Computer Science Canada

formatting text file

Author:  r0ssar00 [ Fri Sep 01, 2006 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  formatting text file

i have a text file which has many many lines, but these lines have a specific format to them, each text section may contain anything except $ and #, which means spaces may be included

$some text#sometext#sometext#w329084701928347109283471234701923847109283

but the problem is, the last section after the last # can extend to multiple lines, i need a piece of code that will read through the file and have each line that starts with $ on its own line with all of the data for that item on the same line
so given the data


$more text#moretext#evenmoretext#984741098237409182374019823740198237409817398147239874109823740198723409812734981702943


it should look like this


$more text#moretext#evenmoretext#984741098237409182374019823740198237409817398147239874109823740198723409812734981702943


each line beginning with $ is one line, everything that follows until the next $ is part of the same line

Author:  r0ssar00 [ Fri Sep 01, 2006 12:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

forgot to mention one thing, where it says "it should look like this" i mean the final result when run through the algorithm
the code should output to file
