% subprograms
% draw the helicotper
procedure Draw_Copter (X, Y, C : int, Angle : real4)
var XR, YR : int
drawfillbox (X - 7, Y + 10, X + 13, Y - 10, C) % main body
drawfilloval (X + 13, Y, 15, 10, C)
drawfillbox (X - 7, Y + 6, X - 40, Y + 2, C) % tail
drawfilloval (X - 7, Y, 7, 5, C)
drawfillbox (X + 20, Y + 4, X + 26, Y - 1, 9) % window
drawfillbox (X - 2, Y + 10, X + 2, Y + 16, C) % rotar base
% top rotar
XR := ((cos (Angle) * 40) + X) div 1
YR := ((sin (Angle) * 7) + (Y + 16)) div 1
% rotars
drawline (X, Y + 16, XR, YR, 7)
XR := (- (cos (Angle) * 40) + X) div 1
YR := (- (sin (Angle) * 7) + (Y + 16)) div 1
% rotars
drawline (X, Y + 16, XR, YR, 7)
% bottom rotar
XR := ((cos (Angle) * 7) + X - 40) div 1
YR := ((sin (Angle) * 7) + (Y + 4)) div 1
% rotars
drawline (X - 40, Y + 4, XR, YR, 7)
XR := (- (cos (Angle) * 7) + X - 40) div 1
YR := (- (sin (Angle) * 7) + (Y + 4)) div 1
% rotars
drawline (X - 40, Y + 4, XR, YR, 7)
% landing gear
drawline (X - 5, Y - 10, X - 5, Y - 15, 7)
drawline (X + 10, Y - 10, X + 10, Y - 15, 7)
drawline (X - 8, Y - 15, X + 15, Y - 15, 7)
drawfillbox (X + 3, Y + 3, X + 12, Y - 3, 7)
% star
drawfillstar (X - 6, Y - 2, X + 2, Y + 4, 0)
end Draw_Copter
procedure Draw_Enemey (X, Y, C : int)
drawfillbox (X - 15, Y + 5, X + 9, Y - 5, C)
drawline (X + 15, Y, X, Y, 12)
drawfilloval (X - 15, Y, 4, 3, 10)
drawfilloval (X + 5, Y, 10, 4, C)
end Draw_Enemey
function Length_Find (X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : int) : real4
result sqrt ((X1 - X2) ** 2 + (Y1 - Y2) ** 2)
end Length_Find
procedure Draw_Tree (X, Y : int)
Draw.ThickLine (X, Y, X, Y + 15, 7, brown)
drawfilloval (X, Y + 17, 8, 7, 194)
end Draw_Tree
% sound stuff
process Sound_Effect (Frequencey, Length : int)
sound (Frequencey, Length)
end Sound_Effect
process Sound_Boom
sound (75, 100)
sound (35, 200)
sound (35, 100)
end Sound_Boom
% screen set up
setscreen ("graphics:max,400,nobuttonbar,offscreenonly,nocursor")
% Constants
const COPTER_C := 7 % helicopter colour
const NUM_OF_ENIMIES := 20
const NUM_OF_BULLETS := 20
const SPEED := 1
const HELI_SPEED := 2
const ROTAR_SPEED := .3
const SPEED_B := 3
const NUM_OF_TREES := 30
const NUM_OF_CLOUDS := 5
const CLOUD_SPEED := 0.5
const FIRE_RATE := 20
const MID_X := maxx div 2
const MID_Y := maxy div 2
const VICTORY_COUNT := 400
const EMP_COUNT := 5
const EMP_RAD := 150
var Choice : string (1)
var Shoot : boolean
var NumOfEMPs : int
var XC, YC : array 1 .. NUM_OF_CLOUDS of int
var XCT : array 1 .. NUM_OF_CLOUDS of real4
var Key : array char of boolean
var Shot : array 1 .. NUM_OF_BULLETS of boolean
var XP, YP : int %player position
var Angle : real4 % the rotar blade angle for helicopter
var XB, YB : array 1 .. NUM_OF_BULLETS of int % bullet
var XE, YE : array 1 .. NUM_OF_ENIMIES of int
var XBE, YBE : array 1 .. NUM_OF_ENIMIES of int
var ReloadCount : array 1 .. NUM_OF_ENIMIES of nat
var ShotE, Hit : array 1 .. NUM_OF_ENIMIES of boolean
var XT, YT : array 1 .. NUM_OF_TREES of int
var Length : real4
var BulletNum : nat
var EMPLaunch : boolean
var PlayAgain : string (1)
var Health : int
var HealthC : nat1
var ShootCount : nat1
var XBoom, YBoom : int
var Font1 : int := Font.New ("Arial:20")
var Font2 : int := Font.New ("Arial:30")
var Font3 : int := Font.New ("Agencey FB:15")
