Computer Science Canada

Math Fourm?

Author:  Dan [ Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Math Fourm?

I have been seeing alot of posts about math and phsyics problems lattey, so i was whondering if a math forum whould be a good idea in v3.

Whould it just cluter things up more? Or whould it be a good resueces for the futtuer. In v3 we have subtopics so we are saving alot of space. We could use this space for another forum.

If not math, what other kinds of fourms whould you like to see in the futtuer?

P.S. I intetanly did not post this in feterued polls, not all polls most be featured =p

Author:  Mazer [ Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:40 pm ]
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Certainly not... game development and design. Confused
But I'm sure alot of <strike>people</strike> nerds would appreciate a math forum.

Author:  Andy [ Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:44 pm ]
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if we start a math forum, then i dont see why it would be a bad idea to have an hardware one.

Author:  Flikerator [ Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:50 pm ]
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Math forum, sure. You all can help me with my Discreat Geometry Course ;P

Author:  neufelni [ Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:16 pm ]
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I think that adding a Python forum would be great.

Author:  Clayton [ Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:14 pm ]
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a math forum would probably be a good idea, but allow it to be language specific, so that ppl could ask questions specific to a problem they have to their language

Author:  Mazer [ Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:53 pm ]
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Math... language?

Author:  Clayton [ Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:55 pm ]
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have like a mini forum for each programming language to allow for math algorithims and such that can be used in each language

Author:  Dan [ Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:04 pm ]
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I realy don't know about that one. That whould be alot of fourms and we allready have general progaming.

I ment this more for pure math questions and ideas. Alot of peoleop taking computer science in uni are subjected to such clases and i think a genreaal math fourm whould be a great help to them.

Author:  cool dude [ Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:10 pm ]
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i think a math forum is a good idea! although i don't know how much will be posted in it because look now. there weren't that many questions being asked for math help in off topic and having a seperate one might just take up room. my suggestion is combining math and physics forum together therefore at least it will be more active (i guess).

Author:  Cervantes [ Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:10 pm ]
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Math, Physics, Chemistry, what have you... it's all good. It would be good to have an academic type forum that isn't purely computer science related so such posts don't have to go in [OT].

Author:  md [ Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:28 pm ]
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Hmmm... why not turn compsci into a usenet portal and run a usenet server... then we could have as many subtopics as we wanted!

I dunno if it's worth it. Yes there are quite a few questions; but many are asked by people wanting to implement the physics. Those people are still going to ask in the language specific forum.

Author:  chrispminis [ Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:45 pm ]
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I think its a good idea for one reason only...

MATH CONTESTS! lol, everyone here takes the pascal,cayley,fermat,fryer,galois,hypatia, euclid, etc. contests right?

Took the galois this morning and anxious to discuss.

I don't care if we had two subsections one for math generally, other for math contests.

We could also post interesting math or logic based riddles.

Author:  Tony [ Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:48 pm ]
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well Math and CS generally go well together. CS majors take a lot of Math courses.

More importantly is Math implemintation in programming (mostly Trig I guess)

Though also Physics and programming there of.

Basically I'm in favour of Math, though we'd need some TeX support for formulas.

Author:  TokenHerbz [ Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:10 pm ]
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well i dont think a math forum would be frivolous...

I for one would like it. Have 3 parts:

1) Trig
2) Phys
3) Other

any we will be underway, hacker_dan, whens the vote ready to take actions? we are in favor of YES!

Author:  ZeroPaladn [ Fri Apr 21, 2006 1:33 pm ]
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Loving the idea! I hope we can have a trig sticky Rolling Eyes anyways, i like the idea, cause it could teach newer programmers (including myself) how to use math more effectivly (if at all) in their programs. Im up for it!
