Computer Science Canada [trig] so you're making a pool game? |
Author: | Tony [ Wed Nov 27, 2002 1:11 am ] | ||||||||
Post subject: | [trig] so you're making a pool game? | ||||||||
NOTE: thoughful has made a much better tutorial (well, mostly example) of a pool game found here I sujest checking it out. Trigionometry and Physics are very important for games... expesially if there's some movement involved. In this tutorail I'll be talking about Physics on a pool table. How To Make Realistic Pool Game well Pool uses round balls so we need a oval collision detection to start us off... You may want to refer to tutorail about that... here's the code to remind us:
lets also set up some variables:
x1,y1 are position of first ball and x2,y2 are position of second. They are used for drawing the images and calculating distances. sp1x, sp1y are movement of the ball along X and Y axis. Same for sp2's. Now for some declarations:
here you actually put your start set up of the table. This is just for an example, with 2 balls, 1 set to hit the other. and lets add the actual loop now...
Put everything together and we'll have a little animation... But it doesn't look right... why? Because the second ball should have went @ 45degree angle, shouldn't it have? Yeah... we have a problem... I'll continue this tutorial later on... I'm gonna go sleep now. |
Author: | Tony [ Fri Nov 29, 2002 9:49 pm ] | ||||||
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Making a pool game - Part 2 Here's a little diagram for us:
Two balls colliding... If we draw the line connecting two centers, we'll get the direction of path for 2nd ball. Magnitude will be the speed of moving ball (@ perfect energy transfer). The X and Y components of this vector will make up relative velocity at which 2nd ball should start moving... Here's another diagram:
Velocity of 1st ball is ball1V = (sp1x*sp1x + sp1y*sp1y)**0.5 It should be evenly destributed between X and Y components of ball2, so:
A bit of explanation here first part (sp1x*sp1x + sp1y*sp1y)**0.5 thats the total speed of first ball... we already covered that. ((x2-x1)/(x2-x1 + y2-y1)) finds the % makeup of X-axis movement of total speed. same for Y-axis, just change letters. Now put that sp2's = code inside the loop instead of previous sp2's =. Your program should work fine. Try changing y2 to different values between 99 and 109 for different results. NOTE: The program is buggy. Since I initially used INT variables instead of REAL as I should have, I was forced to use ROUND() which produces inacurate results if the angle of hit is <45 and not=0. Also you'll run into problem if your 2nd ball is below 1st. You should use Absolute values |x| instead while keeping track of relative ball locations. I hope this is enough to start you pool game off ![]() |
Author: | JayLo [ Sat Nov 30, 2002 2:39 am ] |
Post subject: | thanks for the help. |
couldn't there be a code like this for collision?? var bounce : real bounce := sqrt ((x2 - x) ** 2 + (y2 - y) ** 2) if bounce <= 14 then xChange := -xChange xChange2 := xChange yChange := -yChange yChange2 := yChange end if[/quote] |
Author: | Tony [ Sat Nov 30, 2002 3:41 pm ] |
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no... because ball1 will fly at same speed in opposite direction and ball 2 will go in direction of ball1 at its speed... which is incorect both in direction and speed for both of balls. Just read the tutorial, code works fine. |
Author: | Cervantes [ Sat Jan 17, 2004 4:38 pm ] |
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works nicely.. I like your approach more that Homer's approach from slime volleyball, yours is easier to understand, though more buggy the main problem i have with yours is if you set y2 to 109 then the angle that the first ball bounces off is right but the ball that was moving in the first place (ball2) really shouldn't stand still all of a sudden... is there anyway to fix that? other than doing Homer's way with angles and weights and velocitys and all. the other problem is if you change the size of the ovals then it doesn't bounce right at all ![]() is there any way to change that as well? Cheers |
Author: | Tony [ Sat Jan 17, 2004 4:51 pm ] |
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I think so ![]() the radious values are hardcoded, so that is probably the cause of the error... ether way, you should keep in mind that I wrote this long ago and you should not rely on the code since it doesnt work ![]() |
Author: | Cervantes [ Sat Jan 17, 2004 6:32 pm ] |
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is there a way to make it deliver the correct amount of energy (not 100%) and then make the first ball bounce off correctly instead of just stopping? |
Author: | Tony [ Sat Jan 17, 2004 7:05 pm ] | ||||
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so instead you redestribute it based on the weight... Since both balls are the same, each should get 50%, so:
first ball is multiplied by -50% to reverce it's direction... I think ![]() |
Author: | Cervantes [ Sat Jan 17, 2004 7:19 pm ] | ||
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im sorry I don't quite follow.. where do you insert this part? (below)
tried some things none work so far |
Author: | Cervantes [ Sat Jan 17, 2004 7:22 pm ] |
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ooh I just tried something else... nothing to do with energy transfer or anything but I figured out how to make it work right even when the sizes are different.. just change the if distance < ## part to ball1 radius + ball2 radius hurray! ![]() |
Author: | Tony [ Sat Jan 17, 2004 8:29 pm ] |
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you insert that part in place of other block mentioned in first half of the post |
Author: | santabruzer [ Thu Jan 22, 2004 3:11 pm ] |
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where does the 0.5 come from.. i just don't get that part ![]() |
Author: | Cervantes [ Thu Jan 22, 2004 5:55 pm ] |
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the .5 is saying that each of them are getting .5 (aka 50%) of the energy from the collision. |
Author: | santabruzer [ Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:22 pm ] |
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so in reality changing that or redeclaring a variable for that will alow to change the amount of energy it recieves.. excellent.. |