Computer Science Canada


Author:  upthescale [ Sun Jun 25, 2006 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  YOSHI

Ok, I am startnig a new yoshi game. I have imported pics, because I drew Yoshi in Flash Mx 2004. I have a yoshi facing left, right and infront.

As you can see in the code, when I turn left, i put a cls so u wont see the right or the front yoshi any moer. But there is a problrm. Go ahead, hit up to jump, move around, but you see that rectangle? when ever i move it will dissapear, because i have a couple of cls'. So how can i get rid of them, without having two yohsi's at once? meaning if u take otu the cls, and move the yoshi's, you will see 2...thank u so much if anyone can help

Author:  upthescale [ Sun Jun 25, 2006 8:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

sorry, but n/m, i figured it out, i just took the yoshi procedure and put it before the


if done=1 then
endi f

thanks fer who copied the pictures.....put them in the folder....tested it out i appreciateit, but only 1 person has looked at this so i hank u if u actually did do it lol
