Computer Science Canada

Moving Ball

Author:  upthescale [ Wed May 24, 2006 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Moving Ball

I would like to move a ball with te up and down key, while with the arrow keys, the line inside the ball will rotate 360 degrees, im sure u have seen this b4, and im sure u no wut i meen, if not here is the

setscreen ("offscreenonly;graphics:700;600;nobuttonbar;position:truemiddle;center")
var x, y : int := 200
var aimx, aimy : int := 200
var chars : array char of boolean
aimx mod= 360
    colorback (7)
    Input.KeyDown (chars)
    drawfilloval (x, y, 20, 20, red)
    Draw.ThickLine (aimx, aimy, aimx, round (aimy) + 35, 4, red)

    if chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then

        Draw.ThickLine (aimx + round (cosd (x)), aimy - 170 + round (y), aimx, round (aimy) + 35, 4, red)

    end if

    delay (12)
end loop

yopu prolly that is off, yes it is because i dont really know wut to do, i would like it so wheni hit the left arrow key, or right, the line in the ball will spine.. lol so anyhelp wud be great thanks!

Author:  Cervantes [ Wed May 24, 2006 7:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Again, you'll need to know trigonometry.


    if chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then

        Draw.ThickLine (aimx + round (cosd (x)), aimy - 170 + round (y), aimx, round (aimy) + 35, 4, red)

    end if

This makes no sense. Why would you draw a line between these two points when you press the right arrow key? I think what you want to do is decriment the angle.

To draw your line:

Draw.Line (round (ball.x), round (ball.y), round (ball.x + cosd (ball.angle) * line_length, round (ball.y + sind (ball.angle) * line_length), black)

You should be able to get it working with that. Please, give it a reasonable try.
