Computer Science Canada

Simple help with checking "DragDrop" event for a game

Author:  Vincerz [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Simple help with checking "DragDrop" event for a game

Im a student that is still new to VB and programming. Right now, im making a hangman game, using basic methods to make things work.
What im stuck on is getting my program to check when all the boxes to a question are solved (im doing drag and drop instead of using a simple text box)

I thought of two methods, both which i believe are good, but cant get to work exactly

This first one is just checking when all the boxes are filled, but i do not know what to check (go to italics for main parts)
Dim intValue As Integer

Private Sub cmdStartEasy_Click()
'Change position and disable buttons and labels
lblHardInfo.Visible = False
lblEasyInfo.Visible = False
cmdStartEasy.Top = 5880
cmdStartEasy.Left = 8400
cmdStartEasy.Caption = "Next"
cmdStartEasy.Enabled = False
cmdStartHard.Enabled = False
cmdStartHard.Visible = False

' Randomizer, will select one of the 10 questions/hints
intValue = (Int((2 - 1 + 1) * Rnd) + 1)

If intValue = 1 Then
lblQuestion.Caption = "The oppisite of small"
'Set up matching boxes
lblA.Visible = False
Image2(12).Visible = True
Image2(12).Enabled = True
Image2(12).Top = 5160
Image2(12).Left = 2400
Image2(1).Visible = True
Image2(1).Enabled = True
Image2(1).Top = 5160
Image2(1).Left = 3000
Image2(18).Visible = True
Image2(18).Enabled = True
Image2(18).Top = 5160
Image2(18).Left = 3600
Image2(7).Visible = True
Image2(7).Enabled = True
Image2(7).Top = 5160
Image2(7).Left = 4200
Image2(5).Visible = True
Image2(5).Enabled = True
Image2(5).Top = 5160
Image2(5).Left = 4800
'Check when all boxes are filled and done
If Image2.DoNotKnowWhatToCheckHere = (Do not know) Then
MsgBox ("Correct Answer!")
'Add scores and stuff (not yet worked on)
End If

If intValue = 2 Then
lblQuestion.Caption = "What is 8x8?"
'Set up matching boxes
lblA.Visible = False
Image2(19).Visible = True
Image2(19).Enabled = True
Image2(19).Top = 5160
Image2(19).Left = 2400
Image2(9).Visible = True
Image2(9).Enabled = True
Image2(9).Top = 5160
Image2(9).Left = 3000
Image2(24).Visible = True
Image2(24).Enabled = True
Image2(24).Top = 5160
Image2(24).Left = 3600
Image2(20).Visible = True
Image2(20).Enabled = True
Image2(20).Top = 5160
Image2(20).Left = 4200
Image2(25).Visible = True
Image2(25).Enabled = True
Image2(25).Top = 5160
Image2(25).Left = 4800
Image2(6).Visible = True
Image2(6).Enabled = True
Image2(6).Top = 5160
Image2(6).Left = 6000
Image2(15).Visible = True
Image2(15).Enabled = True
Image2(15).Top = 5160
Image2(15).Left = 6600
Image2(21).Visible = True
Image2(21).Enabled = True
Image2(21).Top = 5160
Image2(21).Left = 7200
Image2(18).Visible = True
Image2(18).Enabled = True
Image2(18).Top = 5160
Image2(18).Left = 7800
End If
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdStartHard_Click()
'Change position and disable buttons and labels
lblHardInfo.Visible = False
lblEasyInfo.Visible = False
cmdStartHard.Top = 5880
cmdStartHard.Left = 8400
cmdStartHard.Caption = "Next"
cmdStartHard.Enabled = False
cmdStartEasy.Enabled = False
cmdStartEasy.Visible = False

' Randomizer, will select one of the 10 questions/hints
intValue = (Int((1 - 1 + 1) * Rnd) + 1)

If intValue = 1 Then
lblQuestion.Caption = "What goes around the world but stays in a corner?"
'Set up matching boxes
lblA.Visible = True
Image2(19).Visible = True
Image2(19).Enabled = True
Image2(19).Top = 5160
Image2(19).Left = 2400
Image2(20).Visible = True
Image2(20).Enabled = True
Image2(20).Top = 5160
Image2(20).Left = 3000
Image2(1).Visible = True
Image2(1).Enabled = True
Image2(1).Top = 5160
Image2(1).Left = 3600
Image2(13).Visible = True
Image2(13).Enabled = True
Image2(13).Top = 5160
Image2(13).Left = 4200
Image2(16).Visible = True
Image2(16).Enabled = True
Image2(16).Top = 5160
Image2(16).Left = 4800
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)
Source.Visible = True 'Dropped at wrong place, so snap back
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

For Index = 1 To 26
Image1(Index).DragIcon = Image1(Index).Picture
Next Index

'Hide Hangman
Shape1.Visible = False
Line8.Visible = False
Line9.Visible = False
Line10.Visible = False
Line11.Visible = False
Line12.Visible = False

