Computer Science Canada

Help With a Length Formula

Author:  Anonymous [ Sat May 27, 2006 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Help With a Length Formula

Ok I got this program here that I am creating, it's kinda pointless, but I can see it being for some use in the future. But I'm having trouble determining a formula involving the length of a message. Here is my code:


var window1 := Window.Open ("title: Website Orgainizer")
var fileID, connection : int
var msg, address, IP : string
var name := "Website's IP's.txt" %text file

put "Enter the address you wish to retrieve their hosts IP address."
get address %address to connect to

if File.Exists (name) then
    open : fileID, name, get
        exit when eof (fileID)
        get : fileID, msg : * %gets all information from the text file
    end loop
    close : fileID
end if

open : fileID, name, put, get, mod
    exit when eof (fileID)
    get : fileID, msg
    if (msg = address) then %checks the address variable if it's already been entered
        close : fileID
        Window.Close (window1)
        var window2 := Window.Open ("title:Display Websites")
        open : fileID, name, get
            exit when eof (fileID)
            get : fileID, msg : *
            for i : 5 .. 8 %used to read 4 matching characters
                if msg (i) = address (i) and msg (i + 1) = address (i + 1) then
                    colour (brightred)
                    colour (black)
                end if
            end for
            put msg
        end loop
        close : fileID
        return     %returns true if address was entered
    end if
end loop

connection := Net.OpenConnection (address, 25)     %if address wasn't entered then connects and enters it
IP := Net.HostAddressFromName (address)
if not (IP = "") then     %determines if the site exists before recording it
    locate (2, 1)
    put ""
    put address, " = ", IP
    put : fileID, address, " = ", IP
    put "Address successfully entered!"
    put "Address does not exist!"
end if

The problem is where the for i : 5 .. 8 is, instead of 8, i wish to have it like this for i : 5 .. length(msg), or something of that matter. I tried for i : 5 .. length (msg) - 21, but then when I had two websites, I think it was putfile and hotmail, they both highlighted! Help would be highly appreciated. It may be small, but if you enter a website with 1 letter, it gives an error. Plus I want it to be more automated like Very Happy.

If you wish to have less lag when entering an address, download the attached file with a list of websites and IP's, save the program, and then place the text file in the same place where you saved the Turing program. Then enter any of the website's pre-listed in my file.
WARNING: May lag up computer while entering a new address.

Author:  Anonymous [ Sat May 27, 2006 10:31 am ]
Post subject: 

In addition, when it's connecting, I want to put a message "Connecting to website . . ." and have the 3 dots moving while it's connecting. I tried a process but that didn't work.

When the list is full of addresses, it starts to remove the one at the top because it scrolls down, but there's no scroll bar. But if I have the screen in text mode, I cannot have colours. Is there a way to colour in text mode, or making a scroll bar for non-text mode? And I don't mean making like a PicScroll or whatever, just a normal blue scroll bar.

Also this forumla I am requesting is needed, because if I type and I already have and entered, it will highlight both of them, since it checks for goog, the 4 letters... Thanks
