Computer Science Canada

WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

Author:  War_Caymore [ Tue Jan 23, 2007 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

I bought a Maximum PC magazine because it said "how to make a DX10 computer for $1,500" and i need a new computer anyways. The demo CD came with a game called WarRock. It's a war game, not set in any specific time pereod, but form the looks of it, it looks fairly modern. So I installed it and began to play it. It turns out i was up all night and was nearly late for school becasue of it.

Here is the site if any of yous want to try it out. you need to register with a vailid email and so forth, also it only has online multiplayer (which completely rocks!) and is relatively fast pace. if any one wants to give it a try, it's an ~250mb DL and it plays alot like Halo. It's only in beta testing right now so expect a few glitches.

I play on US east and i usualy have a game open. PM me if ya wanna play a game.

Edit: Fixed a few minor spelling errors and re-worded a sentece so no one will get naughty thoughts.

Author:  CodeMonkey2000 [ Tue Jan 23, 2007 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

WarRock is the best free fps ever. Counter Strick will always rule. This game has been in beta for a while.

Author:  Naveg [ Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

i tried the game out, but personally i thought it was terrible

america's army for me....

Author:  apomb [ Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

i dont play games Posted Image, might have been reduced in size. Click Image to view fullscreen.

Author:  d2bb [ Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

AA - Is the Best online Game Smile

- Realalistic and FREE !

Author:  Amailer [ Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

So true, wish my computer could handle it. It used to be able to, 42 honor.

Author:  [Gandalf] [ Fri Jan 26, 2007 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

America's Army is mediocre... In order to actually play you have to go through training for a couple of hours, only to find out the online portion doesn't work on your computer... And who wants realistic games these days anyway? Bah, I say.

Yeah, WarRock is a pretty good free game, been playing it a bit, even in that tournament they had going before. A bit too much like Counter Strike for my liking, but still fun. Plays like Halo, though? Err...

Nothing compared to Enemy Territory, though. Wink

Author:  cool dude [ Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

a really good online game which i recently found is gunz. i'm sure most people didn't hear about it but you should try it out.

Author:  Toxic_Ninja [ Thu Mar 29, 2007 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

Gunz is still around? Damn its been like 2 years since I've seen that. Anyway that game is very buggy but very cool.

Author:  cool dude [ Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

yes after 2 years its still so buggy. i stopped playing it just because i kept getting agent error on my friend and it kept crashing and hackers. A game that i play now which is a lot more stable is called rappelz. anyone ever hear of that?

Author:  HellblazerX [ Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

I've heard of it. It's a MMORPG that's very similar to Lineage 2, but with less classes and races. I've tried another game made by the same company, Space Cowboys Online. It was fun for a while, then got a little repetitive.

Author:  ecookman [ Sun Feb 21, 2010 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

Meh. I got bored with WarRock about a year ago.

Author:  Zren [ Sun Feb 21, 2010 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

FEAR multiplayer is free. Best looking free FPS I've seen nowadays. Gameplay is yours to judge. (The necro-idge has been done. best just to go with it.)

Author:  Insectoid [ Sun Feb 21, 2010 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

I played WArRock until it morphed into cheaterland. 4/5 rooms has one or more cheaters in it, and the rest of the people are so paranoid about hackers that they boot anyone with a high K/D ratio. Not fun.

EDIT: Too lazy to post necromancer magic card.

Author:  SNIPERDUDE [ Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

Allow me.

Posted Image, might have been reduced in size. Click Image to view fullscreen.

Author:  Insectoid [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:08 am ]
Post subject:  RE:WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

Now now, sniperdude, we don't need any content like that desecrating our wonderful forum! That's a totally ridiculous way to remind people not to necro threads.

Author:  SNIPERDUDE [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  RE:WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

Hardy har har.
The problem was the pic I wanted to post was a little better suited to /b/. Let's keep it clean, shall we?

Author:  Turing_Gamer [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

@ Everyone: I'm sticking to strategy/FPS games right now. Playing C&C4: Tiberian Twilight Beta for PC and The Conduit for Wii (<-- My avatar and signature is based on this game). From time-to-time, I play Quake Live.

@ SNIPERDUDE: Love your picture

Author:  [Gandalf] [ Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  RE:WarRock: Best FPS ever for PC?

Anyone else notice that arani's necropost contains a mighty suspicious link to a "gamer credits" store? Neutral

Also, the management behind WarRock is terrible, both the staff and the direction gameplay development has been headed in the past few years. Highly recommend against trying this game.
