Computer Science Canada

volley balley game creation

Author:  pppratik12 [ Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  volley balley game creation

hey peoples
i really need help in how to make the game called volley balley
i need it for my final project

i would realy appreciate it if u could help me through

if u want to see how the game is go in google and search for the title volley balley

please its urgent


Author:  Prince Pwn [ Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Start by making a variable for the x position of your ball, then a variable for the y position of the ball. Use get in order to allow the user to input his/her name(s). You might have to learn some math here to figure out how to do the gravity of the ball (which is painful at first). Learn how to use Input.KeyDown() in order to move your character, and the Pic.Draw commands. Instead of using put, Font.Draw is pretty for games. And lastly, if statements are definitely needed for all games.

Possibly post your code once you have a good grasp on how to go about this project. If you know how to do all of the above I just mentioned, you should have this done in no time.

Author:  Cervantes [ Thu Jan 04, 2007 4:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't know the exact game you're referring to, but if it's anything like volley ball, you've got a lot of work to do. You'll have to know a lot of stuff.

No one is going to code the project for you: you've got to do it yourself. We can offer help, however. But we can only offer help on specific topics. It's kind of hard to offer general help on this project. You need to ask a specific question, rather than just "how do I make this game?" What part of the design are you anticipating trouble with?

How much Turing do you know?
