Computer Science Canada PS3 OFFICIAL PRICE, EXE |
Author: | War_Caymore [ Wed May 17, 2006 1:19 pm ] |
Post subject: | PS3 OFFICIAL PRICE, EXE |
Ok, i'm realy damn pumped about the new PS3 coming out next year i believe. But one problem.... Retail price : $549.99 CAN! OMIGOD! and thats only for the litle system. It comes with a 20GB HD, 1 controller, no games, and all the power, av cables you will need. The "big" one is gonna cost easy $649.99 CAN. THAT one comes with 2 (omg!) controllers, a 60 GB HD, and the powe and av cables. I don't know about you guys but, i'm having a hard enough time saving for that new computer... |
Author: | TheFerret [ Wed May 17, 2006 3:01 pm ] |
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Not a whole lot of people are interested with a PS3 now after the huge showing that Nintedo did at E3... $600 is way to much to pay for a console since you can get a better computer for the same price... If i did get a next gen console, I would def get a Wii... |
Author: | [Gandalf] [ Wed May 17, 2006 5:09 pm ] |
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TheFerret wrote: Not a whole lot of people are interested with a PS3 now after the huge showing that Nintedo did at E3... $600 is way to much to pay for a console since you can get a better computer for the same price... If i did get a next gen console, I would def get a Wii...
I completely disagree. I'm still quite interested in the PS3. Nintendo is alright, but I don't see anything special in a controller you wave around and a company putting on a nice show. You can get a better computer for the same price? Humm... I don't know what you're basing those stats off of, but the specs on the PS3 are quite impressive for $600. This will obviously change in the not so far future, but I am speaking of now. That said, I'll wait at least a year to buy one (if I do) till the price drops. Also, PC > PS3 & PC gaming > console gaming. |
Author: | MysticVegeta [ Wed May 17, 2006 6:24 pm ] |
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I guaratee by the end of 2008, prices of ps3 would be < 400$ for sure |
Author: | Mazer [ Wed May 17, 2006 6:38 pm ] |
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[Gandalf] wrote: Also, PC > PS3 & PC gaming > console gaming.
I'll disagree with that one, even though the only console I (well, my brother) own is the Sega Genesis. I don't like the idea of upgrading my computer all the time to run new games; consoles tend to last at least three or four years before somebody gets the idea that a the "next generation" is approaching. |
Author: | codemage [ Thu May 18, 2006 10:26 am ] |
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I agree that PC gaming > console gaming. I get far more functionality out of my PC per dollar than I'd get out of any console... except the Wii if it actually goes for $200. That's a budget rig, if there ever was one. I think that's what I paid for my NES. |
Author: | MysticVegeta [ Thu May 18, 2006 1:37 pm ] |
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yeah I agree with PC Gaming > console gaming because [mod:58861defdf]Winners don't do warez.[/mod:58861defdf] |
Author: | Toxic_Ninja [ Fri May 19, 2006 8:43 am ] |
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I also agree, pcgaming will always be better then consols, but i might pick up a wii and get it chiped due to its awesome motion sensor controller, but a ps3 is just the same shit over and over and now its overpriced. so PC>WII>PS3&XBOX360 |
Author: | War_Caymore [ Fri May 19, 2006 10:11 am ] |
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New update on the release date. It has been delayed till November 06. And my prices were't really accurate. let me re-state... 499 U.S. for the 60 GB HD (standart). Upgradeable but price is unknown. Apparantly they dropped the whole idea of a 20 GB becuase they said it wasn't enough room for what the adverage joe will be using it for. Plus, you are able to download previous PS and PS2 titles directly to your HD via credit card. You are still able to use titles form the previous systems but the lack of a memory card slot will really suck, considering you will be unable to transfer data from your memory card onto the PS3's HD. The online serices will be like the 360 except there will be a free service but it won't include alot of features included in the payed package. It is yet to be said how you are able to pay for the online services, good chances, credit card or mabey pre-paid cards from your local EB Games or Microplay. I will keep updating as i recieve or research more information. I will try to keep it accurate as well. If you hear anything esle, please feel free to pm me. |
Author: | [Gandalf] [ Fri May 19, 2006 4:17 pm ] |
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What's you're source? The only thing from that which I already knew about was that multiplayer support has been confirmed as free, though admittedly I haven't been looking into this stuff a lot. I'm quite sure they haven't said anything about release date yet either. *edit* Nevermind. |
Author: | chrispminis [ Mon May 22, 2006 12:56 pm ] |
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The Wii looks sick, but... everyone I know is getting it, and being the friendy freeloader I can just play it at their houses. Anyways the PS3 looks sexy, it is overpriced, but they're still gonna get my money =\. FFXIII, Assasin's Creed and MGS4 look like teh sexy. The motion sensor on the PS3 is weird... and now no more rumble?!! WHHaa? |
Author: | rdrake [ Mon May 22, 2006 10:32 pm ] |
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War_Caymore wrote: The online serices will be like the 360 except there will be a free service but it won't include alot of features included in the payed package. To be fair, the Xbox 360 has free online service, with some restrictions of course.