var Score : int
var IntToStr : string (10)
EMPLaunch := false
% random tree placement
for Index : 1 .. NUM_OF_TREES
randint (XT (Index), 1, maxx)
randint (YT (Index), 1, 20)
end for
% random cloud placement
for Index : 1 .. NUM_OF_CLOUDS
randint (XC (Index), 1, maxx)
randint (YC (Index), maxy - 200, maxy)
XCT (Index) := XC (Index)
end for
% bullet starts
for Index : 1 .. NUM_OF_BULLETS
XB (Index) := -10
Shot (Index) := false
YB (Index) := -10
end for
% enemy stats
for Index : 1 .. NUM_OF_ENIMIES
randint (XE (Index), maxx, maxx + 200)
randint (YE (Index), 60, maxy - 60)
ShotE (Index) := false
Hit (Index) := false
ReloadCount (Index) := 0
end for
XP := 100
YP := 100
Angle := 0
Health := 100
ShootCount := 0
BulletNum := 1
Shoot := false
HealthC := 10
Score := 0
colorback (7)
Font.Draw ("Helicopter Escape", 100, 300, Font2, 10)
Font.Draw ("made by Peter Watt", 100, 200, Font1, 10)
Font.Draw ("(press any key to continue)", 100, 100, Font1, 10)
getch (Choice)
color (0)
put ""
put "Controls"
put "Movement : arrow keys"
put "Shoot : space bar"
put "pause : enter"
put ""
put "The objective is to escape the enemey's un-maned drone defence grid."
put "Destroy ", VICTORY_COUNT, " enemies to escape"
put "You are flying in a heavy machine gun transport chopper"
put "You also have an EMP device onboard to destory all enemies in a small radius"
put "Use the w key to launc an EMP"
getch (Choice)
colorback (54)
Input.KeyDown (Key)
if Key (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
if YP > maxy - 35 then
end if
elsif Key (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
end if
if Key (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and XP < maxx - 20 then
XP := XP + 1
elsif Key (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and XP > 20 then
XP := XP - 1
end if
% crash and burn
if Health <= 0 then
end if
if Angle > 360 then
Angle := 0
Angle := Angle + ROTAR_SPEED
end if
ShootCount := ShootCount + 1
if Key (' ') and ShootCount > FIRE_RATE then
ShootCount := 0
Shot (BulletNum) := true
XB (BulletNum) := XP
YB (BulletNum) := YP
Shot (BulletNum) := false
fork Sound_Effect (100, 50)
if BulletNum = NUM_OF_BULLETS then
BulletNum := 1
BulletNum := BulletNum + 1
end if
end if
if ShootCount > FIRE_RATE then
ShootCount := 0
end if
if Key (KEY_ENTER) = false then
Shoot := false
end if
if Key ('w') and EMPLaunch = false and NumOfEMPs > 0 then
EMPLaunch := true
NumOfEMPs := NumOfEMPs - 1
drawoval (XP, YP, EMP_RAD, EMP_RAD, 12)
for Index : 1 .. NUM_OF_ENIMIES
if Length_Find (XP, YP, XE (Index), YE (Index)) < EMP_RAD then
drawline (XP, YP, XE (Index), YE (Index), 12)
randint (XE (Index), maxx, maxx + 50)
randint (YE (Index), 60, maxy - 60)
Score := Score + 1
delay (10)
end if
end for
end if
if Key ('w') = false then
EMPLaunch := false
end if
% display stuff
% ground
drawfillbox (1, 20, maxx, 0, 122)
% sun
drawfilloval (maxx - 100, maxy - 50, 50, 50, 14)
for Index : 1 .. NUM_OF_CLOUDS
XCT (Index) := XCT (Index) - CLOUD_SPEED
drawfilloval (XCT (Index) div 1, YC (Index), 50, 20, 0)
if XCT (Index) + 50 < 1 then
randint (XC (Index), maxx + 50, maxx + 100)
randint (YC (Index), maxy - 200, maxy)
XCT (Index) := XC (Index)
end if
end for
% trees
for Index : 1 .. NUM_OF_TREES
