Computer Science Canada

One Value Increasing..Other Not..

Author:  Hack.saw [ Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  One Value Increasing..Other Not..

Sorry not much time to explain question is in my commenting but basically I have a counter for how far an enemy can move that is supposed to increase everytime he moves 1 space but it dosnt seem to be working right now.. pls DL program if oyu want to help.. TTYL off to work Sad

Author:  Hack.saw [ Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok, got a second now to explain. My code :
if combat = false and EnemyXRight > 0 and EnemyX < 613 then
            EnemyX += 1
            EnemyXRight += 1
        end if

EnemyX is supposed to move him once then EnemyXRight adds a point to say he move right once. Theoratically It sould move him one then give a point and kep doing this until EnemyXRight > 30 where it resets to zero and chooses a new direction. The first time he runs it does add a point but then dosn't again ><.
