Computer Science Canada

Mouse help

Author:  gameover [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Mouse help

well i have a trivia game and i am trying to use the mouse instead of typing in the answer and i need advice on how to do so Confused

Author:  gameover [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

someone help plz Sad

Author:  uberwalla [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

You could use either the GUI buttons with the choices in the game, or u could create your own using the mouse.where command.
There is a tutorial of mouse here:

if u use the mouse.where then just make if statements to create an invisible box around writing so that when it goes over and clicks the area of text it prompts the next question or false answer, etc.

Author:  gameover [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

So what would i do with this part of the program? just add the mouse part in the end? and btw i just learned to do the mouse thing Sad

% Question 2
Font.Draw ("#2", 10, 350, font1, red)
Font.Draw ("What fruit has 50% the same genetic information as humans?", 50, 300, font2, red)
Font.Draw ("*cough* monkeys *cough*", 50, 280, font2, red)
Font.Draw ("a) Apple", 70, 260, font3, red)
Font.Draw ("b) Banana", 70, 240, font3, red)
Font.Draw ("c) Kiwi", 70, 220, font3, red)
Font.Draw ("d) Peach", 70, 200, font3, red)
locate (15, 10)
get q2

if q2 = "b"
Font.Draw ("Wow, you got it right!", 70, 140, font3, red)
wrong := wrong + 1
score := score + 1
Font.Draw ("Sorry, you got it wrong. The correct answer is b) Banana.", 70, 140, font3, red)
right := right + 1
score := score - 1
end if

locate (20, 30)
colorback (2)
put "Press Any Key To Continue"
locate (21, 40)
getch (any)
