If you are familiar with the vectors from other languages (such as c++ and java) you should already know what vectors are. If you don't know what they are, they are just a simplified way of handling arrays.
I have recently started making a vector object in Turing. It uses mainly the syntax from the java Vectors.
Here it is:
code: | class Vector
export add, element_at, is_empty, set_element, size
var elements : flexible array 0 .. -1 of ^anyclass
var bound := -1
var no_elements := true
fcn bound_check (position : int) : int
if position <= 0 then
result 0
elsif position >= bound then
result bound
end if
result position
end bound_check
proc add (element : ^anyclass)
bound += 1
new elements, bound
elements (bound) := element
no_elements := false
end add
fcn element_at (position : int) : ^anyclass
if bound = -1 then
result nil
end if
result elements (bound_check (position))
end element_at
fcn is_empty () : boolean
result no_elements
end is_empty
proc set_element (position : int, element : ^anyclass)
elements (position) := element
end set_element
fcn size () : int
result bound + 1
end size
end Vector |
I have not tested it extensively yet and it is very limited right now. However, it can be easily expanded upon.
Here is a sample program using the vector class.
code: | class Data
export set_name, display
var name : string
proc set_name (new_name : string)
name := new_name
end set_name
proc display ()
put name ..
end display
end Data
var data : array 0 .. 25 of ^Data
for i : 0 .. 25
new Data, data (i)
data (i) -> set_name (chr (ord ('a') + i))
end for
var vec : ^Vector
new Vector, vec
for i : 0 .. 25
vec -> add (data (i))
end for
for i : 0 .. 25
Data (vec -> element_at (i)).display ()
end for |
It uses Turing's anyclass which is the parent class to all other classes. If you want a vector of types you will need to make a class for that type.
Eventually, it will have iterators, size limitations and much more. Comments, suggestions, improvements or even more functions would be appreciated. |