'Proper positions and hide or show objects
cmdStartHard.Top = 4560
cmdStartHard.Left = 4920
cmdStartEasy.Top = 4560
cmdStartEasy.Left = 3120
lblA.Visible = False
Image2(1).Visible = False
Image2(1).Enabled = False
Image2(2).Visible = False
Image2(2).Enabled = False
Image2(3).Visible = False
Image2(3).Enabled = False
Image2(4).Visible = False
Image2(4).Enabled = False
Image2(5).Visible = False
Image2(5).Enabled = False
Image2(6).Visible = False
Image2(6).Enabled = False
Image2(7).Visible = False
Image2(7).Enabled = False
Image2(8).Visible = False
Image2(8).Enabled = False
Image2(9).Visible = False
Image2(9).Enabled = False
Image2(10).Visible = False
Image2(10).Enabled = False
Image2(11).Visible = False
Image2(11).Enabled = False
Image2(12).Visible = False
Image2(12).Enabled = False
Image2(13).Visible = False
Image2(13).Enabled = False
Image2(14).Visible = False
Image2(14).Enabled = False
Image2(15).Visible = False
Image2(15).Enabled = False
Image2(16).Visible = False
Image2(16).Enabled = False
Image2(17).Visible = False
Image2(17).Enabled = False
Image2(18).Visible = False
Image2(18).Enabled = False
Image2(19).Visible = False
Image2(19).Enabled = False
Image2(20).Visible = False
Image2(20).Enabled = False
Image2(21).Visible = False
Image2(21).Enabled = False
Image2(22).Visible = False
Image2(22).Enabled = False
Image2(23).Visible = False
Image2(23).Enabled = False
Image2(24).Visible = False
Image2(24).Enabled = False
Image2(25).Visible = False
Image2(25).Enabled = False
Image2(26).Visible = False
Image2(26).Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub Image1_DragOver(Index As Integer, Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single, State As Integer)
Source.Visible = True
End Sub

Private Sub Image2_DragDrop(Index As Integer, Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Source.Index = Index Then 'If drop at the correct spot,
Image2(Index).Picture = Source.Picture 'We'll snap the Image in place.
Source.Visible = True 'Otherwise snap back
'Incorrect, so add hangman features
MsgBox ("Wrong!")
'Find the correct feature that needs to be added, and add
If Shape1.Visible = False Then
Shape1.Visible = True
If Line8.Visible = False Then
Line8.Visible = True
If Line11.Visible = False Then
Line11.Visible = True
If Line12.Visible = False Then
Line12.Visible = True
If Line9.Visible = False Then
Line9.Visible = True
If Line10.Visible = False Then
Line10.Visible = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub mnuQuit_Click()
End Sub

Second method, would be using a counter to count each time an item is dragdropped correctly, and when it matches label2.Caption (which will be the number of letters of the answer) the user wins
Dim intValue As Integer

Private Sub cmdStartEasy_Click()
'Change position and disable buttons and labels
lblHardInfo.Visible = False
lblEasyInfo.Visible = False
cmdStartEasy.Top = 5880
cmdStartEasy.Left = 8400
cmdStartEasy.Caption = "Next"
cmdStartEasy.Enabled = False
cmdStartHard.Enabled = False
cmdStartHard.Visible = False

' Randomizer, will select one of the 10 questions/hints
intValue = (Int((2 - 1 + 1) * Rnd) + 1)

If intValue = 1 Then
Label2.Caption = 5 '5 are the number of letters there are
lblQuestion.Caption = "The oppisite of small"
'Set up matching boxes
lblA.Visible = False
Image2(12).Visible = True
Image2(12).Enabled = True
Image2(12).Top = 5160
Image2(12).Left = 2400
Image2(1).Visible = True
Image2(1).Enabled = True
Image2(1).Top = 5160
Image2(1).Left = 3000
Image2(18).Visible = True
Image2(18).Enabled = True
Image2(18).Top = 5160
Image2(18).Left = 3600
Image2(7).Visible = True
Image2(7).Enabled = True
Image2(7).Top = 5160
Image2(7).Left = 4200
Image2(5).Visible = True
Image2(5).Enabled = True
Image2(5).Top = 5160
Image2(5).Left = 4800
If intValue = 2 Then
lblQuestion.Caption = "What is 8x8?"
'Set up matching boxes
lblA.Visible = False
Image2(19).Visible = True
Image2(19).Enabled = True
Image2(19).Top = 5160
Image2(19).Left = 2400
Image2(9).Visible = True
Image2(9).Enabled = True
Image2(9).Top = 5160
Image2(9).Left = 3000
Image2(24).Visible = True
Image2(24).Enabled = True
Image2(24).Top = 5160
Image2(24).Left = 3600
Image2(20).Visible = True
Image2(20).Enabled = True
Image2(20).Top = 5160
Image2(20).Left = 4200
Image2(25).Visible = True
Image2(25).Enabled = True
Image2(25).Top = 5160
Image2(25).Left = 4800
Image2(6).Visible = True
Image2(6).Enabled = True
Image2(6).Top = 5160
Image2(6).Left = 6000
Image2(15).Visible = True
Image2(15).Enabled = True
Image2(15).Top = 5160
Image2(15).Left = 6600
Image2(21).Visible = True
Image2(21).Enabled = True
Image2(21).Top = 5160
Image2(21).Left = 7200
Image2(18).Visible = True
Image2(18).Enabled = True
Image2(18).Top = 5160
Image2(18).Left = 7800
End If
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdStartHard_Click()
'Change position and disable buttons and labels
lblHardInfo.Visible = False
lblEasyInfo.Visible = False
cmdStartHard.Top = 5880
cmdStartHard.Left = 8400
cmdStartHard.Caption = "Next"
cmdStartHard.Enabled = False
cmdStartEasy.Enabled = False
cmdStartEasy.Visible = False

