Computer Science Canada

Transparent get?

Author:  unknowngiver [ Wed May 24, 2006 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Transparent get?

I have a background on my game..and i used the Font.Draw function to draw text on the screen rather then PUT so my background will stay there and it wont put a white/other color where the text is

but now i want to get users input...but when the user types something makes the background [of the text] white
is there anyway of doing it without it doing that??


i tried to do it with GUI text boxes but it doesnt work gives me error on IMPORT GUI :S but if i run it as a seprate program it works :S and not in my program

Author:  Remm [ Wed May 24, 2006 10:50 am ]
Post subject: 

You could use noecho in the Window.Open to get rid of the text entirely, or set the colourback ( without cls ) to somthing thats closer to the acual background.


after you type in the info, re-apply everything so the text goes away.

Author:  neufelni [ Wed May 24, 2006 11:02 am ]
Post subject: 

You can acomplish this by putting noecho in your View.Set statement and then using Font.Draw for your input. Here is the code for it.


var letter : string(1)
var word : string := ""
var font : int := Font.New("Arial:12")
var word2 : string := ""

    getch (letter)
    exit when letter = KEY_ENTER
    if letter = KEY_BACKSPACE then
        for i : 1 .. length(word) - 1
            word2 := word2 + word(i)
        end for
        word := word2
        word2 := "" 
        word := word + letter
    end if
    Font.Draw(word, 0, 0, font, 7)
end loop

Author:  Delos [ Wed May 24, 2006 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Transparent get?

unknowngiver wrote:
I have a background on my game..and i used the Font.Draw function to draw text on the screen rather then PUT so my background will stay there and it wont put a white/other color where the text is

but now i want to get users input...but when the user types something makes the background [of the text] white
is there anyway of doing it without it doing that??


i tried to do it with GUI text boxes but it doesnt work gives me error on IMPORT GUI :S but if i run it as a seprate program it works :S and not in my program

I don't recall if using 'getch' returns the value directly to the screen or not (there was one version of Turing where it didn't, and one where it did). Either way, incorporating a well place ".." might solve your problem, as in:

put "Hello"..

Otherwise, I would suggest incorporating the Font. idea posted above. Looks a little prettier. You should be aware, however, that getch() does have its limitations, and is prone to crashing if put in the hands of Users such as myself (who know secrets that crash Turing quite easily).

As for the GUI your import line the very first (or 2nd) line of code? Post the specific error message, if you please.

Author:  unknowngiver [ Wed May 24, 2006 9:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

i tried the
get hello..
it doesnt work..
is there any other way of doing it..without any vulanability..

i got the import GUI thing working...but one problem
the background for it is White..or w.e set can i make it transparent or an it shows that image...rather then covering the whole screen with white???????
this is how the register page looks So far [fine i am posting it :p ]
Posted Image, might have been reduced in size. Click Image to view fullscreen.

i wnat the GUI form to be there...but when i put it i get a WHITE screen with that is the code

var nameTextField, addressTextField : int  % The Text Field IDs.

procedure NameEntered (text : string)
    GUI.SetSelection (addressTextField, 0, 0)
    GUI.SetActive (addressTextField)
end NameEntered

procedure AddressEntered (text : string)
    GUI.SetSelection (nameTextField, 0, 0)
    GUI.SetActive (nameTextField)
end AddressEntered

var quitButton := GUI.CreateButton (52, 5, 100, "Quit", GUI.Quit)
nameTextField := GUI.CreateTextFieldFull (50, 70, 100, "",
    NameEntered, GUI.INDENT, 0, 0)
addressTextField := GUI.CreateTextFieldFull (50, 40, 100, "",
    AddressEntered, GUI.INDENT, 0, 0)
var nameLabel := GUI.CreateLabelFull (45, 70, "Name", 0, 0,
    GUI.RIGHT, 0)
var addressLabel := GUI.CreateLabelFull (45, 40, "Address", 0, 0,
    GUI.RIGHT, 0)
    exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop

GUI.Dispose (quitButton)

Text.Locate (maxrow - 1, 1)


Author:  TheOneTrueGod [ Wed May 24, 2006 9:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

You could do a complex procedure, that takes getchar characters, concatenates them into a string, and draws that string onto the screen... come to think of it, it wouldn't be that complex...

procedure getName
  var ch : string(1)
  var theirName : string
  if ch = " " then%I forgot the backspace key, and i'm too lazy to look it up.  You do it :P
%Put in some error checking here.
    theirName := theirName(1..*-1)
  elsif ch = "ENTERKEY" %More not remembering stuff
    theirName += ch
  end if
end getName

Kinda messy because of comments, but you should get the idea. Just do checks and such, and possibly some output stuff, like drawind the background screen, and writing their name to the screen as they type it in, etc. Good luck Smile

Author:  unknowngiver [ Wed May 24, 2006 10:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

TheOneTrueGod wrote:
You could do a complex procedure, that takes getchar characters, concatenates them into a string, and draws that string onto the screen... come to think of it, it wouldn't be that complex...

procedure getName
  var ch : string(1)
  var theirName : string
  if ch = " " then%I forgot the backspace key, and i'm too lazy to look it up.  You do it :P
%Put in some error checking here.
    theirName := theirName(1..*-1)
  elsif ch = "ENTERKEY" %More not remembering stuff
    theirName += ch
  end if
end getName

Kinda messy because of comments, but you should get the idea. Just do checks and such, and possibly some output stuff, like drawind the background screen, and writing their name to the screen as they type it in, etc. Good luck Smile

thats wt nick my last post Smile

Author:  TheOneTrueGod [ Thu May 25, 2006 7:10 am ]
Post subject: 

lol, oops, must have missed that post Embarassed Sorry Nick. Anyways, thats probably the best way to implement it. I do believe that the getchar doesn't crash on inputs like CTRL-Z, but if you REALLY wanted complete crashlessness, you'd have to go with Input.KeyDown. You would have to scan through ALL values possible with I.KD, and if one is pressed, then you would have to add it to the string. Unfortunately, if someone is a very fast typer, this could screw them over a bit, because two keys pressed at once would be entered in alphabetical order Razz. Go with whichever method you like.

Author:  unknowngiver [ Thu May 25, 2006 9:23 am ]
Post subject: 

well i m still waiting for someone to help me with the GUI part..thats probably what i will use

Author:  TheOneTrueGod [ Thu May 25, 2006 2:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Er, I believe the best GUI is a custom GUI. So, either create your own, which is the best option, or consult the Turing Walkthrough. (if you havn't extensively) Generally, the experts on this site would be experts in creating their own code, as opposed to using the limited (IMO) GUI stuff available. The problem with using the predefined GUI stuff, is that you are limited to what the developer put in. If its not in the turing help file, you probably can't do it.

Author:  unknowngiver [ Thu May 25, 2006 3:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

well is there a tutorial that can guide me through on how to make my own GUI text box then?? i will willing to spend days constantly reading tutorials if i have 2 to do that :p but i cant find any resource to look at Sad

Author:  TheOneTrueGod [ Thu May 25, 2006 4:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Classes Very Happy or just use the method both myself and Nick posted, and it will be simulating your own GUI input.
