping game. |