Also, I wonder where you're getting your information from. Many gaming sites speculate on launch dates and prices without any knowledge at all. I'll have to agree with Mazer on this one, can't stand upgrading my computer constantly just to play games. I like games which are tried, tested, and true on a certain platform so you're guaranteed they will work. Not everybody can spend tons of money on upgrades to their video cards and cooling systems. Sorry [Gandalf], I'm turing into a console freak again. |
Author: | zylum [ Mon May 22, 2006 11:07 pm ] |
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launch date and prices for the ps3 have been announced at E3 |
Author: | War_Caymore [ Tue May 23, 2006 1:00 pm ] |
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Some of my sources are form the official SONY website. Other sources include PSM, Official PlayStation Magazine, Gamepro, and other gaming magazines. I'm a gaming finatic, and i'm trying to stay up to date on current info about the nex gen systems. Also, sony is planning on coming out with the PSP2, which i think is the most rediculous thing to do at the moment, but this is only a rumor and should stay far away form it. Besites, even if they were planning on it, it's too early to start planning a predicessor of the handheld. The system still hasn't even seen it's glory days (which i doubt it will even have any) and there is not much new technology to stuff into it. I'm sorry i got a little bit off topic there. PM me for any specific into, not enuff time to type it out. |
Author: | Andy [ Wed May 24, 2006 11:37 am ] |
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War_Caymore wrote: there is not much new technology to stuff into it.
cuz clearly everyone knows everything about sony's advanced technology |
Author: | Blade [ Wed May 24, 2006 8:55 pm ] |
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War_Caymore wrote: Besites, even if they were planning on it, it's too early to start planning a predicessor of the handheld.
quite off topic... but it kinda bugs me. predecessor is one who preceeds(comes before) another (psp preceeds psp2). in a case like this successor (psp2 is the successor of psp) the word successor would be used. |
Author: | Mazer [ Wed May 24, 2006 9:13 pm ] |
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Besides, you spelled... you spelled "besides" wrong. (was there a spellcheck built into v3? I don't wanna have to go "spelling nazi" --oh wait-- "spelling terrorist" on everyone) |
Author: | [Gandalf] [ Thu May 25, 2006 9:54 pm ] |
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cartoon_shark wrote: Sorry [Gandalf], I'm turing into a console freak again.
Foo on you! Yeah Mazer, there is a spellchecker, though I doubt many people will use it (and I don't recall it being automatic). |
Author: | War_Caymore [ Wed May 31, 2006 9:41 am ] |
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I would like to thank all of you who caught my msitakes. I never passed english with more than a 50 so i'm not exacly sure how to spell. And the work "predicessor" i learned form my bro and i guess i interpreted it wrong waht else is new... anyways, Nothing new about the ps3 for quite a while gotta wait for an update. |
Author: | zylum [ Wed May 31, 2006 1:44 pm ] |
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i wonder why you guys are bashing the ps3 about its price so much. if you actually took a look at whats in this thing, you'd see its well worth the $600. I mean the blu-ray player alone is worth about $1000. Then theres the new cell chip, a new graphics chip etc... Also, when the ps2 came out, everyone was complaining how expensive it was yet sony was still very successful with its sales. If i recall correctly, i bought my ps2 along with a copy of gran tourismo for about $600... |
Author: | wtd [ Wed May 31, 2006 2:08 pm ] |
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zylum wrote: i wonder why you guys are bashing the ps3 about its price so much. if you actually took a look at whats in this thing, you'd see its well worth the $600. I mean the blu-ray player alone is worth about $1000.
