Computer Science Canada


Author:  DIIST [ Sat Jun 24, 2006 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  3D-Landscape(Beta)

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Its beta, so its still in the testing, i was just expereminting with some 3d graphics. Bassically, you have two images the sky and the earth. the sky is overlayed on a sphere. The earth: the dark tones are used as height ratios, and the placing of the pixle is used as the x,z so you have 3d coordinates(x,y,z). Which i use to draw. It produces some pretty funky stuff. It just might not render problly if you dont have enough ram. Im really trying to avoid using a lot of memory. But if it just so happens to run, tell me what you think Wink .

The files need to be called sky.bmp, and earth.bmp. I also include a fast blur engine so you can soften the image, so you wont get rigid mountains. Aslo read the "READ THIS.TXT" file Mad

Author:  Tony [ Sat Jun 24, 2006 7:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

this is quite nifty, though you probably should have included better sample images. The results don't render to be as nice as your sample screenshots featured Razz

Author:  DIIST [ Sat Jun 24, 2006 7:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Err, i guess it all depends on the picture you input.The key is exprementing Wink . But im still testing it to try making it better. I should really have three files. One grayscale to show heigh and depth of the ground. One as a texture to overlay on the ground. And one for the display of the sky. But im sorta in the eye of the storm casue i just finished exams and ready to find out my mark on monday, so i have a whole lot of things to worry about. Rolling Eyes

Author:  upthescale [ Sun Jun 25, 2006 8:31 am ]
Post subject: 

pretty neat nice effects
