Computer Science Canada

"Histogram" in turing

Author:  dmitrip [ Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  "Histogram" in turing


i am making a program where i simulate the role of a dice 100 times using a for loop and randint

now i got that to work easily but the challenge is that i need to show a "growing" histogram of numbers as the quantity of each role increases. so that 1 will go under 1 2 will go under 2 etc..
i cant figure this one out! help will be appreciated thankss

what i got so far :


var num : int

for role : 1..100


end for

put "1"..
put "2"..
put "3"..
put "4"..
put "5"..
put "6"..


Author:  rdrake [ Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:"Histogram" in turing

For starters you're going to need variables which track the number of times a number was chosen, incrementing the particular variable each time. Use an array.

Afterwards you can fairly easily make a histogram from that data.

Author:  dmitrip [ Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Histogram" in turing

i kept on working on it and i got it to work but its not perfect because it outputs the numbers on top of each other but each number gets its own line , how can i make it that the numbers will be able to appear on the same row and now get a new line for each number.


[code ]

var num : int

for role : 1..100

if num = 1 then
put num

elsif num = 2 then
put " " , num

elsif num = 3 then
put " " , num

elsif num = 4 then
put " " , num

elsif num = 5 then
put " " , num

put " " , num

end if
end for

[code ]

Author:  Clayton [ Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Histogram" in turing

look up the locate() procedure to help you out.