Ah, but here's the thing... You're thinking like a geek. That's good, but you're not thinking like a consumer. At the price points involved, $600 is not cheap just because it could have been more than $1,000. Additionally, the blu-ray player may not be as appealing as you'd think. Will a PS3 owner be able to choose from a vast selection of movies on blu-ray media, without paying prices out of line with DVD releases? If not, will the quality be good enough to justify the price? Will that difference be significant on anything other than truly high-level A/V equipment? |
Author: | codemage [ Thu Jun 01, 2006 8:49 am ] |
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When the Neo-Geo came out, it's level of technology was ground-breaking. It had all sorts of arcade-quality smash hit titles. Graphics, sound were all cutting-edge. The system destroyed all competition in every single category, and was an absolute steal for $1000. ...but hardly anyone wanted to spend that kind of money on a console. R.I.P. Neo Geo. |
Author: | Clayton [ Thu Jun 01, 2006 5:43 pm ] |
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even still, $600 is a steep price for a console like that, to me its not worth my while to pay for it, but i guess if u are that kind of "hard-core" gamer then maybe, but not me |
Author: | MysticVegeta [ Thu Jun 01, 2006 6:49 pm ] |
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I dont care if its contents are worth a lot, its still just a game... 600 is a lot to spend just on a console, its not like they are going to be giving away a portable dvd player with it or something, then it would have been a good deal, or a 4mbpx camera even. |
Author: | Mazer [ Thu Jun 01, 2006 8:17 pm ] |
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Here's a thought, why don't you pirate the console too? |
Author: | Dan [ Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:24 am ] |
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I agrea with codemage, i think over pricing the ps3 may be the down fall of playstations market share. If i remember my gaming history right, to compinsate for the large price of the Neo-Geo, they started a big adversting campain with solgons aplealing to the hardcore gamers and strong anti-competion adds. This makes me whonder if we are going to see alot more of thos "extrame" playsation adds admined at the 15~25 age range. Admiity tho, the world has chaged alot since the Neo-Geo days and gaming is now more comian place in socity and it whould not seem as much of a risk or excpence then it whould then. |
Author: | War_Caymore [ Fri Jun 02, 2006 11:27 am ] |
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I completely agree with wtd. Paying $600 for at least $1500 worth of equipment is a steal, but there's also a downfall: The PS2 also had a DVD player in it. When the main system came out it was $400. A good DVD player back them was easily that amount, so it looked like a steal, but the quality of it isn't the greatest. Plus you need to buy the remote seperately, also, it didn't come with dobly surround sound, you needed a whole setup of amps, speakers and such while the DVD player came with it's own, easy to use and set up, speakers. So taking that into account, do you think the blu-ray tech is really going to be revolutionary or is it going to be like it's predicessor (i used predicessor right this time) and just be something with adverage hardware? So it looks like a steal but after buying the secondary hardware and such to make it as good as hi-end equipment, is it really worth it? if you're just in it for the basic equipment and not looking for the best of the best, go for it, but if you need the most hi-tech equipment, then it's not worth buying the system then getting everything else to make it great. What i'm trying to say is, it's good, not great. War_Caymore |
Author: | wtd [ Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:32 pm ] |
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I think what you're trying to say is that the sales pitch could very well be: "The PS3 is only $600 and look at all it delivers! Now, can I show you the other $5,000 worth of stuff that you'll need to take advantage of the PS3's features?" |
Author: | zylum [ Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:43 pm ] |
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the blu-ray isnt only meant for playing bluray movies. all the games will be in this format thus allowing for greater content. also, you dont think a blu-ray will come in handy any time soon? i already see commercials on TV saying how the movies are "coming to blu-ray". most movies will probably be coming out on blu-ray by the time the ps3 comes out. i think that blu-ray will be the tech that comes out on top (as opposed to hd-dvd). |
