Computer Science Canada

Battle Algorithms

Author:  Hackmaster [ Fri Dec 08, 2006 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Battle Algorithms

Hey guys,

I am making an RPG, and I'm planning big. I am using Classes for the Item creation and spells, and such like that. (THANK GOD FOR CERVANTES!)

My biggest 2 problems are the battle system and AI, but I am asking that question sepratley.

there are lots of battle systems out there, and I'm not going to copy someone elses'. I simpley want to create a system from scratch, invoving the stats DEF, STR, AGL, ATK, and MAG. the basic RPG stuff. My question is simple: Is there some obvious formula? Is it really easy, like half STR + Weapon ATK = damage? or are there more complex formuli that would make it better? If anyone has experience in this field, I would really appreciate the help.

Author:  Cervantes [ Fri Dec 08, 2006 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Algorithms

Hackmaster wrote:
I am making an RPG, and I'm planning big. I am using Classes for the Item creation and spells, and such like that. (THANK GOD FOR CERVANTES!)

This warms my heart. Thanks. Smile

As for your question, it was asked earlier, over here. You should check that out for some starting ideas. I typically suggest using a Dungeons and Dragons system, and I've explained the basics of it in this post.

The good thing about using an existing system is you know it's balanced. No need to do extensive testing.
