Computer Science Canada


Author:  Anonymous [ Fri Jun 23, 2006 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Banned

List anything you have ever been banned from, including websites,games,birthday parties, etc. (Reasons Are Optional):

-Runescape (mouthing off) (posting viruses) (don't know...)

Author:  Amailer [ Fri Jun 23, 2006 8:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Weird, someone h2oclick emailed me saying he/she is banned on compsci too o.O

Author:  Dan [ Fri Jun 23, 2006 10:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

So many......... (unbanned now, they don't like peoleop going to gm island) (TECH TV FOR LIFE!) (sadly) (my passport)
-msn groups(befor the passport) (tho i think that was for being inactive)
-ooturing (now gone)
-BJ's turing crap
-Some peoleops LJ's, blogs, ect.
-Some peoleops phpbb installs
-About 4 or 5 peoleop have me blocked on there msn list
-Almost every channel on the old tribes irc server
-A hand full of tribes game servers (but i just take them over and unban my self)
-Banned from talking on tribes 2 irc
-Banned from most of tribes 2 in general
-Some Heavy Gear 2 servers and realted sites
-angelfire e-mail (tho that was becues they banned us all)
-angelfire web hosting (realted to above)
-lycos games (dose lycos even exicts any more?)
-tom wests e-mail
-lan schools e-mail
-so many more that i do not care about or forgot about

Most of the above was for telling them about falws in there software, me ranting about a ethical issue they where throwing aside or for personal issues.

Author:  [Gandalf] [ Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah Dan, Lycos still exists. And why did angelfire "ban you all"?, after which I proceeded to unban myself. Razz
-A few Wolfensten: ET servers for 'hacking'.
-More than a few Helbreath servers for 'hacking'.

That's all I can recall at the moment, probably a few that I don't know about since I usually just leave wherever before getting banned.

Author:  Delos [ Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:31 am ]
Post subject: 

These are definitely the funniest -

Hacker Dan wrote: (sadly)
-tom wests e-mail
-lan schools e-mail

Did you put salt in Tony's coffee that morning...Laughing. And Mr. West should be thanking you for creating a place where his creation has been, err, given so much thought, time, and place...

As for myself:
- I guess I'm been blocked from some people's MSN lists - but the joke really is on them since I use MSN about 3 times a year or so...and even then transitionally.

Apparently I'm not quite the rebel I once set out to be. Ah well.

Author:  Martin [ Sat Jun 24, 2006 9:15 am ]
Post subject: 

ctrlaltdel-online for linking to in the forums. for fucking around with the admin panel.
And a few CS servers. The line goes - "In Unreal Tournament, it's 'Monster Kill.' In Quake 3, it's 'Excellent.' In Counter-Strike, it's 'Kick Banned."

And surprisingly, that's about it.

Author:  Dan [ Sat Jun 24, 2006 2:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Delos wrote:

Did you put salt in Tony's coffee that morning...Laughing.

There used to be a bug in the admin panel that banned some one if they got a speshial rank. Also i banned my self a few times by acedent. And of corses one time there was this ban war....but i don't like talking about that....

Edit: Also been banned from affternet and and the hole All of witch i unbanned my self, dumb bots....

Author:  Delos [ Sat Jun 24, 2006 3:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hacker Dan wrote:
Also i banned my self a few times by acedent.

I'm guessing those were the morning when you didn't have your coffee...

Author:  DIIST [ Sat Jun 24, 2006 6:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

I been banned from all off Niagra's Gocart Tracks as the infamous gocarter who dosnt stop, and almost killed his mom and sister on the track Twisted Evil

Saddly i have also been banned from my father computer after the spyware inccident Crying or Very sad

Author:  Clayton [ Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

WC2(this "hacking" thing they speak of)
couple of online forums (again "hacking" wtf what is this?)
several channels on Battle.Net (foul language? what is the world coming to?)

and thats about it for me, and here i was thinking there was more... ah well


School network after which i proceeded to use a teachers account (improper use of computers??? i didnt know you couldnt go on that site...)
School Library after accidentally dropping a book in the fire (oops)

Author:  [Gandalf] [ Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Off topic:
Speaking of channels on Battle.Net, every time I go on, some random person comes on my channel (ie. asdfghjkl) where I'm idling, and starts randomly cussing, "wtf is this? what are you doing here? get teh **** out of my channel!". It seems the average intelligence of a Blizzard gamer is at an all time low.

Author:  Clayton [ Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

well on the Battle.Net thing, ive never really had a problem with it to the point where it is a problem, the only reason ive gotten banned from the channels is stupid bots that have a auto-search for bannable words (ex if a banned word is Gandalf and i say it, you get banned from the channel), so basically if you swear/use foul language once in the presence of such a bot, off to The Void you go Sad

Author:  rdrake [ Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Been banned from the channel quite often. Anybody who idles there would know how/why though Laughing.

Author:  Remm [ Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:34 am ]
Post subject: 

Suspended from WoW for like a week (Harrasing guild masters with horrible guild names, getting into arguments, attacking peoples ethics (coming to low level area to show off // 'help') )
Banned from Diablo 2 (gotta love that Maphack)
Banned from (some gaming site, i forget) for saying 'lolz'. aparently that was considered swearing.

oh, and the reason I posted:

Hacker Dan Wrote: (unbanned now, they don't like peoleop going to gm island)

Hacker Dan, What exactly is GM island? Very Happy

Author:  Tony [ Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Remm wrote:
Hacker Dan, What exactly is GM island? Very Happy

It's an island in the middle of nowhere, where GMs hang out. What else could it be?