Author: | wtd [ Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:02 pm ] |
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The thing is... by the time blu-ray or hd-dvd media hit critical mass, it'll be because hardware to play them back will be reasonably priced. |
Author: | War_Caymore [ Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:25 pm ] |
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Just a question.... Didn't the world jsut recently get hit by the "dvd" craze. Everything was now coming out on VHS AND dvd. Just think, in another 5 years, blu-ray will become obsolete and ill be replaced with something that they will say is much better. Now in a year blu-ray will be high and alive, then out of underneath our noses, something new ill come out. It'll be bigger, hold more, and faster (isn't that always the case...). 60 years from now, when i'm a 85 year old gamer, my NES will still be hooked up to my super-uber-kewl-MEGA-HD-TV; playing SMB3, and QUAKE and DOOM will still be the pinnacle of my pc games, even if i do have teraflops (a teraflop is 1056 gb) of RAM. I will always remember the ways things used to be, in a little gray box that holds a 33mghz, a whopping 512kb RAM, 64kb graphic card, and the controller with only 8 buttons..... I know dan will come over and revise what i've written and put it into short form, so here it goes. KISS.... Keep it simple stupid. I'm a classic kinda guy, and nothing can replace the classics. ... I'm still pumped about the PS3. |
Author: | Dan [ Mon Jun 05, 2006 8:50 pm ] |
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War_Caymore wrote: I know dan will come over and revise what i've written and put it into short form, so here it goes. Who? Me? My option on blu-ray and hd dvd is that they are both over priced and i hostly do not whont to touch either of them intill i see some indications that they will be widly acpected. Hostly having hd or blu-ray in my console is not very appleaing to me. For the most part they just increas the price of games and the system. Are they realy going to need that much space for a game? And what was wrong with the mupital disk system that has be used in rpgs and fps on serveral consoles. I whould much rather have to deal with 3 disks if it ment saving money. Being a poor student, the ps3 is not very apealing at all. |
Author: | chrispminis [ Mon Jun 05, 2006 8:58 pm ] |
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If it makes anyone feel better about the PS3, it is supposedly being sold at a loss. Meaning, you definitely do get much more for your moneys worth. Compare its specs to a computer the same price... Im not hyped about the PS3 for its *amazing* bluray technology, although it might be handy. I agree with wtd. The day bluray becomes mainstream is the day bluray is extremely affordable. I still think 600$ is fair. It just seems like soo much more when your a poor student and you could get something like the Wii, which is also pretty cool. But otherwise PS3! P.S. Of course well have some fantastic new technology to replace bluray eventually, but what about after that? There will be new consoles, with new games, you just have to decide when you wanna buy them. |
Author: | Dan [ Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:36 pm ] |
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chrispminis wrote: If it makes anyone feel better about the PS3, it is supposedly being sold at a loss. Meaning, you definitely do get much more for your moneys worth. Compare its specs to a computer the same price...
Ah but it many be cheaper but it is all soidered together and suck in a console unlike a computer. If the ps3 was as functainal as a personaol computer then you whould be right but in reality it's use, upgradiablity and modifaction capasitiy are quite limited. |
Author: | Remm [ Tue Jun 06, 2006 6:30 pm ] |
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uh, just a shot in the dark here, but also if they change to blu-ray, wont dvd movies become unplayable on them? also meaning that you couldnt play ps2 // ps1 games on the ps3? |
Author: | Dan [ Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:21 pm ] |
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blu-ray and hd dvd are both backwords combatiab with noraml dvd in most (if not all) cases. |
Author: | [Gandalf] [ Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:41 pm ] |
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Hacker Dan wrote: upgradiablity and modifaction capasitiy are quite limited.
