Computer Science Canada

Key Arrow help

Author:  Chrisd534 [ Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Key Arrow help

yo guys can any1 help me make aroow commands like KEY_UP_ARROW.
i need it so that when KEY_UP_ARROW is on then parallelput (255) and also when KEY_DOWN_ARROW is on then parallelput (0) and i cant figure out the comand for when both up and down arrows are clicked. when they are clicked i need it to be

parallelput (255)
end loop

ty to any1 who can help me

Author:  ZeroPaladn [ Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Think about you question for a minute, in fact, re-read it...
...i need it so that when KEY_UP_ARROW is on then parallelput (255) and also when KEY_DOWN_ARROW is on then parallelput (0)...

All your looking for is when both KEY_UP_ARROW and KEY_DOWN_ARROW are both being presed at the same time. If you have any experience in Turing, then you should know about basic if statements. If not, then look at ths tutroial about if statements.