And oddly enough I have also been banned from for a short period of time.

Author:  Delos [ Mon Jul 10, 2006 2:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Odd? With a post count like that are you surprised? Laughing

Author:  Dan [ Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tony wrote:
Remm wrote:
Hacker Dan, What exactly is GM island? Very Happy

It's an island in the middle of nowhere, where GMs hang out. What else could it be?

It's right by devlors island...... Wink

The only way to get there is to warp to a set of conraidantents

Author:  Remm [ Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

remm := Confused

Dont worry, no more than the usual. Confused

Author:  Dan [ Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Baiclky you can not do it with out doing somthing that will get you banned and you need a script kiddy app or a good knogeal of packets.

Author:  TokenHerbz [ Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

well befor i always played a web based game "archspace"

-> Banned 6 times form archsapce forums for spam
-> Banned from archspace irc 21 times for "annoyance" (counting 3day+ banned only) -- else its sooo much more...
(BTW i hold most spam, 23 pages of spam cause the moderator was sleeping and like 24 people where so pist at me)
-> Banned from archspace game itseld 2 times -For bitching at the devs

(luckly one dev loved me, as you can see im always unbanned)
-> Also got 6 people perma banned for life Smile

-> Banned from StarCraft once for "bad language" to a blizzard imployee

-> Banned from Continuum for drawing a nazi sign with mines... lol

-> And of course, mean people on irc ban me lots Sad

Author:  rdrake [ Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

TokenHerbz wrote:
-> Banned from archspace irc 21 times for "annoyance" (counting 3day+ banned only) -- else its sooo much more...
TokenHerbz wrote:
-> And of course, mean people on irc ban me lots Sad
Hm... so we're the mean ones? When one starts cussing at others in the channel, they tend to get muted... You're welcome back, provided you behave. Civilized conversation is all we ask for, I don't think that's too much to ask.

Author:  rizzix [ Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dan you should have taken a screenshot.. I'd like to know what's in the GM's island...

Author:  Mazer [ Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

There was tonnes of stuff when I went there. Rows and rows of every kind of ore, and every kind of herb. There were trainers for every class/profession freindly to both Horde and Alliance. There were people selling every kind of mount. A whole bunch of crap.
Well, I never took a screenshot because I was too busy being 3lite, but it looked kinda like Westfall.

admiration++ Wink

Author:  Dan [ Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

rizzix wrote:
Dan you should have taken a screenshot.. I'd like to know what's in the GM's island...

Not much, there is a portal to each main city that never closes, a castal like thing and gravy yard that dose not work.

Did not have time to take SS i was banned almost right away.


There was tonnes of stuff when I went there. Rows and rows of every kind of ore, and every kind of herb. There were trainers for every class/profession freindly to both Horde and Alliance. There were people selling every kind of mount. A whole bunch of crap.
Well, I never took a screenshot because I was too busy being 3lite, but it looked kinda like Westfall.

That sounds more like devloper island then GM island, tho i could be mixing them up.

Author:  Aziz [ Thu Jul 13, 2006 4:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lollerskates, I was just looking through my old posts and I was reading this topic, anybody notice how the 'Banned' icon says 'Baned'. I could really be making an ass out of myself (if it was common knowledge, or worse, purposeful) but I loll'd.

Author:  Mazer [ Thu Jul 13, 2006 6:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Pretty common knowledge, yeah. Look up "Bane" on Wikipedia or something.

Author:  Aziz [ Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

It made me laugh. Then I figured it was pretty well-known information. Reminded me of the time I went to the morrowind boards at gamefaqs and posted "hey guys! you can delete a spell by pressing white button!" though not so much in a n00bish speech. It had taken me FOREVER to figure this out (my spell list was cluttered, it never mentioned this in the manual). Then they replied "yeah, it says so at the bottom of the screen in the spells menu" and my post wounded up on the "noob questions" post. I rofl'd

Btw, I checked out that RealDolls site and all I can say is LMFAO. Over 6 grand for a sex doll? My lord, it better be realistic. Though, if you had no morals...

Pros over a wife (or even a hooker/fuckfriend):
- available whenever and wherever you want it
- the $6000 price tag sure is cheaper than a wife (even if you buy a lot)
- not cheaper than a hooker, but wee no AIDS
- it'll wear ANYTHING
- won't make fun of you or call you lazy
- one time free (per doll, besides any rare fixes)
- if you want that 'human interaction' just get an expensive hooker (still saving money from not having a wife)
- adopt kids instead of make them if you want them
- will be all in for having orgies
- you won't feel guilty about ignoring it (even for another one)(or even in the middle of sex for another one lol)
- won't bum money off you
- takes in in any hole (or anywhere, for that matter) w/o complaining
- you can grab it's hair and choke it all you want
- no need to keep you end of the bargain and pleasure her
- no foreplay
- there's probably more...someone should start the 'RealDoll VS Wife' topic lol
- she doesn't sue you for hitting her when she's angry

- could be embarassing
- no wife means no cooking/cleaning/getting the beer & remote. but then again, you could always hire a nice maid. if you pick right, could take care of the human interaction aspect, and still probably cheaper than a wife, so this is actually a pro
- you have to clean the bloody thing (ewwww). but, i guess, get the maid too Twisted Evil
- damnit there was another con that actually was a con...

anyways, on topic in the off topic forum, i'v been banned from neopets. i mean, when i used a trainer and refreshers and all sorts of things they didn't care, but on my next acount (yeah, with like 500,000 bucks) they decide using a refresher (refreshes pages to find random prizes) was hacking! bloody neopets
