Computer Science Canada

Password field using GUI.CreateTextFieldFull?

Author:  gungun911 [ Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Password field using GUI.CreateTextFieldFull?

i am trying to create a mortgage program that allows the user to enter their first name, last name and a password (the password wont be used laster on, its really just for looks). what i am trying to do is i am trying to get the password field to only output asteriskses (*) instead of the text that the user inputs. can anybody help me out with suggestions / code?

Author:  Clayton [ Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Password field using GUI.CreateTextFieldFull?

Well... you get input from the user, so instead of showing that input, take it, find the length of it (we'll call that n), and print n asterisks out to the screen.

Author:  gungun911 [ Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Password field using GUI.CreateTextFieldFull?

That's not what im trying to achieve though. first of all, yeah it would be easy to do that if i was using a simple "get" command. but i am using GUI.CreateTextFieldFull which works differently. that being said, i want it to display 1 more asterisk in the etxt box for each letter that the user inputs.
