Computer Science Canada

moving fonts

Author:  starcraft [ Sun Jun 04, 2006 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  moving fonts


setscreen ("graphics:v256")
setscreen ("graphics:640,480")

%Set variable choice.
var startgame: string
var choice: string
var choice2: string
var leave: string

%Draws the title page.
drawfillbox (0,0,640,480,16)

for movingfont : 0 .. 160
%Set variable and font.
var height, ascent, descent, internalLeading : int
var font : int
font := Font.New ("Arial Black:50")
Draw.Text ("PACMAN", 150, 540-movingfont, font, 42)
        delay (3)
var font3 : int
font3 := Font.New ("Arial Black:50")
Draw.Text ("PACMAN", 150, 540-movingfont, font3, 254)
end for
var font4 : int
font4 := Font.New ("Arial Black:50")
Draw.Text ("PACMAN", 150, 380, font4, yellow)
var font2 : int
font2 := Font.New ("timesroman:30")
        Draw.Text ("Created By Jordan Cheng", 120, 65, font2, green)
        Draw.Text ("Press #1 to start the game", 120,30 , font2, green)

for movingpacman : 0 .. 740
Draw.FillArc (-80+movingpacman,230,80,80,10,310,yellow)
delay (3)
Draw.FillArc (-80+movingpacman,230,80,80,10,310,0)
end for

For some reason, The string text I tried to move, its draging, leaving lines. I used a block to cover it up before but then the center of the "p" and "a' are covered in yellow.

Can some one explain?

Author:  Delos [ Sun Jun 04, 2006 8:18 pm ]
Post subject: 


Ok, first, some major problems:


var height, ascent, descent, internalLeading : int
var font : int

Why would you declare these variables within the for loop? Aside from the fact that the first four are never even used...declare them outside instead, it's really bad technique otherwise (as will be elucidated shortly).

font, font3, font4 all surmount to the same thing. By declaring them as a single font outside of the for loop, you can use them multiple times.

var font : int
font := Font.New ("Arial Black:50")

for i : 1..5
    Font.Draw ("Hello", 100 + i, 20, 12)
    delay (10)
    Font.Draw ("Hello", 100 + i, 20, 7)
end for

As for the flickering - I believe you're referring to the flickering in the PacMan? I don't see any in the font, but that just might be my computer...
Please refer to the Turing FAQ for details on how to reduce flicker.

