Computer Science Canada

new window

Author:  nin [ Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  new window

how do u make a separate window for error messages and after it close when the user presses a key, then it will allow the user to go back to reenter the input values?

to make a window close to we put "Window.Close" at the end of the procedure?

where do i put the new window in my code?
%Ninanori Agustin
%December 11 2006
%Loop Structure

% Global Declaration Section
var number : int
var answer : int
var tries : int := 3
var key : string (1)

procedure title
locate (1, 33)
put "Guessing Game"
put ""
end title

%Pause Program
procedure pauseProgram
put " "
put "Press any key to continue: " ..
getch (key)
end pauseProgram

procedure introduction
locate (4, 1)
put "This program will allow you to guess a number between 10 and 65."
end introduction

%User Input
procedure userInput
put "Please enter a number between 10 and 65: " ..
get number
if number < 10 or number > 65 then
put "Please enter a number that is between 10 and 65"
delay (1000)
end if
end userInput

procedure randNum
randint (answer, 10, 65)
end randNum

procedure display
locate (4, 1)
put "Number chosen:", number
locate (5, 1)
put "The random number is:", answer
delay (2500)
end display

proc goodBye
locate (12, 35)
put "Good Bye!"
locate (13, 25)
put "Created by: !!!!!!!!!!!!!"
end goodBye

%Main Program
if number not= answer then
tries := tries - 1
locate (12, 1)
put " "
locate (12, 30)
put "Please try again."
locate (13, 30)
put "Tries remaining:", tries
delay (2000)
end if
exit when number = answer or tries = 0
end loop

%End of Program

Author:  Clayton [ Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

wherever you would have an error, create your new window with the error message in it. The best idea would be to make a procedure that takes a string argument (the error) and create the window in the procedure, with the error printed in the window.