if XT (Index) + 5 < 1 then
randint (XT (Index), maxx, maxx + 20)
randint (YT (Index), 1, 20)
XT (Index) := XT (Index) - SPEED
end if
Draw_Tree (XT (Index), YT (Index))
end for
% heli
Draw_Copter (XP, YP, COPTER_C, Angle)
% enemies
for Index : 1 .. NUM_OF_ENIMIES
XE (Index) := XE (Index) - 2
Draw_Enemey (XE (Index), YE (Index), 15)
if YE (Index) > YP - 4 and YE (Index) < YP + 4 and ShotE (Index) = false then
ShotE (Index) := true
YBE (Index) := YE (Index)
XBE (Index) := XE (Index)
end if
%collision with helicopter
if Length_Find (XP, YP, XE (Index), YE (Index)) < 20 then
if Health <= 0 then
Health := Health - 25
end if
randint (XE (Index), maxx, maxx + 20)
randint (YE (Index), 60, maxy - 60)
end if
if XE (Index) + 30 < 1 then
randint (XE (Index), maxx, maxx + 20)
randint (YE (Index), 60, maxy - 60)
end if
% enemy fire
if ShotE (Index) = true then
if ReloadCount (Index) > 300 then
ShotE (Index) := false
Hit (Index) := false
ReloadCount (Index) := 0
end if
ReloadCount (Index) := ReloadCount (Index) + 1
XBE (Index) := XBE (Index) - 3
if Hit (Index) = false then
drawfilloval (XBE (Index), YBE (Index), 2, 2, 10)
drawline (XBE (Index), YBE (Index), XBE (Index) + 15, YBE (Index), 10)
if Length_Find (XP, YP, XBE (Index), YBE (Index)) < 20 then
Hit (Index) := true
if Health > 0 then
Health := Health - 2
end if
end if
end if
end if
end for
% bullets
for Index : 1 .. NUM_OF_BULLETS
XB (Index) := XB (Index) + SPEED_B
if Shot (Index) = false then
drawfilloval (XB (Index), YB (Index), 1, 1, 7)
for Index2 : 1 .. NUM_OF_ENIMIES
if Length_Find (XB (Index), YB (Index), XE (Index2), YE (Index2)) < 10 then
Shot (Index) := true
randint (XE (Index2), maxx, maxx + 50)
randint (YE (Index2), 60, maxy - 60)
Score := Score + 1
end if
end for
end if
% drawline (XP, YP, XB (Index), YB (Index), 10)
end for
% stats
if Health > 50 and Health < 70 then
HealthC := 14
elsif Health < 50 then
HealthC := 12
end if
IntToStr := intstr (Health)
Font.Draw ("Health: " + IntToStr + "%", 10, maxy - 20, Font1, 8)
drawfillbox (173, maxy - 25, 478, maxy - 3, 8)
if Health > 0 then
drawfillbox (175, maxy - 23, (Health * 3) + 175, maxy - 5, HealthC)
end if
drawbox (175, maxy - 23, 475, maxy - 5, 0)
IntToStr := intstr (Score)
Font.Draw ("Enemies killed: " + IntToStr, maxx - 250, maxy - 20, Font1, 8)
IntToStr := intstr (NumOfEMPs)
Font.Draw ("EMPs left :" + IntToStr, maxx - 250, maxy - 50, Font1, 8)
IntToStr := intstr (YP)
Font.Draw ("Alt: " + IntToStr, 10, maxy - 40, Font3, 8)
exit when YP < 50 or Score > VICTORY_COUNT
Input.KeyDown (Key)
if Key (KEY_ENTER) then
Font.Draw ("Paused", MID_X, MID_Y, Font2, 12)
Font.Draw ("press any key to continue", MID_X, MID_Y - 50, Font1, 12)
getch (Choice)
end if
end loop
if YP < 50 then
for Boom : 1 .. 200
randint (XBoom, XP - 50, XP + 60)
randint (YBoom, YP - 50, YP + 60)
exit when Length_Find (XBoom, YBoom, XP, YP) < 50
end loop
if Boom mod 2 = 1 then
drawdot (XBoom, YBoom, 12)
drawdot (XBoom, YBoom, 14)
end if
end for
Font.Draw ("You've crashed!", MID_X, MID_Y, Font2, 12)
fork Sound_Boom
Font.Draw ("You win!!", MID_X, MID_Y, Font2, 12)
end if
Font.Draw ("Would you like to play again?(y/n)", 100, 50, Font1, 10)
getch (Choice)
exit when Choice = "n" or Choice = "y"
end loop
exit when Choice = "n"
end loop
colorback (0)