Yes, but what percentage of people actually modify their computer after they buy it? Other than upgrading Windows ME to XP? Not a majority, that's for sure. |
Author: | Dan [ Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:47 pm ] |
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[Gandalf] wrote: Hacker Dan wrote: upgradiablity and modifaction capasitiy are quite limited.
Yes, but what percentage of people actually modify their computer after they buy it? Other than upgrading Windows ME to XP? Not a majority, that's for sure. Ah but how offten do they modfiey the software running on there computer? Shure it is posiable to do on a console but ushely threw complicaed ways and some times the company making the console aucatly trys to stop this. |
Author: | [Gandalf] [ Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:10 pm ] |
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Not if they manage to integrate Linux into the PS3 successfully. |
Author: | Andy [ Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:08 pm ] |
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PS3 hardware slow and broken |
Author: | Dan [ Wed Jun 07, 2006 3:55 am ] |
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[Gandalf] wrote: Not if they manage to integrate Linux into the PS3 successfully.
I can (and have) put linux on a game cube but this dose not make it a PC or even close to a PC replament. There is just somthing kind of useless about the linux shell and no keyborad.... |
Author: | War_Caymore [ Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:06 am ] |
Post subject: | Good Point... |
Remm wrote: uh, just a shot in the dark here, but also if they change to blu-ray, wont dvd movies become unplayable on them? also meaning that you couldnt play ps2 // ps1 games on the ps3?
I don't know exacly... Although it might be modified to play DVDs and mabey PS2 but don't expect it. Instead they are going to use a diffrent approach for people to play thier ancient PS and PS2 games. You will be able to download them though the Server they will have going. You will have to pay for the game and it will be saved directly to your HD. Problem is, you will need to hook up your PS3 to the internet, but for msot of us that shouldn't be a problem. I will look into the matter asap and answer your question. War_Caymore |
Author: | Remm [ Wed Jun 07, 2006 4:48 pm ] |
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thanks but you say you'll have to download them; my net wouldnt be able to handle it, secondly - what about the ps1 games I already have? being able to select / buy games from a list online seems pleasing, since it removes the need to find them phisically at EB or somthing, but what about somthing already purchased? Well, all in due time -.- |
Author: | [Gandalf] [ Wed Jun 07, 2006 5:30 pm ] |
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Hacker Dan wrote: I can (and have) put linux on a game cube but this dose not make it a PC or even close to a PC replament. There is just somthing kind of useless about the linux shell and no keyborad....
PS3 is supposed to fully support USB keyboard and mouse input... |
Author: | Dan [ Wed Jun 07, 2006 6:57 pm ] |
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[Gandalf] wrote: Hacker Dan wrote: I can (and have) put linux on a game cube but this dose not make it a PC or even close to a PC replament. There is just somthing kind of useless about the linux shell and no keyborad....
PS3 is supposed to fully support USB keyboard and mouse input... Well the gamecube has a keyborad (witch i have) (and there is an adpator to use a usb keyborad) aswell but it did not make linux on it any more usefull. Have you ever tryed to use an OS on a console? It is just so limiting, i sugest you try it to see what i mean. They are just no desginede to work like personal computers, it may make a good media ceneter but i do not see any one using it for msn and internet bowsing. esplaty if you do not have a HD TV, noraml text dose not come out so well on a noraml tv. You can realy see that when you hock your computer to a tv. |
Author: | chrispminis [ Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:40 pm ] |
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Im pretty sure you can use consoles for instant messenging, but besides that... Consoles were obviously not meant to run like that, there only purpose so far is to be a specialised gaming machine. And so far its good at it. And it has the convenience that you wont find a game thats out of your performance class. |
Author: | Dan [ Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:25 am ] |
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chrispminis wrote: Im pretty sure you can use consoles for instant messenging, but besides that... Consoles were obviously not meant to run like that, there only purpose so far is to be a specialised gaming machine. And so far its good at it. And it has the convenience that you wont find a game thats out of your performance class.