' Randomizer, will select one of the 10 questions/hints
intValue = (Int((1 - 1 + 1) * Rnd) + 1)

If intValue = 1 Then
lblQuestion.Caption = "What goes around the world but stays in a corner?"
'Set up matching boxes
lblA.Visible = True
Image2(19).Visible = True
Image2(19).Enabled = True
Image2(19).Top = 5160
Image2(19).Left = 2400
Image2(20).Visible = True
Image2(20).Enabled = True
Image2(20).Top = 5160
Image2(20).Left = 3000
Image2(1).Visible = True
Image2(1).Enabled = True
Image2(1).Top = 5160
Image2(1).Left = 3600
Image2(13).Visible = True
Image2(13).Enabled = True
Image2(13).Top = 5160
Image2(13).Left = 4200
Image2(16).Visible = True
Image2(16).Enabled = True
Image2(16).Top = 5160
Image2(16).Left = 4800
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)
Source.Visible = True 'Dropped at wrong place, so snap back
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

For Index = 1 To 26
Image1(Index).DragIcon = Image1(Index).Picture
Next Index

'Hide Hangman
Shape1.Visible = False
Line8.Visible = False
Line9.Visible = False
Line10.Visible = False
Line11.Visible = False
Line12.Visible = False

'Proper positions and hide or show objects
cmdStartHard.Top = 4560
cmdStartHard.Left = 4920
cmdStartEasy.Top = 4560
cmdStartEasy.Left = 3120
lblA.Visible = False
Image2(1).Visible = False
Image2(1).Enabled = False
Image2(2).Visible = False
Image2(2).Enabled = False
Image2(3).Visible = False
Image2(3).Enabled = False
Image2(4).Visible = False
Image2(4).Enabled = False
Image2(5).Visible = False
Image2(5).Enabled = False
Image2(6).Visible = False
Image2(6).Enabled = False
Image2(7).Visible = False
Image2(7).Enabled = False
Image2(8).Visible = False
Image2(8).Enabled = False
Image2(9).Visible = False
Image2(9).Enabled = False
Image2(10).Visible = False
Image2(10).Enabled = False
Image2(11).Visible = False
Image2(11).Enabled = False
Image2(12).Visible = False
Image2(12).Enabled = False
Image2(13).Visible = False
Image2(13).Enabled = False
Image2(14).Visible = False
Image2(14).Enabled = False
Image2(15).Visible = False
Image2(15).Enabled = False
Image2(16).Visible = False
Image2(16).Enabled = False
Image2(17).Visible = False
Image2(17).Enabled = False
Image2(18).Visible = False
Image2(18).Enabled = False
Image2(19).Visible = False
Image2(19).Enabled = False
Image2(20).Visible = False
Image2(20).Enabled = False
Image2(21).Visible = False
Image2(21).Enabled = False
Image2(22).Visible = False
Image2(22).Enabled = False
Image2(23).Visible = False
Image2(23).Enabled = False
Image2(24).Visible = False
Image2(24).Enabled = False
Image2(25).Visible = False
Image2(25).Enabled = False
Image2(26).Visible = False
Image2(26).Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub Image1_DragOver(Index As Integer, Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single, State As Integer)
Source.Visible = True
End Sub

Private Sub Image2_DragDrop(Index As Integer, Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Source.Index = Index Then 'If drop at the correct spot,
'One letter correct, so add one to check when all letters are done
intValue2 = intValue2 + 1
Label1.Caption = intValue2
If Label1.Caption = Label2.Caption Then 'If a correct letter was dropped the number of times the number of letters there are in the answer
MsgBox ("Correct! Next Question")
'Add scores and stuff (not added yet)
End If

Image2(Index).Picture = Source.Picture 'We'll snap the Image in place.
Source.Visible = True 'Otherwise snap back
'Incorrect, so add hangman features
MsgBox ("Wrong!")
'Find the correct feature that needs to be added, and add
If Shape1.Visible = False Then
Shape1.Visible = True
If Line8.Visible = False Then
Line8.Visible = True
If Line11.Visible = False Then
Line11.Visible = True
If Line12.Visible = False Then
Line12.Visible = True
If Line9.Visible = False Then
Line9.Visible = True
If Line10.Visible = False Then
Line10.Visible = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub mnuQuit_Click()
End Sub


Author:  Silent Avenger [ Tue Jan 16, 2007 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Simple help with checking "DragDrop" event for a game

Welcome to, when you do a drag drop event you can check if the item that was dragged is the right one and put a value into a variable to show if it's the right one or not and when doing the last drag drop check and see if all are correct.
