%Display Menu
procedure displayMenu
put "1. Add a new student to the tree"
put "2. Load tree from record file"
put "3. List all records in the tree"
put "4. List a specific student"
put "5. Delete a student"
put "9. Exit"
end displayMenu
%Make the record
type StudentRecType :
StudentNum : int
SurName : string (10)
FirstName : string (10)
Average : real
end record
%Pointer Record
type StudentLinkRecType :
StudentNum : int
SurName : string (10)
FirstName : string (10)
Average : real
%Greater than Side pointer and Less than Side pointer
LT : ^StudentLinkRecType
GT : ^StudentLinkRecType
end record
%add proc for loading which will set root to the lowest rLinked
proc add (var root, nr : ^StudentLinkRecType)
%Recursive until root = nil, which will then be set to nr
if root = nil then
root := nr
elsif (root -> StudentNum) < (nr -> StudentNum) then
add (root -> GT, nr)
add (root -> LT, nr)
end if
end add
%Load Students
procedure loadStudents (var root : ^StudentLinkRecType)
%Point root at empty
root := nil
var stream : int := 0
%Open the record file
open : stream, "i:/Ics4/Turing/students.rec", read
var r : StudentRecType
var rLinked : ^StudentLinkRecType
var FileIsEmpty : boolean := true
exit when eof (stream)
read : stream, r
FileIsEmpty := false
%Add to list
new rLinked
rLinked -> StudentNum := r.StudentNum
rLinked -> SurName := r.SurName
rLinked -> FirstName := r.FirstName
rLinked -> Average := r.Average
rLinked -> LT := nil
rLinked -> GT := nil
add (root, rLinked)
end loop
close : stream
if FileIsEmpty = true then
put "File is Empty"
end if
end loadStudents
%Display the tree in order according to student number
proc displayStudents (root : ^StudentLinkRecType)
%If the less than is not nil there is another rec smaller
if (root -> LT not= nil) then
%recall display pointing root at the smaller rec
displayStudents (root -> LT)
end if
%Display Student, note it will be the smallest from above call
put root -> StudentNum : 10, " " : 10, root -> SurName + ", " + root -> FirstName : 25, root -> Average : 5 : 1
%Now checking right side of tree, check if there is anything greater
if (root -> GT not= nil) then
displayStudents (root -> GT)
end if
end displayStudents
%Add Student to List
proc addStudent (var root, adding : ^StudentLinkRecType)
%Send pointer data to list, add student in
add (root, adding)
end addStudent
%List Specific Student
proc listStudent (root : ^StudentLinkRecType, num : int, var exist : boolean)
%Search for left side of tree
if (root -> LT not= nil) then
%recall listStudent pointing root at the smaller data
listStudent (root -> LT, num, exist)
end if
%List the student if numbers match
if (root -> StudentNum = num) then
exist := false
put root -> StudentNum : 10, " " : 10, root -> SurName + ", " + root -> FirstName : 25, root -> Average : 5 : 1
end if
%Now search right side of tree
if (root -> GT not= nil) then
listStudent (root -> GT, num, exist)
end if
end listStudent
%Delete Student
proc delStudent (var root, delr,temp : ^StudentLinkRecType, var c : int)
%Check if the student number is equal
if (root -> StudentNum = delr -> StudentNum) then
if (root -> LT = nil) and c not= 2 then
root := delr -> GT
c := 2
root := delr -> LT
c := 1
end if
elsif (root -> StudentNum) > (delr -> StudentNum) and c = 0 then
delStudent (root -> LT, delr,temp, c)
elsif (root -> StudentNum) < (delr -> StudentNum) then
delStudent (root -> GT, delr,temp, c)
end if
end delStudent
%Main Program
var root : ^StudentLinkRecType
root := nil
var SearchNum : int
var choice : string (1)
put "Enter choice: " ..
getch (choice)
put ""
put ""
case (choice) of
label "1" :
%Create a new temporary pointer to store data
var temproot : ^StudentLinkRecType
new temproot
%Store the data into the pointer, student information
put "Enter the student's number: " ..
get temproot -> StudentNum
put "Enter the student's last name: " ..
get temproot -> SurName
put "Enter the student's first name: " ..
get temproot -> FirstName
put "Enter the student's average: " ..
get temproot -> Average
%Set greater and less to nil
temproot -> GT := nil
temproot -> LT := nil
%add student procedure, using root from original program and temporary pointer's data
addStudent (root, temproot)
put "Student has been added."
label "2" :
loadStudents (root)
put "Students loaded."
label "3" :
if root = nil then
put "No students in list."
displayStudents (root)
end if
label "4" :
if root = nil then
put "No students in list."
put "Enter the student's number"
var exist : boolean := true
get SearchNum
listStudent (root, SearchNum, exist)
if exist = true then
put "Student does not exist"
end if
end if
label "5" :
%Create a new temporary pointer to store data and the data to delete
var delr,temp : ^StudentLinkRecType
new delr
new temp
%Store the data into the pointer, student information
put "Enter the student's number: " ..
get delr -> StudentNum
%Set greater and less to nil
delr -> GT := nil
delr -> LT := nil
temp -> LT := nil
temp -> GT := nil
var check : int := 0
delStudent (root, delr, temp,check)
label "9" :
label :
put "Invalid choice"
end case
exit when choice = "9"
put ""
put "Press any key to continue"
getch (choice)
end loop
put ""
put "Program ended" |