I never side you could not do it i just side peoleop don't do it for good reasn. My point as you just stadted is that a PS3 or any other console is not a PC replacment and thous it is pointless to compare it as one. |
Author: | codemage [ Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:05 am ] |
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I'm sure this can be taken with a grain of salt, but Sony is claiming (as of two days ago): "the PS3 is a a computer, not a console" "many parts of the PS3 are upgradable" "As PS3 is a computer... it also wants to evolve. We'll want to upgrade the HDD size very soon... if new standards appear on the PC." "We may want the [Blu-ray] drive to [have a writable version upgrade]." "We believe that the PS3 will be the place where our users play games, watch films, browse the Web, and use other computer functions. The PlayStation 3 is a computer. We do not need the PC." |
Author: | wtd [ Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:14 am ] |
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And completely unfocused products, lacking some massive intervention by external forces, usually fail. |
Author: | War_Caymore [ Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:28 pm ] |
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I know about the next gen consoles acting and preforming like computers, but i never actualy though anyone would admit that they are making a computer, not a console. This is the first time i heard of this so i'm going to look that up later. Anyways, this is beginning to look like the end of console gaming as we know it. These new consoles are actualy, slowly turning into computers. (1) They are connected to the net now. (2) The DS (although not a console) is coming out with a web brouser (3) The dam PSP already has one (4) Most of them inclue an HD (hard dive) ... the list goes on ... Believe it or not, it's the end of console gaming as we know it. Soon enough, were gonna need to install our games on our HDs in our consoles. O WAIT! FF XI already did that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! War_Caymore[/u] |
Author: | Remm [ Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:51 pm ] |
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yeah.. speaking of such, think they'll get a better keyboard system for the psp? i hate having phone-style stuffs, there should be a option. if things are getting closer and closer to computers, why dont they jsut make there own damn computers? Consoles play on your TV and have multiple players per console (e.i. 4 people on a dreamcast) so why not just make a full fledged computer system that has multiple controler ports, yet can play like a computer? (mouse and whatnot) and is able to be moved back n forth from like ps2 style gameplay to stuff with mouse / keyboard (pick it up n move it to your PC monitor) and be able to play stuffs like warcraft 3. I guess it doesnt sound too possible, but that would be the ultimate hybrid system. Btw, powerstone collections is coming out for the psp. that is gunna rock. Yuffie + Pink = Ayane = ownage |
Author: | chrispminis [ Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:01 pm ] |
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Gah... It was better when they were just making consoles, specifically for video games. All these attempts to cover basically every electronic market out there is not cool. Especially the upgradeable part, although it will be cheaper, I dont wanna have to worry about whether my system is nice enough to play the new releases. Anyways... just another note... why do we have like 6 different nextgen console threads...? Its pretty annoying. |
Author: | codemage [ Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:22 am ] |
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Three reasons why Sony is beating (and will continue to beat) Microsoft. For the record, I intend on getting neither the 360 or the PS3. #1: The 360 was released seven months ago. During that period, the PS2 (TWO!) has outsold the 360 by over 3:2. If the 360 is losing to the previous gen console, how well can it realistically fare against the PS3? #2: Each new PS3 will likely come not only with Linux preinstalled, but also a compiler and a set of development tools. It appears that the PS3's core will be fully modifiable and upgradeable with whatever open source the user wants. How difficult will this be? According to IBM, "Porting for Linux ... on Cell's PowerPC core is a relatively easy task" Compare this with the 360 - whose software is decided entirely by the benevolent overlords at MS. #3: PS3 online play is completely free. The charges will only for content (like the XBOX online marketplace). MS intents to continue with Gold / Silver memberships. (Online play is free exclusively for games that are online-only). #4: Here's a bonus. Microsoft employees and XBOX lovers are spreading all sorts of rumours through the media about the PS3 as a "broken" console. The facts are skewed through bias: the PS3 specs are provided by Sony. They stand by their memory read speeds, etc. - and for anyone who understands how hardware works, the specs are more than adequate. (Slow local RSX memory my foot. Who at the Inquirer thought that the processor suddenly needs to read from the GPU at burst speed?) |